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I forget the company, but there was a financial planning commercial where there were screaming kids on a swingset with their grandfather looking on. The makers of these two commercials should be locked in a room and forced to watch the fruits of their labor until their ears bleed.

You don't like the nintendo kids lawl


If I wanted to see it, it would be fine. But when it seems to come on during every commercial break, it gets annoying very fast.

I've never seen that commercial before and as I watched I could feel my IQ regress towards the mean



Which would be an improvement for you, right? :doh:


The screaming kids is another internet-phenomenon video (like the Miller house lights commercial last year).


It was funny on YouTube...its not funny on a BMW commercial. Come up with some original content.


And of course, no hated TV commercial thread could be complete without


Third time I've posted on here about how much I hate that ad (and that song).

And of course, no hated TV commercial thread could be complete without


Third time I've posted on here about how much I hate that ad (and that song).


Agreed on that, buckeyemike. That commercial is so pretentious.

Mine is Dunkin Donuts: "Is it French or is it Italian, perhaps Fretalian!"


I like that commercial. Ironically, I hate their commercial with all the stupid lip-synching people.

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