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Fairchild article on bb.com


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The Fairchild article regarding JP's maturing process is worth the read. The hard and conservative coaching has been a little maddening--not using JP's mobility; lack of audibles; running into halftime with timeouts still left----but you can't argue with progress and JP has made significant progress..


Here are the last 4 paragraphs of the article:


That's why Losman lobbies with Fairchild to open the playbook up a little more each week to give him more varied ways in which to succeed on the field.


"We've come a long way," Losman said. "I'm trying to scratch and fight (with Fairchild) to throw it a little bit more and earn that coach's confidence in his players. It's hard to (convince) him. He's going to do his thing. We can suggest certain things and Turk (Schonert) can suggest some things, but it's his show."


And Fairchild would prefer to keep his show on track, which means staying the course in light of the steady improvement he's getting from Losman.


"I've been very hard on him since the beginning," said Fairchild of Losman. "Obviously he's made progress. We're doing a little more in the red zone and it shows and we're doing a little more on third down and it shows. But it's still a process. Unfortunately it's taken longer than all of us would like, but to make the right progress this is the way we're doing it."

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