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(OT) Team America


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I went to an after-hours screening of Team America last night.....it wasn't as funny as the South Park movie a few years back, but I definitely give it a thumbs up. The portrayals of the, uh, Film Actors Guild (you can figure out the acronym for yourself lol) was absolutely hilarious.....I guess Sean Penn didn't agree :D


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I went to an after-hours screening of Team America last night.....it wasn't as funny as the South Park movie a few years back, but I definitely give it a thumbs up. The portrayals of the, uh, Film Actors Guild (you can figure out the acronym for yourself lol) was absolutely hilarious.....I guess Sean Penn didn't agree :D





even the mighty cowbell couldn't help sean penn

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This is what you get when you have artists start to take themselves a little too seriously...


I'm sure Mr. Penn will wind up being lambasted on an episode of "South Park" in about six months.






Exactly....I totally agree.....I think it's funny how he tries to come off all sophisticated in the letter, and then proceeds to drop an F bomb at the end lol. How mature lol. I'm a huge fan of film - pretty much any genre - so to see all these "stars" so outspoken lately is really leaving a bad taste in my mouth. It's sort of like the Ellen Degeneres thing.....I knew she was a lesbian before she had her show.....and if she wants to involve herself in activist activities, then all the power to her. I'll gladly support her right to do that. But when she began to use her show as a soapbox, it made me lose respect for her. I watched her show for entertainment - NOT to advance her social or political agenda. I'm tired of these celebrities thinking the world revolves around them.......just shaddup, already.

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Exactly....I totally agree.....I think it's funny how he tries to come off all sophisticated in the letter, and then proceeds to drop an F bomb at the end lol.  How mature lol. I'm a huge fan of film - pretty much any genre - so to see all these "stars" so outspoken lately is really leaving a bad taste in my mouth.  It's sort of like the Ellen Degeneres thing.....I knew she was a lesbian before she had her show.....and if she wants to involve herself in activist activities, then all the power to her. I'll gladly support her right to do that. But when she began to use her show as a soapbox, it made me lose respect for her. I watched her show for entertainment - NOT to advance her social or political agenda.  I'm tired of these celebrities thinking the world revolves around them.......just shaddup, already.



Like all of us don't these celebrity's have the right, even an obligation, to try to change society for the better (whatever that means to each individual)? I don't get the hard feeling here just because they have more power to effect change than most. I only notice people bitching about it when they don't agree with the celebrity’s cause. Do people have a problem with films like To Kill a Mockingbird or Look Who's Coming to Dinner? These films attempted to enact social change and yet, now, many consider them classics. Yet, in all my years, I've not once heard anybody rip into them for their honest, heart felt points of view on race relations (even if they are somewhat simple minded about the issue...but that's a different issue).


Not to mention, I find it somewhat amusing that people will tell actors to get off their soapboxes all the while they are on a soapbox themselves preaching about how celebrities need to get off their soapboxes!


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Like all of us don't these celebrity's have the right, even an obligation, to try to change society for the better (whatever that means to each individual)?  I don't get the hard feeling here just because they have more power to effect change than most.  I only notice people bitching about it when they don't agree with the celebrity’s cause.  Do people have a problem with films like To Kill a Mockingbird or Look Who's Coming to Dinner?  These films attempted to enact social change and yet, now, many consider them classics.  Yet, in all my years, I've not once heard anybody rip into them for their honest, heart felt points of view on race relations (even if they are somewhat simple minded about the issue...but that's a different issue).


Not to mention, I find it somewhat amusing that people will tell actors to get off their soapboxes all the while they are on a soapbox themselves preaching about how celebrities need to get off their soapboxes! 





Well, first of all, this is a message board.....it's one giant soapbox lol. In principle, I don't neccesarily disagree with what you said. I think what bothers me is that these people are not rich and famous because of their intelligence or their abilities to effect political change. They are rich and famous because they make television shows and movies that entertain us. Like i said in my post above, whatever they want to do outside of that is their business.....we are all individuals first, and we have various interests and agendas as individuals. But when they start making political statements during their concerts, or during their acadamy award speeches, or anything to do with the entertainment aspect of their celebrity, I find that very arrogant and disrespectful. They essentially alienate at least part of their fan base, because most likely it is composed of all sorts of different people and backgrounds. So, I while I can't say it's not their right to do what they do - cause it is - it still bothers me.

