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Eat crow ESPN


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If I remember right the Bills would have no more then 4 wins this season. :rolleyes:


If I remember right the Bills would be fighting for Brady Quinn around Halloween. :nana:


If I remember right the Bills had the most horrible draft of all time. :nana:


If I remember right Mike Sherman was around and they chose Dick Jouran. :nana:


If I remember right Ralph Wilson and Marv Levy are over the hill. :nana:


If I remember right ESPN is the worldwide leader in sports. :P







Eat crow ya bastads. :P

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If I remember right the Bills would have no more then 4 wins this season.  :rolleyes:


If I remember right the Bills would be fighting for Brady Quinn around Halloween.  :nana:


If I remember right the Bills had the most horrible draft of all time.  :nana:


If I remember right Mike Sherman was around and they chose Dick Jouran.  :nana:


If I remember right Ralph Wilson and Marv Levy are over the hill.  :nana:


If I remember right ESPN is the worldwide leader in sports.  :P

Eat crow ya bastads.  :P


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I wish someone had a link to all of those to send to their e-mails over and over.



Thats just it, they talk arrogant garbage on the air, don't put it in writing and hope no one Tivos it. The only time they bring their predictions back is when they're right (which is about 25% of the time). Typical Bristol spineless "journalism."

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If I remember right the Bills would have no more then 4 wins this season.  :rolleyes:


If I remember right the Bills would be fighting for Brady Quinn around Halloween.  :nana:


If I remember right the Bills had the most horrible draft of all time.  :nana:


If I remember right Mike Sherman was around and they chose Dick Jouran.  :nana:


If I remember right Ralph Wilson and Marv Levy are over the hill.  :nana:


If I remember right ESPN is the worldwide leader in sports.  :P

Eat crow ya bastads.  :P




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If I remember right the Bills would have no more then 4 wins this season.  :rolleyes:


If I remember right the Bills would be fighting for Brady Quinn around Halloween.  :nana:


If I remember right the Bills had the most horrible draft of all time.  :nana:


If I remember right Mike Sherman was around and they chose Dick Jouran.  :nana:


If I remember right Ralph Wilson and Marv Levy are over the hill.  :nana:


If I remember right ESPN is the worldwide leader in sports.  :P

Eat crow ya bastads.  :P



ESPN just got...JACKED UP!!!


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How dare ESPN not pick the Bills to win it all?


They sure looked like worldbeaters back in week 3, didnt they?!?




Of course not, funny thing is that every other team received a TON of time... Bills pretty much none. Even now.

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A lot of people around here wanted Sherman and were very pissed at the thought of Dick Jauron. How's that texans offense doing with the great Mike Sherman? :unsure:


I'm man enough to admit I was one of them. Sherman seemed like a "real coach" that could succeed the short string of imposters we dealt with. Another bad coach (or bad coaching by coordinators, or whoever) might have crushed the spirit of the Bills' fans.


It is great to have a team that I'm excited to see play and grown, and coaches I think are above average.

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I doubt you could pull ESPN off of Tony Romo's unit long enough for them to care what they said about Buffalo before the season started.



And yesterday it was really annoying with their "The Blitz" show....They kept going back to other games and did not care to show highlights for the Bills-Fins game.

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If I remember right Mike Sherman was around and they chose Dick Jouran.  :unsure:



I was never an anti Dick Jouran guy, but I did want Sherman ahead of Jouran.

Although I think the coaching and play calling in part cost the Bills a couple of games early in the year, I am officially 100% on board behind Jouran!


Great personality for this young team.

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