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I look forward to attending mass.


And going twice this Sunday is no different.


I could never consider celebrating the birth of Christ as an inconvenience.


I wish the NFL had more respect for the Holy season, and chose to play the games Saturday.


Actually, Christmas Eve, last time I checked, did not have any religious backings to it, only christmas day, so the only game that should not be played is the monday nighter.

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They should just have a 11:00 PM mass on Sunday... And then right away cut to the Midnight Christmas Mass... Just beat it in before the end of the Gospel of the 11:00 PM Sunday Mass and you should have it made! :(:wallbash::oops:


You can take a "smoke break" at the end of mass I and then beat it back in before the end of the Gospel of the Midnight Christmas Mass! :)0:)0:)


Of course I am joking... Father sees you and he will beat you senseless!


Even better? It was only during the summer time, but I remember going to St. William's (I think it was St. William's... On Harlem at Indian Church, in West Seneca) "drive-up" mass year's ago as a kid... You actually got to stay in your car! Pretty cool! B-)

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I am having an argument with my sister. I say going to church on Christmas Eve , 5.30 PM family mass this Sunday does double duty, takes care of your Sunday obligation as well as your Christmas obligations, a nice twofer , just not as neat as when Christmas is on a Sunday.


She says if ya only want to go Christmas eve, ya gotta go once in the Morning for your weekly obligation, and once that night for your holy day obligation. Shw asks why would they have a the regular services in the morning AND the additional services that evening if they were both not required?


Any catholic scholars that can tell me my eternal fate if I knock out both obligations with a 5.30 PM mass Sunday night?  BTW, will watching the Bills game via TIVO after the service.


saturday 5 pm mass for sunday

monday 10 o clock mass for christmas

gives you all day sunday to yourself .

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The wife  says we should find a church for mass out in buffalo before the game on sundays . I tell her that the parking lot is mass on sunday , a mass of people .



Really... I don't see why they can't have one at the outside practice field or somewhere close to the Ralph...


It isn't like drunks don't come to Midnight Mass anyway...



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