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Dolphins cheerleader voted ''NFL's sexiest''

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"Bibiana".  What the !@#$?  :w00t:


This means nothing to virtually no one, but I have a few moments to kill and I have to tell you about my wife getting her hair done leading up to our wedding. We were in St. Lucia, and the resort stylist or whatever comes to our room to do her hair. When I came back to the room to shower, she was sitting in a chair with the stylist behind her...no mirror in front of her...and her hair looked exactly like Shirley Temple while singing "Good Ship Lollipop." My wife had no idea what the hell she looked like.


I asked the stylist, "That's interesting. What do you call that?" and she responded "Bibikerl."


"Oh, bibikerl. What's a bibikerl?"


"Not bibikerl. BIBIkerl!"


"Oh, BIBIkerl! Okay. What's a BIBIkerl."


"Not Bibi. BIBI! BIBI! BIBI!"


My wife: "You mean Baby?"


"Yes, BIBI!"


"Baby curls?"


"Yes. BIBIkerls."


"Babes, can you hand me the mirror?"


"No way."


That's what struck me when I saw the chick's name.


Okay. I'll go eat dinner now.

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She's cute...but she's not "Oh-my-God I had to cheat on my wife and the wife understood" hot.


I agree, she has more of a very cute girl next door quality, not what I was expecting from a girl in Miami. There were much "hotter" girls in the running IMO. That said, it's all good :w00t:

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