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Keeping in the spirit of the "greatest movie coach" thread on the Wall. Who was the best movie QB of all time.


Paul "Wrecking" Crew - Longest Yard

PROS: Beat the guards and stuck it to the warden. Didn't bail out on his teammates.

CONS: Adam Sandler version.


Shane "Footsteps" Falco - The Replacements

PROS: Lives on a boat. Led team of scabs to playoffs. Scored the captain of the cheerleading squad.

CONS: Thinks he's Johnny Utah. Lost all points for slugging Martel because of line dancing incident in jail.


Stan "The Man" Gable

PROS: Burnt down his house. Hangs with Ogre. Nicknamed "The Man."

CONS: Lost Betty to Louis Skolnick because of bedroom perfomance.


Paul Blake - Necessary Roughness

PROS: Cannon for an arm. Gives hope to aging never-was athletes. Holds balls for the hottest kicker in history.

CONS: Sleeping with teachers can get you in trouble.


Levander "Bird" Williams - Wildcats

PROS: Great arm and wheels. Can get you great deals on hubcaps and Casios.

CONS: Lengthy rap sheet. Hangs out at Maurice's too much.


Joe Kane - The Program

PROS: Tagged Kristy Swanson. Helped thin the gene pool when his highway stunt was imitated. Sucks at Tennis.

CONS: In Rehab.


Jimmy Dix - The Last Boy Scout

PROS: Can hit targets up in the suites from horseback. Has number shaved in the back of his head and $500 leather pants. Helped Hallenbeck save the life of the guy who cost him his job and avenge the death of the guy who banged his wife.

CONS: Rumored addiction to painkillers. Banned from the League.


Johnny "Mox" Moxon - Varsity Blues

PROS: Can throw a ball 50 yards while seated... reading Shakespeare.

CONS: Left Ali Larter hanging in her whipped cream suit??? The dumbest smart kid Coach Kilmer knows.


Jack "Cap" Rooney - Any Given Sunday

PROS: Warrior with a huge heart.

CONS: Body can't handle it anymore. Knees are shot.


Willy Beaman - Any Given Sunday

PROS: Incredible Athlete. Put the Sharks back in playoff contention with an extended winning streak.

CONS: Won't shut up. LL Cool J hates him.


Gee Grenouille - The Waterboy

PROS: Helped take the Mud Dogs to the Bourbon Bowl.

CONS: Excluding Bobby Boucher, Coach Fonzie doesn't think anyone on the team is any good.

I go with Gable...hell he is a Two- time all-american out of Adams College!!



I tend to agree, although the allegations of cross dressing (as a cheerleader) sets of alarm bells.


where is warren beatty in heaven can wait...he was pretty good...

how about uncle rico from napoleon...back in the day...he could throw it a quarter mile

I tend to agree, although the allegations of cross dressing (as a cheerleader) sets of alarm bells.



Very true......he also does lose the javelin toss to Lamar Latrell.....none the less he was the leader of that squad. Also he must have carried that squad considering that there were about 20 players on that entire college team

where is warren beatty in heaven can wait...he was pretty good...

how about uncle rico from napoleon...back in the day...he could throw it a quarter mile


funny :ph34r:


The list was getting too long as it is. I thought about Beatty in Heaven Can Wait, but couldn't remember much of the movie.


As for Bradshaw...he didn't play a QB in Failure to Launch (cough..chick flik...cough). Besides, he was much better in Cannonball Run.

Very true......he also does lose the javelin toss to Lamar Latrell.....none the less he was the leader of that squad.  Also he must have carried that squad considering that there were about 20 players on that entire college team



Let's see....the Fireball, Gable, Palowatski and Burke. I got nothing after that.

where is warren beatty in heaven can wait...he was pretty good...


Good catch on a glaring omission from the list. Nice to see Stan Gable on the list. I know he was an All American but would have loved to have seen his stats or know if Adams played in a decent conference.


btw, no one comes close to Paul 'Wrecking' Crewe.

no love for Adam Sandler in the second Longest Yard?  :lol:



He's listed under CONS for the Burt Reynolds version.


I'll second what Pooj said....



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