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Bills vs. LA Rams on MNF


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I don't remember if it was '88 or '89, but we had a game on MNF against the Rams that was just awesome. I remember staying up late to watch it (I was in HS), and I know it involved us coming back to win. The LA QB was Jim Everett and IIRC they were having a pretty good year. We were obviously on the upswing, and it ended up being a great game.


I know a buddy of mine and I used to always talk about it back in the day, but seems like nobody on here ever mentions it.


Any of you guys remember that night?

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I was at that game.  Don't remember much from it other than the last minute...



I can't say I remember many details either, but I know the ending was awesome :lol:

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IIRC, that was 1989, and it was Frank Reich's first start as an NFL QB...he drove the Bills down field for the winning score in the waining moments (I think they came back from being about 17 points down, late in the third)...after they won, Reich was so happy, he ran laps around the field, his adrenaline was so high, and he didn't know what else to do...I have that game on video tape, somewhere...likely be transfering it to DVD, this coming summer, when I am jonesing for some football...

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IIRC, that was 1989, and it was Frank Reich's first start as an NFL QB...he drove the Bills down field for the winning score in the waining moments (I think they came back from being about 17 points down, late in the third)...after they won, Reich was so happy, he ran laps around the field, his adrenaline was so high, and he didn't know what else to do...I have that game on video tape, somewhere...likely be transfering it to DVD, this coming summer, when I am jonesing for some football...



If you do make the transfer, please let me know....I'd love to get a copy from you if possible :lol:


Frank Reich was the greatest backup QB in history....i swear lol

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We had a monday night game :lol:



Those were the days....I went to a Bills MNF game against the Bengals back in '91....it was awesome :doh:

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Why should anyone be mentioning it? Because of a different thread? Shouldn't this be in that thread?


That was a great game. The Rams were undefeated at the time, and we were underdogs because Kelly was out and Reich was starting. I didn't give us much chance. I remember the touchdown at the end of the game to win it seemed strange because the announcers either weren't paying attention or were talking about something else as it happened, so it almost seemed like it was lost on the moment.


Of course, I was screaming my ass off at the TV and at the phone, as I was talking to my dad at the time.

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Why should anyone be mentioning it? Because of a different thread? Shouldn't this be in that thread?





I've actually been meaning to ask the question for a while, but the thread about the best/worst moments in history reminded me to actually get around to posing the question. It's one of our great comeback games, but thread after thread goes by w/out nary a mention. I was just curious as to why.

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I remember it when I was young.  My brother and I asked permission to stay up and watch, but were denied.  So we waited until Mom and Dad were asleep and snuck down to the TV.  One of my great bonding memories with my brother.


That's a great memory! I had a similar one with my bro, though with us it pertained to the debut of the 'Thriller' video. It came on sometime around 10p, and we had to stay in bed. I was around 10 and my bro was about 6. We were visiting our grandmother at the time, and the room we were sleeping in was upstairs. There was a small landing at the tp of the stairs that gave us just enough of a view of the tv that we could sneak out and see what was going on. The only problem was that we couldn't see when anyone was coming - we could only hear them. We damn near got caught, but overall a pretty successful mission :lol:

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I remember this game. I was in college and watched it in the dorm TV room. I was the only one there. Reed made a clutch catch at one point that kept a crucial drive going. I remembr that we got to Everett quite a bit. They were exposed as a bad team. We were not favored to win. That was a game that really convinced me that the Bills were going to be good. The next year on MNF vs. the Jets, we killed them in NY (I think). That was when the national media really knew that the Bills were a serious contender. I think Thurman had over 200 yards that day. Seems like it could be yesterday. Great times.

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I remember this game. I was in college and watched it in the dorm TV room. I was the only one there. Reed made a clutch catch at one point that kept a crucial drive going. I remembr that we got to Everett quite a bit. They were exposed as a bad team. We were not favored to win. That was a game that really convinced me that the Bills were going to be good. The next year on MNF vs. the Jets, we killed them in NY (I think). That was when the national media really knew that the Bills were a serious contender. I think Thurman had over 200 yards that day. Seems like it could be yesterday. Great times.



I'm so thankful that we had a period where our beloved football team was badass. Sure, would have been nice to win the big one, but that's beside the point. From making it all the way to the AFC Champ game in '88 to the last SB game in '93, it was one helluva run.

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I was at that game. I could see my raincoat jumping up and dwn in the background on the tape I had. Checked relentless to jog my memory. It was a monday night game (10/16/89)Thurman had scored with 2:23 to go to put us up 16-13. 1:01 later, Flipper Anderson scored on a 78 yd pass to make it 20-16. This was one play after Thurman had fumbled.I remember it was a morgue after that score. It went totally silent. Reed scored the winning TD with 16 seconds left. We win 23-20!

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I was at that game. I could see my raincoat jumping up and dwn in the background on the tape I had. Checked relentless to jog my memory. It was a monday night game (10/16/89)Thurman had scored with 2:23 to go to put us up 16-13.  1:01 later, Flipper Anderson scored on a 78 yd pass to make it 20-16. This was one play after Thurman had fumbled.I remember it was a morgue after that score.  It went totally silent.  Reed scored the winning TD with 16 seconds left.  We win 23-20!



I remember it too. I woke everyone up after that score!

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