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sean penn can kiss my ass, along with all the other celebrities who think their opinion matters more than yours or mine. and who use their celebrity to bash the systems that have made them rich. gotta love alec baldwin, who swore he'd leave the country and give up his citizenship if bush was elected. he still lives in CA. I've never heard one of them say anything original, pithy, or significant regarding policy.


they are actors in life as well.

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IF entertainers were intelligent they would not get any where near politics. Why would you risk allienating at least 50% of your potential customers??? After all the prime directive of a celebrity is to achieve maximum appeal. But they are too !@#$ing stupid and self important to realize this.

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IF entertainers were intelligent they would not get any where near politics.  Why would you risk allienating at least 50% of your potential customers??? After all the prime directive of a celebrity is to achieve maximum appeal.  But they are too !@#$ing stupid and self important to realize this.



Because they can afford to?


We put them into the "star status" and then get all huffy when they use this "leverage" in ways we don't like.

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Because they can afford to?


We put them into the "star status" and then get all huffy when they use this "leverage" in ways we don't like.



I would never allow them "star status". I dont have enough respect for them. I have respect for people that started their own busisneses and make them profitable. I have respect for people that go too school and get a education and work their way up in the world. I do not have respect for Hollywood stars and the misdirected admiration for them.

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Like all of us don't these celebrity's have the right, even an obligation, to try to change society for the better (whatever that means to each individual)?  I don't get the hard feeling here just because they have more power to effect change than most.  I only notice people bitching about it when they don't agree with the celebrity’s cause.  Do people have a problem with films like To Kill a Mockingbird or Look Who's Coming to Dinner?  These films attempted to enact social change and yet, now, many consider them classics.  Yet, in all my years, I've not once heard anybody rip into them for their honest, heart felt points of view on race relations (even if they are somewhat simple minded about the issue...but that's a different issue).


Not to mention, I find it somewhat amusing that people will tell actors to get off their soapboxes all the while they are on a soapbox themselves preaching about how celebrities need to get off their soapboxes! 




What people don't agree with, I think, is there SUDDEN elevation into political causes. We're not talking about Pete Seeger, Joan Baez, Don Henley or Michael Moore...people who were always involved in raging against the machine. We're talking about people who did nothing politically until their celebrity status was in tact and then started opening their yap after they visited some underdeveloped country in a private jet.


Heard from Barbra Streisand lately? The Dixie Chicks? Linda Rondstadt? Of course not. Why...because they were in over their heads. They realized they couldn't spend a lifetime doing one thing, and then suddenly use their pedestal to speak about another.


Sean Penn, who I absolutely consider to be one of the best and most versatile actors today, falls into that group...and without question, those are the people who are lampooned religiously by The South Park boys.

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sean penn can kiss my ass, along with all the other celebrities who think their opinion matters more than yours or mine. and who use their celebrity to bash the systems that have made them rich. gotta love alec baldwin, who swore he'd leave the country and give up his citizenship if bush was elected. he still lives in CA. I've never heard one of them say anything original, pithy, or significant regarding policy.


they are actors in life as well.




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The best remark was by an actor in 2002 (I can't remember who-does someone else?) who when asked his opinion on the war on terror basically said" I'm someone who gets paid to pretend to be someone I'm not and recite words other people wrote. Why the hell would someone care what my opinion is?"

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In principle, I don't neccesarily disagree with what you said. I think what bothers me is that these people are not rich and famous because of their intelligence or their abilities to effect political change. They are rich and famous because they make television shows and movies that entertain us.



They're rich and famous because of their ability to pretend.


Pretend you're a pirate.


Pretend you're the president.


Pretend you're a doctor.


And now they pretend they have a clue. Guess what? When you're a high school or college dropout who currently lives in a world where you get $50,000 gift baskets for presenting at award shows, you've lost all concept of reality. And your opinion is crap.

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