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For years, these women have been placed on a pedestal for their beauty, incredible bodies, and genuine American sexuality. A major portion of their evaluation takes place while they are wearing about $1.65 worth of fabric in the bikini contest. And then people are in an uproar when these girls go out to clubs and act sexual? (Not you guys, I'm talking about the uproar in general public and the media.)


I fully understand that obtaining the title of Miss Any-State requires a certain degree of responsibility and decorum, because now that person is no longer just Jill kissing a hot chick at a bar; she's Miss Nevada kissing a hot chick at a bar.


However, are we REALLY taking these Miss Whatever pageants seriously? Aren't there thousands of women (who don't look as good in a bikini) who would be better served to be Miss New York, if the intention was truly to help one or more worthy causes? These girls don't wear the sash because they have the most potential for increasing literacy levels in inner-city schools. They are wearing the sash because of their hot ass. If they want to flash their thong, or a little titty, that's their perogative as a hot young female.

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Usually, a vanishingly small portion of America pays attention to this beauty pagent for maybe one day a year. Miss USA's indiscretions are giving the pageant more publicity in a week than they'd normally get in a decade.


That's why "The Donald" didn't fire her. This is the best thing that ever happened to this pageant. Given Miss Nevada's actions now...maybe they should just make lesbian make-out sessions a pageant competition... :doh:

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Usually, a vanishingly small portion of America pays attention to this beauty pagent for maybe one day a year.  Miss USA's indiscretions are giving the pageant more publicity in a week than they'd normally get in a decade.


That's why "The Donald" didn't fire her.  This is the best thing that ever happened to this pageant.  Given Miss Nevada's actions now...maybe they should just make lesbian make-out sessions a pageant competition...  :doh:


I heard on the radio yesterday that Trump has a new TV show coming out called "Second Chance." If that really is true, he's a freaking genius.
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I shudder at the thought of the Miss Canada sex scandal. 


They are quick to point out the shortcomings of our girls, but leave theirs alone.


Is Celine Dion Miss Canada again this year?  :doh:



No but her relative is running for Prime Minister :(

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