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Football Night in America

Arkady Renko

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The Bills highlights were on and it was all pro-Buffalo. Mentioned several times we're still in the playoff hunt. Showed a graffic of all the teams left in the AFC and drop Miami from the list after the Bills highlights.


I actually enjoyed the show today. I thought they were funny, especially Collingworth saying, "Billick is telling the team not to act like the Bengals."

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nada. thye spent some time on the nfc playoff race, broke for commercial, came back and showed hi-lites from the jet/broncos/titans games and then went right to the playoff race. they did their usual buffoonery slapstick yuk yuks, and when discussing the teams with a very slight chance the only thing mentioned was that tennessee might win out but would still need hope.


screw 'em.


go bills.

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They totally gave the Bills the shaft. They talked about how great the Jests are playing, saying they were going to take one of the Wild Card spots, but they failed to mention that they were thumped a week ago in NJ by our beloved Bills. They showed the stinkin' fish logo disappear from the playoff board, but they failed to mention who kicked their asses off that board. No love, which is just the way

I want it.

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Check out NFL.com.  They had the Bills highlites about 1 hour after the game was over. 



The only thing that sucks is you have to use Real Player to watch it and it loves to load in your start up folder w/o your permission (as does Quicktime).


Check out:




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Hearing Shannon Sharpe's contrarian nonsense makes me happy the Bills weren't mentioned by those idiots. Remember the same thing happening in '04?


Anyway, his two blatantly retarded opinions:

1- San Francisco (6-8) will run the table and beat out Seattle (8-6) for the NFC West title. HOWEVER, Seattle will still get a Wild Card berth at 8-8. By the way, SF finishes the season @ Denver in a game the Broncos will undoubtedly need, Seattle finishes up @ Tampa Bay. Riiiiiiight, Shannon.


2- He said that both the 8-5 Bengals and 8-6 Jags would miss the playoffs. He said the Jets would get in, but wouldn't say who the other team would be. Interesting, seeing as how Cincy is one of the hottest teams in the league.


I don't think Jacksonville will get in, but to say Cincy will miss is ridiculous because A) they essentially have a game in hand on the rest of the contenders, B) they're better than the rest of the contenders, and C) since he already has the Jets missing the playoffs, theoretically the team most likely to knock Cincy out would be Denver- who he already has chalked up as losing to San Francisco at home in the finale.


I'm sure he didn't think about any of that garbage, but since he gets paid to analyze stuff, maybe he should.


It makes my head hurt.

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