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We Are Marshall


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Well, I got to see We Are Marshall tonight at a special advance viewing. Lets just say, this is by far the best football movie I have ever seen. Personally, I dislike Matthew McConaughey, but he was great in this flick. Kate Mara played her part well, but man is she a hottie...definate BOTD material:::hint, hint:::


I definately recommend going to this movie when it comes out on the 22nd, you wont be disappointed.

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Well, I got to see We Are Marshall tonight at a special advance viewing.  Lets just say, this is by far the best football movie I have ever seen.  Personally, I dislike Matthew McConaughey, but he was great in this flick.  Kate Mara played her part well, but man is she a hottie...definate BOTD material:::hint, hint:::


I definately recommend going to this movie when it comes out on the 22nd, you wont be disappointed.



Coming from a Mountaineer fan, this is high praise indeed.


You know I've been hyping this movie for weeks now...just look at my sig line.


There's even been some Supporting Actor Oscar talk for Matthew Fox.

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Coming from a Mountaineer fan, this is high praise indeed.


You know I've been hyping this movie for weeks now...just look at my sig line.


There's even been some Supporting Actor Oscar talk for Matthew Fox.



This is one of the few movies coming out this holiday season that actually lives up to its hype. Matthew Fox was also great in this movie.


As for high praise coming from a Mountaineer, well, I think you'll understand that a little bit better after you see the movie.

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I tend to enjoy MM's films more often than not. I think EdTV is one of the most underrated films of all time. Even though Jenna Elfman went from hottie to wackjob over the past several years, she was good in the film. Woody Harrelson was a riot, too.


I can't wait to see 'Marshall'....we need more movies about sports! I know thi one centers on a tragedy, but we still need more good movies about sports!

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A tremendous and powerful movie, but be warned. I had tears in my eyes at the end, and that hasn't happened to me during a movie since the end of "Life is Beautiful".


There are a few comic moments, however, and most involve McConnaughey's character. I'm not a fan of his (in fact, he's had some roles I've absolutely detested), but I can't imagine anyone else performing his role.


Yes, the doe-eyed Kate Mara is definitely a hottie; she looks like a young Sandra Bullock in this movie. Matthew Fox is very good, but the real surprise here is Ian McShane, from HBO's "Deadwood". He's not a villain here, just a man who's had a lot of loss in his life, and who has to deal with the tragedies which have befallen him.




There was one laugh in the movie for people of my area; when the president receives a call from Jack Lengyel (McCounnaughey's character) about the coaching job. The message says he's at the College of Wooster, which is about 45 miles south of Cleveland. The president asks, "Wooster? Where's that?" and the secretary responds, "Does it really matter?"


The other scene, and the most poignant in the movie for me, is a very simple one. It focuses on an intersection, where a funeral procession is approaching. The hearse at the front stops at the intersection...as another funeral procession passes. It's such a simple scene, but it blew me away, and showed the scope of the loss to the city of Huntington.


If you have a thing about watching people grieve for their losses, then this movie is probably not for you. In fact, one of the characters says "Grief is messy". But it does show the triumph of the human spirit, and the message seems to be that the most important way to deal with grief (and to honor the dead), is to keep pressing on, and keep on living.


It's not a perfect movie, but "We Are Marshall" nails the continuity and the period pieces of the time (clothing and music especially), moreso than any film I've ever seen.


And McG directed this. Mr. Charlie's Angels himself. It's a complicated movie, heavy in many parts, but emotionally powerful...and full of hope.


And McG directed this. Whoda thunk it?


Go see this movie.


***** out of 5 stars.

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A tremendous and powerful movie, but be warned.  I had tears in my eyes at the end, and that hasn't happened to me during a movie since the end of "Life is Beautiful".





Wow, it's always good to hear someone mention Life is Beautiful. That's #1 on my all time list of movies, and it always will be. In fact, the last three women I've dated had to pass a simple test: 'What is the movie "Life is Beautiful" about? The reason I ask that is because when I saw the film in the theater back in '99, I connected with it in such a way that I felt I understood every single bit of it. I felt like if I could ever make a film about this topic (and by that I don't mean WWII or the Holocaust), it would be exactly like what Benigni did with this one. But one thing I noticed when I saw it with others in the theater was laughing at inappropriate times. It wasn't that nervous laughter some folks do when they are uncomfortable....it was clearly the type of "haha, that's funny" laughter during moments of the film where it basically showed they weren't 'getting it'.


Anyway, I don't mean to distract from the 'Marshall' talk....I am really looking forward to seeing that film....you just give the impression that you "got" Life is Beautiuful, and that's a great thing :thumbdown:

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one more week for me..

Mrs. Lew and I saw Casino Royale yesterday. I cheered at the showing of the trailer of the Marshall movie...Hey I am in WV and there were only 5 other peeps in the threatre...LOL...

There is a new cineoplex with 14 theaters and I am curious how many of the 14 will have the Marshall movie....

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one more week for me..

Mrs. Lew and I saw Casino Royale yesterday.  I cheered at the showing of the trailer of the Marshall  movie...Hey I am in WV and there were only 5 other peeps in the threatre...LOL...

There is a new cineoplex with 14 theaters and I am curious how many of the 14 will have the Marshall movie....



Where in WV?

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I am in Southern WV...

Raleigh county...Where I-64 and I-77  split...


GO EERS... !!!


Are you going to the Gator Bowl ??




Ooh ok, that's one thing I always loved about WV...everyone refers to the county they live in outside of Morgantown, Charleston, and Huntington. :(


I wish I was going...I went a few years ago when we played FSU. Ah well, it'll still be fun to watch

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Matthew was in the MNF booth last night pimping the movie. He said its a movie about living life. When tragic events happen, getting out of bed and making the most of what you have and pressing on. He said it was the best script he ever read. I was impressed with his candor - seems like an honor for him to do the movie.



I've known about the Marshall story for years and look forward to seeing the movie. If you are interested in the real-life story, check out this documentary.

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