Lurker Posted December 21, 2006 Posted December 21, 2006 All the 'News' That's Fit to Print... Plus this gem: 'I'll Steal Your Girl"
Phlegm Alley Posted December 21, 2006 Posted December 21, 2006 Rosie looks like she wears underwear with dickholes in it.
ajzepp Posted December 21, 2006 Posted December 21, 2006 Rosie is an idiot.... Trump OWNS the damn pageant! He HAS to make a decision on whether the (incredibly hot) woman can continue or if she's gonna be fired. How that equates to him as the 'moral authority' is beyond me! Besides, how many of us were "living the rockstar life" when we were 20 or 21 y.o.? Hell, if my family knew the kind of stuff I was doing back at that age, they'd flip! And the stuff I was doing is pretty tame compared to what others get themselves into. The part of Rosie's little rant that I found the most absurd was when she said she didn't have to worry about Trump suing her because he'd be bankrupt. I think maybe she needs to ask someone how lawsuits work....
SD Jarhead Posted December 21, 2006 Posted December 21, 2006 While I'm no big Donald Trump fan (in fact, I think he's an ego-maniac), you've gotta love him calling out Rosie O'Fat. I can't stand that hypocrite. She is freaken NASTY! It is refreshing in this day and age for someone to speak their mind without fear of the PC police. She is exactly what he said she is...a fat lesbian slob with a nasty mouth. Good for him!
tennesseeboy Posted December 21, 2006 Posted December 21, 2006 Rosie won't be long for the view. They'll let her go on for a period so there can be "plausible deniability" and then can her.
ajzepp Posted December 21, 2006 Posted December 21, 2006 Since it's a relatively convenient comparison, I will say that I'm glad Ellen DeGeneres finally got a clue, STFU, and got back to entertaining people. While I was really annoyed when she turned her show into a 30-min gay rights infomercial, I've always thought she was very, very talented. The difference is that while Ellen can raise her career from the brink of disaster by going back to her roots and focusing on what made her a great entertainer to begin with, Rosie's reliance upon controversy just proves what many people have felt all along - she's a talentless pig.
erynthered Posted December 21, 2006 Posted December 21, 2006 Since it's a relatively convenient comparison, I will say that I'm glad Ellen DeGeneres finally got a clue, STFU, and got back to entertaining people. While I was really annoyed when she turned her show into a 30-min gay rights infomercial, I've always thought she was very, very talented. The difference is that while Ellen can raise her career from the brink of disaster by going back to her roots and focusing on what made her a great entertainer to begin with, Rosie's reliance upon controversy just proves what many people have felt all along - she's a talentless pig. 874328[/snapback] You could say the same about Rosanne Barr-Arnold-whateveritisnow.
ajzepp Posted December 21, 2006 Posted December 21, 2006 You could say the same about Rosanne Barr-Arnold-whateveritisnow. 874336[/snapback] Ugh....she makes me sick, too.
5 Wide Posted December 21, 2006 Posted December 21, 2006 That talking Heifer should stick to things she can't get debated on, such as creme filling, poor ratings, and strap ons.
theesir Posted December 21, 2006 Posted December 21, 2006 CAll me a gay Rosie lover.... actually, please don't, but anyway.... She said Trump was an multiple time adulterer making decisions about morality and that it was basically the pot calling the kettle black.... I think she's right.
Cugalabanza Posted December 21, 2006 Posted December 21, 2006 I think it's time for both of these remarkably talented geniuses to stop bickering and join forces to make the world a better place. I personally am I lifelong fan of audaciously bad hairstyles and incessant loudmouth blabbering. Therefore, it hurts me to see these two glorious and wonderful examples of this stimulating culture of ours fighting. I certainly hope all this does not have a negative effect on the great institution of the Miss America Pageant, which in my mind, has always been the definitive example of classy, understated good taste and artistic merit for the discerning viewer. Not some kind of garish overproduced spectacle or something like that.
Alaska Darin Posted December 21, 2006 Posted December 21, 2006 remarkably talented geniuses 874398[/snapback]
theesir Posted December 21, 2006 Posted December 21, 2006 I certainly hope all this does not have a negative effect on the great institution of the Miss America Pageant, 874398[/snapback] Actually its the Miss USA pagent. I believe the Donald ripped on the fact that the Miss America pagent has been relegated to some "no one watches" cable network in his stiring response to Ms. O' Donnell.
tennesseeboy Posted December 21, 2006 Posted December 21, 2006 CAll me a gay Rosie lover.... actually, please don't, but anyway.... She said Trump was an multiple time adulterer making decisions about morality and that it was basically the pot calling the kettle black.... I think she's right. 874385[/snapback] But isn't all of the things she said irrelevant? Trump did not say he himself was perfect or without sin, but rather that people should have second chances. Now I could see her spouting her venom if Trump dethroned the kid. (although the response might be that the kid made promises and represented herself as something special when she got the gig, and didn't live up to it.) but I think she has nerve. Trump on the other hand, while he had more justification in pointing out Rosie's flaws-both being public celebrities and adults, and Rosie "starting it" as we used to say as kids, probably made a bad decision giving her any publicity whatsoever. For what its worth I think Trump should have asked to resign and sent her to rehab on their dime. I don't think I would have let her stay as Miss whatever.
ajzepp Posted December 21, 2006 Posted December 21, 2006 CAll me a gay Rosie lover.... actually, please don't, but anyway.... She said Trump was an multiple time adulterer making decisions about morality and that it was basically the pot calling the kettle black.... I think she's right. 874385[/snapback] How exactly is he making decisions about morality?? He decided whether she gets to keep the crown or not in a pageant that he OWNS. I think you may be one of those gay rosie lovers....
Cugalabanza Posted December 21, 2006 Posted December 21, 2006 Actually its the Miss USA pagent. I believe the Donald ripped on the fact that the Miss America pagent has been relegated to some "no one watches" cable network in his stiring response to Ms. O' Donnell. 874406[/snapback] Oh, yeah. That's what I meant. The good, classy one. Not that other trashy one that only degenerates and low lifes watch.
ajzepp Posted December 21, 2006 Posted December 21, 2006 But isn't all of the things she said irrelevant? Trump did not say he himself was perfect or without sin, but rather that people should have second chances. Exactly....and even if what she said WAS relevant, Trump would be acting like more of a moral policeman by kicking her ass out as opposed to giving her a 'second chance'.
theesir Posted December 21, 2006 Posted December 21, 2006 Exactly....and even if what she said WAS relevant, Trump would be acting like more of a moral policeman by kicking her ass out as opposed to giving her a 'second chance'. 874414[/snapback] BLAH BLAH BLAH... I just wanted to be outed as a Gay, Rosie Lover. I am just kidding.
ajzepp Posted December 21, 2006 Posted December 21, 2006 BLAH BLAH BLAH... I just wanted to be outed as a Gay, Rosie Lover. I am just kidding. 874421[/snapback] To each his own, my friend
Lurker Posted December 21, 2006 Author Posted December 21, 2006 Who wouldn't spend $$$ to see them settle it this way...
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