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Sabres "concerns"


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No panic here, I think we all know the Sabres are still one of the top teams in the league, and have probably the best chance of being the top seed in the Eastern Conference heading into the playoffs. That said, a few areas of concern that have bubbled up recently, as well as some other random thoughts:


-Special teams (particularly the stale power play.) Keep working Timmy Connolly!


-Miller starting 14 games in a row. This team has visions of a Stanley Cup. But let's not forget that Miller played into June last year, but that was with the benefit of rest from an injury and the Olympic break. With aspirations of playing well into June this year, I wouldn't mind at all seeing Marty in there every 6-7 games or so. Not that I'm worried about Miller; I'm not. But he has had a few games during this stretch where he was not as sharp as we're used to seeing him. He's also been brilliant at times.


-Same issue with Campbell. I know he can handle playing 30 minutes a night. But do we need him doing it in November and December, when we're still hoping to be playing in six months? He's playing at an All Star level, but let's not wear him down while playing a call-up for 5 minutes a night.


-Other teams have caught on to the Sabres break-out schemes and are taking steps to ensure the Sabres don't generate offense on the rush. Buffalo can expect most teams to forecheck with one and keep four guys back for the rest of the year. That means a lot more dumping in and doing the dirty work in the corners. They have proven in years past and even at times this year that they can be successful grinding down low...They just need to be more consistent. Again, not worried.


-The offensive distribution has been weak lately. Most of the offense has come from three guys: Briere, Max, and Vanek. Drury has the numbers but he has fallen off a bit lately. They need some production from ice-cold forwards Kotalik, Pominville, and Roy. Those guys are no longer welcome surprises as fill in's for injured Dumont and Briere; we are counting on them for offense. If Lindy can get two of those three going at the same time, they will be in good shape.


-Tallinder comes back in a week, which will be HUGE. He was the best defenseman in the league during his pre-injury playoffs last year, and was playing at the same level early on this year. Add to that, Lydman seems to struggle with everyone he plays with until he's paired with Henrik, and then he plays like a #1 defensman. Tallinder's return can't be understated, and can't come soon enough. The bright spot: Paetsch has played admirably in his place, and would be a solid #4 or #5, much less #7.


-In the midst of cursing the Sabres for their performance last night, it became very hard to worry too much about a Buffalo loss when Rob Ray reminded the viewers about Bob Gainey's daughter swept out to sea. There's never a good time for tragedy, but the holidays somehow makes it worse. Condolences to the Gainey family; here's hoping your daughter is at peace. And thanks to Ray and MSG for putting the game in perspective for me.


-The Sabres are in a GREAT spot and are well-positioned for when the season TRULY starts in January. Should be six full months of excitement in '07!

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it basically comes down to this...when I sit with the north towners in the 100/200 level we lose...when I sit in the 300 level with my south town, lunch pail compadres....we roll.....I sat in the 100 level vs the 1st Leafs game...we got rolled....I sat in the 200 level last night...we got rolled....

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it basically comes down to this...when I sit with the north towners in the 100/200 level we lose...when I sit in the 300 level with my south town, lunch pail compadres....we roll.....I sat in the 100 level vs the 1st Leafs game...we got rolled....I sat in the 200 level last night...we got rolled....



I'm just the opposite. I'm 0-3 in the uppers and 1-0 in the 100's. I'm not that excited that the team has only lost 7 games all year, and I've been at 3 of them! (Leafs, Montreal OT loss, and Ottawa on Sat. The victory was Carolina early on.)

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No panic here, I think we all know the Sabres are still one of the top teams in the league, and have probably the best chance of being the top seed in the Eastern Conference heading into the playoffs.  That said, a few areas of concern that have bubbled up recently, as well as some other random thoughts:


-Special teams (particularly the stale power play.)  Keep working Timmy Connolly!


-Miller starting 14 games in a row.  This team has visions of a Stanley Cup.  But let's not forget that Miller played into June last year, but that was with the benefit of rest from an injury and the Olympic break.  With aspirations of playing well into June this year, I wouldn't mind at all seeing Marty in there every 6-7 games or so.  Not that I'm worried about Miller; I'm not.  But he has had a few games during this stretch where he was not as sharp as we're used to seeing him.  He's also been brilliant at times.


-Same issue with Campbell.  I know he can handle playing 30 minutes a night.  But do we need him doing it in November and December, when we're still hoping to be playing in six months?  He's playing at an All Star level, but let's not wear him down while playing a call-up for 5 minutes a night.


