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I know there have been many posts complaining the fact that the game isn't sold out. I hope this topic isn't seen like that. I think we can all agree that the fact Bills-Miami isn't sold out is disturbing, if not embarassing. Even at 3-13 in 01, they sold out Buffalo-Miami. Rather, this post attempts to look at the big picture and why I feel it is almost our obligation to buy tickets.



One of the main reasons I choose to stay in the area is the Bills. In some cities, being a fan amounts to cheering for them when they are good and following them on a more remote basis when they are not. Attending games is an option and a luxury. In Buffalo, given the Bills vulnerable status according to the owner, attendance right now is more of an obligation and, in some cases may amount to a sacrifice. That is not to say that being a hardcore fan and going to the games is not rewarding; I have the time of my life on Sundays, and should the Bills ever win a SuperBowl, it would probably be the best day of my life. (My girlfriend wouldn't like to hear that, but its true.) It'll be even more rewarding to see the whole journey instead of just the final destination–ask any Boston Red Sox fan about that.


But, in this time of turmoil for the Bills, as evidenced by the owner's comments, it appear they need us. Rather, WE, as fans need us. The Bills will be fine if they go to LA or Charlotte; in fact, I'm sure there are some players on the team who would support that move. Now is the time when Bills fans, near and far, must make small sacrifices to attend games. In a year from now, this might be a moot point if they are winning again. But, for the time being, every seat that we don't purchase is further ammunition for Ralph to move the team, which it seems he is seriously considering. Don't give him that ammo. For yourself and fellow fans, buy a ticket and give the team one more reason to stay instead of go.

I love the Bills as well, but if you are making life decisions based on the Bills you might want to re-evaluate some things.




That is not true at all. I lived in Chicago for ten years and felt that Buffalo was a great city to go back and raise a family. I can honestly say that attending Bills and Sabres games played a part in that decision. It was not the ONLY reason but it certainly was a heavy plus on the pros and cons of moving back.


There are plenty of people who have these teams running through their blood and have made certain decisions based on their love for supporting their city at these games!!


I love the Bills as well, but if you are making life decisions based on the Bills you might want to re-evaluate some things.


I don't make my life decisions exclusively on the Bills; however they do factor in my future plans. The enjoyment of going to games is a reason to stay in Buffalo; it certainly isn't the only reason. But, as a lifelong fan, I will certainly do my part, small as it may be, to keep the team here. Too many fans just feel it is their right to sit on the couch on Sundays and watch the Bills play. Basically, the point is simple. If you like the team so much and want them around, buy a freakin ticket. If you can't go, buy it for your friends or loved ones. It is an embarassment that we are not selling out for Miami.

I love the Bills as well, but if you are making life decisions based on the Bills you might want to re-evaluate some things.



Screw that.


I moved here because of the Bills. What's wrong with that?


Some people move to Arizona for the dry air, some to Florida for the sun.


I could move to California if I wanted, but I wouldn't be able to go to Sabres or Bills games. Sure the weather would be nicer, and I'd make more money, but figure in the cost of living adjustments and I'd be no better off... well except for the few extra dollars I might have from NOT attending the home games for my two favorite profressional teams.


"Life decisions" are based on a number of factors. Don't slag somebody because their priorities differ from yours.

I love the Bills as well, but if you are making life decisions based on the Bills you might want to re-evaluate some things.


Someone else posted recently that the only reason they are still living in Buffalo is because of the Bills. :censored::D

Someone else posted recently that the only reason they are still living in Buffalo is because of the Bills.  :censored:  :D



Yeah, I saw that one too. After living down south for 10 years, I miss all of WNY. It's not just the professional sports teams; I miss the food, the people, the lack of traffic, the sports teams, lack of sprawl, family, friends, four distinct seasons, and so on. Hell, I even miss the little stuff, like the "NYS Inspection Station" sign that hung on the gas station I'd stop at on the way to work. I don't dislike the South per se, but I can think of 1000 reasons I'd rather be back home.


The "it's our obligation to buy tickets" really fumes me. They've put a sub-par product on the field for years. Now that people (who have been more than patient) are starting to show their irritation with their wallets, they're put through a guilt trip. It's not fair to the people in the area. I wish it was that easy to sell a product in other markets. Delta should try that approach with plane tickets.


Another factor is the Sabre's success. Buffalonians aren't known for being rich. The disposable income for most just isn't there. The Sabres have sold out the world because there's a better quality product on the ice. That's going to eat away at the Bills' attendance.


I know I probably speak for a lot of people when I say this, but If I lived within a five hour drive, I'd have season tickets because I want to see the games, records be damned. 1-15 or 16-0, I'd go year after year because I like the team. You're preaching to the choir. We're a bunch of expatriots reading an online forum about our team. 99.5% of us would *love* to be there. The problem is 8-8, 3-13, 8-8, 6-10, 9-7, 6-10, and whatever this year turns out to be should it not end on a positive note.



