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Democrats are now the party of fiscal responsibility?


cutin' pork





pork is a relative term


when the republicans took control way back in 94 they cut pork...democratic pork

now the democrats will get to cut pork...republican pork


he who has the gold makes the rules :lol:


Congress’ fiscal inaction may have big costs: Lawmakers left town without funding many federal agencies, projects


Republicans didn't do their most important job in Congress, and now they're whining about their pork being cut. And, dev/null, all of the earmarks are being suspended, including for the Chuck Rangel Center and AIDS initiatives in SanFran. There's some tough cuts too, and the effects of overspending under this past congress is going to hurt a lot of departments (tho I would hope the more critical ones like the potential layoff of 500 FBI agents get some funding diverted their way) and programs. Someone finally realizes that you shouldn't be spending like a drunken sailor in a time of record defecits. See the article where Bush last year trimmed the budget requests by $2.2B. Whoopty- :thumbdown: -in' do! Whoever calls that man a conservative is :thumbsup: .


I am applauding these intentions. Maybe the Dems have pulled their heads out of their bums a little bit. They will be working a minor miracle just to get us back to a balanced budget.


They appear serious about it, it will be interesting to see if they can keep their own in line, however, the Republicans hid the details of their pork by not specifically naming it, just providing enough details that the funding couldn't be used for anything else, which is why the Dems are suspending all earmarks. Who knows how much imbedded pork there actually is that has never been reported. It should be interesting to see the fallout!

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