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Any One Given Thought?

The Big Cat

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Evans would be slower and less effective, Parrish wouldn't be in the NFL, Hargrove would be an undersized DT, Losman uhhh..well he's a QB, muscle weight won't help him, and Simpson wouldn't be quick enough to be a good FS.


Other than that, I'm sure they'll all look great. The way training is nowdays, don't expect Kyle Williams to gain 15-30 pounds of muscle weight...these guys have been working out since they were 15 to try to become NFL players- their bodies won't mature that much more.


If you want a secondary full of musclebound Roy Williams' types that can't cover, so be it...but the Bills are building around speed so don't expect 45 incredible hulks on the field in 2 years.

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To What Lee Evans (25), Donte Whitner (21), JP (25), Roscoe (24), Ellison(22), Ko Simpson (23), Pennington (23), Hargrove (23), Kyle Williams (23) and Youboty (22) will look like/play like in two years when they've each gained between 15 and 30 lbs of muscle weight?



I don't spend my time thinking about naked football players... :rolleyes: but to answer your question - they would look like pin cushions.

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