Yeah, I saw that one too.  After living down south for 10 years, I miss all of WNY. It's not just the professional sports teams; I miss the food, the people, the lack of traffic, the sports teams, lack of sprawl, family, friends, four distinct seasons, and so on.  Hell, I even miss the little stuff, like the "NYS Inspection Station" sign that hung on the gas station I'd stop at on the way to work.  I don't dislike the South per se, but I can think of 1000 reasons I'd rather be back home.

I could not agree more. If my wife asks me why I would want to move back and I say, "Because I miss the Bills." I guarantee that would be the last time we had that conversation. I would also not trade my time away from Buffalo for all the tea in China, but I would also love to move back up North. I have a new perpective on things having been away from the area for a bit and recommend that everybody jump ship, even if for a short time. The problem with Buffalo is that 99.9 percent of people who live there are from there. There are no new ideas or fresh blood coming into the region. Get out a bit, expeience some new stuff.


I booked my last minute plane ticket from philly to Buf for 69$ each way! I'll be there to cheer them on. It was rough overruling watching the sunday ticket and not having to travel, but Its Miami, winner goes to .500, I wanna be there. :censored:

Someone else posted recently that the only reason they are still living in Buffalo is because of the Bills.  :censored:  :D


And someone else posted that if the Bills left Bufflao, they would not have anything left to live for. To me that sounds like a clinical psych problem that should lead to counseling, or more intense intervention....

The problem with Buffalo is that 99.9 percent of people who live there are from there. There are no new ideas or fresh blood coming into the region. Get out a bit, expeience some new stuff.



What the hell is wrong with that? Thats why you go on extended vacations....to "experience" new people and ideas


(we can all agree that the fact Bills-Miami isn't sold out is disturbing, if not embarassing)


I believe you are sincere and really care, however, why is it embarrassign to not be sold out at christmas time? Face it, the sabres are also a draw, there are family and work obligations galore and people need money for other things. Not to mention those who travel a great distance and as we all know, the weather predictions are far from accurate most of the time.


If you think Ralph Wilson would move the team because people could not come to a game for any of the above reasons, you are fooling yourself.


I think iit is great people love the area so much, but the reason they do love it is linked to it's much maligned small market territory. Few traffic jams, nice people, reasonbly priced housing. You could go on and on. In chicago, tickets are $100 apiece and the city funds every operation. where does that money go?


think about it. Besides, with a black out, there are less drunks, less dangerous drivers and a greater crowd and usually louder.

The Bills will be fine if they go to LA or Charlotte; in fact, I'm sure there are some players on the team who would support that move.



Hmmmmm. We already have an NFL team in Charlotte - the Panthers.

I could not agree more. If my wife asks me why I would want to move back and I say, "Because I miss the Bills." I guarantee that would be the last time we had that conversation. I would also not trade my time away from Buffalo for all the tea in China, but I would also love to move back up North. I have a new perpective on things having been away from the area for a bit and recommend that everybody jump ship, even if for a short time. The problem with Buffalo is that 99.9 percent of people who live there are from there. There are no new ideas or fresh blood coming into the region. Get out a bit, expeience some new stuff.



Thank you. Exactly. My wife can't figure out why I want to move back. It's cold. The taxes are high. There's so much good in that area . I buy $500 a month in unleaded because of the traffic and the distances I have to drive. Throw in the $600 I pay on ad valorum tax on my vehicals, the $100 a month in parking, and we're on even ground. Count the 12 1/2 hours a day I'm not at home and I think Orchard Park, East Aurora, Hamburg, and Amherst look pretty damn good. *Plus* I'd get to buy another Arctic Cat.


There's nothing wrong with 99.9% of population being from the area. That's a plus. I can count on one hand then number of people I know that are from Atlanta. Everyone needs to get out and see other places. A two week trip doesn't cut it. That's long enough to fall in love with a vacation spot, not long enough to learn what it's like to live somewhere new and begin to appreciate where you're from.




All of that said, the Sabres and the Bills are just an icing on the cake for me. Famliarity, home town, friends, AND I can go to Bills games? Every week? Without airfare? Sign me up!



All of that said, the Sabres and the Bills are just an icing on the cake for me. Famliarity, home town, friends, AND I can go to Bills games? Every week? Without airfare? Sign me up!





I guess my point is that I can get cake anywhere.


I have no relatives in the area, and I get job offers from all over the country all of the time.


The fact of the matter is I enjoy watching professional sports, and if I really don't give two stevestojan's about where I live with regard to climate or proximity to family (they are all spread out). I may as well find something about an area that I enjoy.


The main thing that sets WNY apart from the rest of the country FOR ME is the 2 pro sports teams. Otherwise I could be just as happy in San Diego.

Unless you're yall.  Priceless.



I'm guessing you can't read well. Where did I slag CoachChuckDickerson for his priorities?


Please... show me.




Rather than triple posting, I'd like to throw this out there as well.


A few people, myself included have demonstrated that a percentage (although possibly a very small one) would consider leaving the area if the Bills were no longer here. Considering that the Bills also have the power to "lure" in residents (as they did in my case...) their absence could, and likely would, have a detrimental effect on the current problem of population exodus that WNY is experiencing.


If you think things are not so hot around here now, can you imagine the potential economic impact of the Bills leaving?

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