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Tom Donahoe, Mike Mularkey and Sam Wyche


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Unfortunately Denny Green had visited the same bar earlier in the day. All food and alcohol had been consumed. All women had been harassed... (Okay maybe too far)


Mularkey then went home to figure out how to attack the Bills D in the upcoming Super Bowl....he was heard murmuring to himself -- Edge has quite an arm...

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to celebrate their playoff win with the 2008 Arizona Cardinals.  :w00t:

what else you puds got?-)



What do they toast to? The joys of being able to win in franchise mode in Madden even if you can't find jobs in the NFL?

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Mularkey is immediately harrassed by bar patrons who take umbrage with his choice of beverage...appletini. Things get nasty and said bar patrons start making fun of his wife. Mularkey starts to tear up. Donahoe stands up and says he's never been more embarrased to be a part of a community. He adds that the bar is full of jerks and anyone who disagrees can save the postage.


Wyche just sits there and drinks. He's cool.

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Mularkey is immediately harrassed by bar patrons who take umbrage with his choice of beverage...appletini.  Things get nasty and said bar patrons start making fun of his wife.  Mularkey starts to tear up.  Donahoe stands up and says he's never been more embarrased to be a part of a community.  He adds that the bar is full of jerks and anyone who disagrees can save the postage. 


Wyche just sits there and drinks.  He's cool.




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Mularkey is immediately harrassed by bar patrons who take umbrage with his choice of beverage...appletini.  Things get nasty and said bar patrons start making fun of his wife.  Mularkey starts to tear up.  Donahoe stands up and says he's never been more embarrased to be a part of a community.  He adds that the bar is full of jerks and anyone who disagrees can save the postage. 


Wyche just sits there and drinks.  He's cool.




Genius. Pure Genius.

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to celebrate their playoff win with the 2080 Arizona Cardinals.  :w00t:

what else you puds got?-)


Here you go, I fixed your post for you, you mixed up some of the numbers. It is the Arizona Cardinals your speaking of


To answer your post


TD, MM, and SW walk into a bar, even though TD Assured them over and over that it was high enough for them to go under and had the bar removal all the signs telling them otherwise, MM came up with a game plan to go around it that included a triple reverse, flea flicker, Hail Mary, Statue of Liberty play, and Sam Wyche could not yell and warn them they were about to hit it.


disclaimer (The Wyche one may have been a little too far, but I couldn't come up with anything else)

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Tom Donahoe, Mike Mularkey and Sam Wyche walk into a bar... just as a huge brawl breaks out. Wyche, the voice of reason, steps up and says, "we should break this up before somebody gets hurt," but Mularkey pushes him aside and begins constructing an elaborate catapault contraption which he insists will catch everybody off guard and win the fight instantly. However, his hand slips on the rope and he accidentally flings himself right out the window. Donohoe, who has been observing the action, identifies all the most competent fighters and offers them wads of cash to go to a different bar. By now, the place is in ruins and the remaining customers begin bickering about how this is no longer a cool place to hang out.

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Tom Donahoe, Mike Mularkey and Sam Wyche walk into a bar... just as a huge brawl breaks out.  Wyche, the voice of reason, steps up and says, "we should break this up before somebody gets hurt," but Mularkey pushes him aside and begins constructing an elaborate catapault contraption which he insists will catch everybody off guard and win the fight instantly.  However, his hand slips on the rope and he accidentally flings himself right out the window.  Donohoe, who has been observing the action, identifies all the most competent fighters and offers them wads of cash to go to a different bar.  By now, the place is in ruins and the remaining customers begin bickering about how this is no longer a cool place to hang out.



YES. Love it. Another possible Mularkey scenario is him deciding to lead the brawl, only to change his mind and back out a few minutes later.

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Mularkey, Wyche, and Donahoe walk into a bar. Mularkey approaches the bartender and asks for a menu. The bartender replies, sorry pal, the kitchen's closed. Mularkey ponders this for a minute, drawing on his experience of astute second half adjustments and replies, ok, well then I'll just have a cheeseburger. The Bartender looks perplexed, ignores him and moves on to Donahoe. What can I get for you he asks? Donahoe requests a bourbon and lime. What kind of Bourbon do you want, we've got Wild Turkey, Southern Comfo......"I'll just have the cheap stuff, it all tastes the same" replies Donahoe. The bartender pours the bourbon, and opens his container to find it contains one spoiled lime. "Hey pal, all i've got is this old, spoiled Lime, I think it's been sitting here a while". That'll do perfectly replies Donahoe as he grabs his drink and sits down. Now, what can I get for you the 'tender says as he diverts his attention to Wyche. Wyche looks over at Mularkey, then on to Donahoe and thinks for a minute. Wyche says,


"ehh i'll just have a beer, you pick". "Now that's a drink I can handle, but what are you doing here with these two Bozos?" asks the barkeep. Wyche says, well I did that guy with the Menu a favor a while ago and now he won't leave me alone. As for that guy with the bourbon, I never really liked him, but he just lost his job so I figured he could use a drink." "Geez, that's too bad, what's the guy gunna do?" asks the bartender. He's either going to go into public relations or the recycling business, hasn't really decided yet.

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