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Power Rankings

Mile High

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Power rankings are like mock drafts. Read them all and have fun, but realize they have not ties to reality.


What matters is that we have a chance to sweep the season series from the Fish, move to .500, and have our playoff hopes still alive with 2 weeks to play in the season. Anybody who tells me they wouldn't have signed on the dotted line for that before the season started is a liar. Go Bills.

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In the Fox poll, the Jets climbed up 2 spots while we fall 3?  WTF????!!!!!!!!





Just funny how all of the "experts" say a loss to Buffalo means the opposing team stumbled. I think the Jets fell off a cliff.. yet, they move up. Funny.


Now if Buffalo wins this week against the Fish. It will be Jason Taylor had a cramp or ear ache. His equilibrium was off. Zack Thomas didn't wear his high heel cleats to make him taller, etc., etc.

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we gotta get to .500 this week.  Then we should move up a few more.  This week is really critical to our rather long shot playoff hopes.  We beat Miami and I'm going to start getting excited.


Yup me too. Just sweep Miami, that in itself would be a victory in it's own right.

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