-Other teams have caught on to the Sabres break-out schemes and are taking steps to ensure the Sabres don't generate offense on the rush.  Buffalo can expect most teams to forecheck with one and keep four guys back for the rest of the year.  That means a lot more dumping in and doing the dirty work in the corners.  They have proven in years past and even at times this year that they can be successful grinding down low...They just need to be more consistent.  Again, not worried.


-The offensive distribution has been weak lately.  Most of the offense has come from three guys: Briere, Max, and Vanek.  Drury has the numbers but he has fallen off a bit lately.  They need some production from ice-cold forwards Kotalik, Pominville, and Roy.  Those guys are no longer welcome surprises as fill in's for injured Dumont and Briere; we are counting on them for offense.  If Lindy can get two of those three going at the same time, they will be in good shape.


-Tallinder comes back in a week, which will be HUGE.  He was the best defenseman in the league during his pre-injury playoffs last year, and was playing at the same level early on this year.  Add to that, Lydman seems to struggle with everyone he plays with until he's paired with Henrik, and then he plays like a #1 defensman.  Tallinder's return can't be understated, and can't come soon enough.  The bright spot: Paetsch has played admirably in his place, and would be a solid #4 or #5, much less #7.


-In the midst of cursing the Sabres for their performance last night, it became very hard to worry too much about a Buffalo loss when Rob Ray reminded the viewers about Bob Gainey's daughter swept out to sea.  There's never a good time for tragedy, but the holidays somehow makes it worse.  Condolences to the Gainey family; here's hoping your daughter is at peace.  And thanks to Ray and MSG for putting the game in perspective for me.


-The Sabres are in a GREAT spot and are well-positioned for when the season TRULY starts in January.  Should be six full months of excitement in '07!




It's like you poured out everything I was thinking. It is especially true about the other teams going 1 in and 4 back into the Sabres zone. They are also making bad decisions down low on defense. They are reversing the play along the boards too frequently as opposed to just getting it out sometimes.

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I'm just the opposite.  I'm 0-3 in the uppers and 1-0 in the 100's.  I'm not that excited that the team has only lost 7 games all year, and I've been at 3 of them!  (Leafs, Montreal OT loss, and Ottawa on Sat.  The victory was Carolina early on.)


I sold me 300 level tix a few weeks back for like 140 and picked up a 200 level pair on the Sabres replay for 175...so sitting in the clubs for $35...not too shabby....

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I am not worried either...We knew we wouldn't be playing .900 hockey the whole year. The losses to Ottawa did not trouble me as much, however, as the losses to Montreal. I think they are pretty formidable, and seem to have best figuered out a way to keep the Sabres out of synch offensively.


I do agree with your point about Miller too. It seems to me, if we have Biron, and we are paying him as much as we are, why not use him a little more often? To me Miller and Biron are a re-incarnation of Don Edwards and Bob Sauve. Night in night out, and for the grind, Edwards (role now played by Ryan Miller) was the more solid goalie, but Sauve (now Biron) was capable of playing lights out goaltending in streaks. I am not sure why Lindy is so reluctant to play Biron more often...not blaming anything on Miller, just give the kid a break from time to time. Sometimes he just looks a little more fatigued than others.


Go Sabres!

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I am not worried either...We knew we wouldn't be playing .900 hockey the whole year.  The losses to Ottawa did not trouble me as much, however, as the losses to Montreal.  I think they are pretty formidable, and seem to have best figuered out a way to keep the Sabres out of synch offensively.



Montreal has impressed me everytime I've seen them, both last year and this year. Huet has been on fire, and even though they have an excellent team, the goalie will likely be their meal ticket (much like the Sabres.)

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The Sabres seem to be panicking with the puck. Montreal likes to stand up to the rush at their blue line. The Sabres were skating straight to them as if they didn't know how to circle wide to take it deep or drop a pass back to a follower. There was also panic with the breakouts. The Sabres have been used to certain skating lanes but the Habs among others have sealed off those options. The obvious thing to do is to create new lanes with the open ice that is available. New creativity is needed on the power play also. The Sabres have been getting attacked with aggressive defense. So draw the defender in and pass to the opening. I know it isn't that easy but like football you must adjust. Montreal is a sound team. I sense that the NHL in general is tightening up again but without as much of the clutching bs.


My condolences also to the Gainey family. Peace.

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I think Hecht is a liability. He was horrible last night



I think Jochen is a pretty important cog, even if you don't notice him that much. Especially last year, the team really struggled when he was out of the lineup. I don't think he's a liability at all...Rather, I think he does a lot of the dirty work, especially on the defensive end, that allows Briere to be Briere.


I'm not a huge fan of Hecht on the power play.

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