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Well the liberal wackos are showing their high level of ignorance again. here we have a couple of assmonkeys who not only commited a crime by trespassing on this guys property and destroying his sign, but then they did what all good well natured liberals do....they pissed on the sign.


Classy move boys....way to show your colors. Keep up the good work.




Article from the Akron Beacon Journal

Well the liberal wackos are showing their high level of ignorance again. here we have a couple of assmonkeys who not only commited a crime by trespassing on this guys property and destroying his sign, but then they did what all good well natured liberals do....they pissed on the sign.


Hail victory in the name of Comrade Kerry!


If these bourgeious firebrands didn't want the urine of victory on their treasonous sign, they wouldn't have put it there in the first place.


By the way, these glorious freedom fighters will be pardoned once Kerry is elected secretary general of the people.

Unfortunately intolerant behavior is all too common on the Left. It's rare to meet a liberal who is particularly tolerant of conservative points of view.



That is an idiotic statement. A true Liberal fights for everyone's right to believe and express their own opinions. And whoever earlier called Liberals facist needs to learn their political spectrum:


Conservative is closer to facist while Liberal is closer to Socialist. Just study some political theory.


Hey Checkmate, ignore Richiepoo. He's an acknowledged thief - he brags about it and in fact continues to steal without apology. His rationale is that if people speed or park in no-parking zones, his stealing is just A-OK. So I suppose some day if some person commits a crime of property against Richiepoo he will thank them and refrain from reporting it to the police ... uh huh.


As an acknowledged criminal, anything he says is as meaningless and the principles he purports to have ... which, if they exist at all, you could fit on the head of a pin. A really SMALL pin.

Hey Checkmate, ignore Richiepoo.  He's an acknowledged thief - he brags about it and in fact continues to steal without apology.  His rationale is that if people speed or park in no-parking zones, his stealing is just A-OK.  So I suppose some day if some person commits a crime of property against Richiepoo he will thank them and refrain from reporting it to the police ... uh huh.


As an acknowledged criminal, anything he says is as meaningless and the principles he purports to have ... which, if they exist at all, you could fit on the head of a pin.  A really SMALL pin.





Spoken like a true liberal elitist who thinks that they are superior to everyone else.


Who in the Hell are you to judge me you moron? You make these statements as an ignorant justification to spew your leftist hate with reckless abandon.


Your calling e a criminal is as stupid as it is disingenuous.


Simply because you cannot compete with me intellectually, you have to resort to insults, slander, and pure ignorant rants. Well if nothing else, you are true to your liberal roots.



This was a post about a couple of liberal nut jobs who pissed on a GWB sign that an innocent citizen had in his yard. Why the hell can't you just comment on that without resorting to this type of hate? My guess is that you did not comment on it because you see nothing wrong with it. perhaps you even wanted to pop a squat there and join them. Perhaps this kind of behavior by fellow liberals makes you proud. Well, of that I have no doubt.


By the way...checkmate did not even mention my post....so I see this as you just trying to take an ignorant cheap shot at me. pay attention, and try yto stick to the subject. if that is even possible.

That is an idiotic statement.  A true Liberal fights for everyone's right to believe and express their own opinions.  And whoever earlier called Liberals facist needs to learn their political spectrum:


Conservative is closer to facist while Liberal is closer to Socialist.  Just study some political theory.



Kurt's statement was not idiotic. In today's environment, that statement holds true. Well... more true than false.


It is true that once upon a time, liberals fought for everyone's right to believe and express their opinions (note that liberal shares the root word as liberty). But liberals have slid downhill, waaay downhill.


Really, Facist is an overused cliche that doesn't fit American Liberals or Conservatives. I don't see any successful Hitler, Mussolini, Franco's in American politics. Not even GW or JK.


There was a story in the Camera here in Boulder, CO - an extreeeeemely liberal locale. In response to a liberal rant about someone putting a Bush/Chaney sticker over his Kerry/Edwards one, someone pointed out the following:


A guy in Teluride got verbally (and publicly) abused by a friggin waiter for his Bush/Chaney t-shirt. Went back to his car and found the window(s) broken.


In Longmont just north of here the Bush campain headquarters was defaced: Vandals wrote F%$k over the word Bush on the sign, and then proceeded to smear animal excrement over the front of the building.


Also locally it was pointed out the many police reports about theft or vandalism of Bush/Chaney signs in peoples' yards. It was also noted that no such reports have been filed for disappearing Kerry signs.


Its ugly out there people. Once upon a time Dems/Liberals believed in treating people everywhere fairly. Now? Its seems you have to be a native, black, hispanic, or arab to inspire such consideration. White's and Christians and republicans beware...

Who in the Hell are you to judge me you moron? You make these statements as an ignorant justification to spew your leftist hate with reckless abandon.


Simply because you cannot compete with me intellectually, you have to resort to insults, slander, and pure ignorant rants. Well if nothing else, you are true to your liberal roots.

This was a post about a couple of liberal nut jobs who pissed on a GWB sign that an innocent citizen had in his yard.


Hey kids, it's irony season again!

Its ugly out there people.  Once upon a time Dems/Liberals believed in treating people everywhere fairly.  Now?  Its seems you have to be a native, black, hispanic, or arab to inspire such consideration.  White's and Christians and republicans beware...


Funny how when we're talking Abu Ghraib, it's just a few bad seeds. But all liberals take the fall for the actions of a few immature idiots. Nothing new from the party of double-standards.

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