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me, I'd just start taking crack, find me some ho's, get the gold bling on, and become a Miami Dolphins fan. I can see it now...hanging out in the clubs with Mike Mularkey, doing the beach scene with Barbarino or whatever the hell that silicone injected cheerleaders name is, and grilling cuban sandwiches at the tailgate.

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Well thank you for telling me who i am.

I think this quote can be disected in many different ways.

That is why I posed the question.

I think it is fairly reasonable to be uneasy after hearing that.

And the smoke has been around for a while now.

I don't remember Ralph going this far with his words.

Me, being mr. doomsday that i am, has held firm for a long time

now that the bills are not leaving buffalo.

I'm just starting to get this bad feeling.

And remember that if a theater is actually on fire .. I'd rather be the one who sees it quickly rather someone who stays in their seat and hopes it will go out by itself.

And i wasn't yelling fire i really just wanted to get a concensus of what the board thinks.

Sorry I pissed you off einstein.




You don't need vast knowledge to understand that Ralph is using the microphone and press to get his point out. To read that article and immediately come to the conclusion that "That's it. They're leaving." is, at best, lazy thinking and smacks of a consistent doomsday attitude. It's clear you're another one of those great fans who thinks he's smells smoke and immediately starts running around uncontrollably yelling to everyone that the world is on fire.


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Here we are in week 15 of the 2006 season holding on to a thin thread to make the playoffs and playing the biggest rivals of this team at Home who are also holding on to a thin thread to make the playoffs and all I have seen being posted since morning is about the Bills leaving town....Makes my day sick.....Where are the Anthony's and DeLucas...At least they provided good discussion forums.


Where are Phuonix and DCM ?  What are they talking about down in South Florida ?




Almost makes ya' miss ICE....

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It's to market the game, Manning vs. Manning is a pretty big thing and everyone was watching it, it turned out to be a decent game too. I have no problem with the league advertising a prime time game between a hall of fame bound quarterback and his brother.


They might as well have been advertising The Undertaker v.s. Kane or Hulk Hogan v.s. Andre the Giant. It's all stupid crap. It means nothing.


They advertise that way because dumb people fall for it. Every single game is advertised as a life or death struggle between two rivals that hate each other. In real life, when there's less than a minute left in the 4th quarter, the guys on both sidelines are talking about where they're going after the game.

Yeah, T.O. and Chad Johnson do a lot of sh--, but so what? It doesn't take anything away from the game and some, myself included, aren't a fan of it but there are a lot of people that love to see them do that sh--. And the NFL can't be to blame for that, the NFL tries to prevent them from doing it but they just go on and do it anyways.


Nobody likes that stupid crap. That's the reason everyone is incredulous when Ladainian Tomlinson doesn't bounce around like a retard every time he scores a touchdown. Because the NFL is full of morons you wouldn't want to know or let in your house if they weren't good at football. The NFL has a whole culture of stupid crap. I can't even remember how many times I've seen some idiot get a sack and do an elaborate dance even though his team is losing by 20 in the 4th quarter.
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Here is an idea, and I'm already anticipating all the clever and witty comments from the jaded cynics and ubercool cyberhacks that permeate this board...


As for the rest of you :bag:, what do you guys think about petitioning Chris Berman to make an issue about Wilson's comments in one of his upcoming Gameday editions? While he may be somewhat of a shill for the NFL's devoted wife, known as ESPN, (as opposed to its new mistress, the NFL Network) I do think he still has the kid in him that grew up rooting for the Bills as passionately as we do. I genuinely believe he still has a soft spot in him for the Bills and would be upset if they left. Further, I think he is not that far removed from being the voice of the NFL to be irrelevant. I'm hoping, although I could be wrong about this, that he has evolved from his jolly fun-loving Primetime self to tackle a more serious role; that of a senior statesman for the NFL and a voice of conscience.


Also, I could imagine TJ and co also sounding sympathetic for Wilson and the smaller markets. I heard Howard Simon and Jeremy White solicit James Brown to say he might run a piece. I'm thinking that if we wrote Chris Berman a long lengthy petition just asking for his help and explaining what the Bills mean to us, it might, just might make a difference. Probably not, but you never know. Who knows, it could even get on the air. What do you guys think? I do know that, whether or not we agree with Wilson's fight, he is far too old to do it himself. If a guy like Berman backed him, at least people outside the Buffalo market would take notice. What do you guys think?

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Where Ralph has an excellent point is the absurdity in giving the players a piece of the luxury box revenue by raising the salary cap which applies to all teams when the big market teams are making the lion's share of that revenue and not sharing it with the smaller market teams. If luxury box revenues are not shared, it should not be included in the players piece of the pie. Ralph should have used the Players Union to push for luxury box revenue sharing. Instead the NFL just gave the players a piece of that pie and totally screwed over the small market teams.

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As I look around my room at the thousands of posters, my tickets and game day packets lining the desk I'm at, pictures, signed Shane Conlan picture, and massive banner that pisses off my college roommate... I realized something.


I love the Buffalo Bills.


There I said it, I love you Buffalo.




Anyways, how can there not be a New York football team? This blows my mind... who's up for pitching in and buying the Buffalo Bills?





Keep your head up, you could still cheer for the Toronto Bills :bag:

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Here we are in week 15 of the 2006 season holding on to a thin thread to make the playoffs and playing the biggest rivals of this team at Home who are also holding on to a thin thread to make the playoffs and all I have seen being posted since morning is about the Bills leaving town....Makes my day sick.....Where are the Anthony's and DeLucas...At least they provided good discussion forums.


Where are Phuonix and DCM ?  What are they talking about down in South Florida ?


Whatever happened to Des?

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Lets try and not turn this into a "The Bills are moving" thread like every other thread on this board. Lets discuss possible owners for the future, and what plans YOU would make if you were Ralph Wilson before he dies.


Personally if I were running the show, I would try to get Tom Golisano to become a half owner of the Bills right now. Then upon the death of Ralph Wilson, Golisano would take over the full reins of the team.


Who else has a suggestion?

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Here we are in week 15 of the 2006 season holding on to a thin thread to make the playoffs and playing the biggest rivals of this team at Home who are also holding on to a thin thread to make the playoffs and all I have seen being posted since morning is about the Bills leaving town....Makes my day sick.....Where are the Anthony's and DeLucas...At least they provided good discussion forums.


Where are Phuonix and DCM ?  What are they talking about down in South Florida ?




Puhonix is just oiling up the pool boy, he'll be back in a little while

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Lets try and not turn this into a "The Bills are moving" thread like every other thread on this board. Lets discuss possible owners for the future, and what plans YOU would make if you were Ralph Wilson after he dies.


Personally if I were running the show, I would try to get Tom Golisano to become a half owner of the Bills right now. Then upon the death of Ralph Wilson, Golisano would take over the full reins of the team.


Who else has a suggestion?




Jeremy Jacobs name is often thrown into these conversations. If you talk to any Boston Bruins fans, that's pretty scary.

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"What plans YOU would make if you were Ralph Wilson after he dies...."


If I were Ralph after he died, I'd just let the chips fall where they may.


Before then, I'd start dropping hints in the media so other potential owners might contact me to make an offer....

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"What plans YOU would make if you were Ralph Wilson after he dies...."


If I were Ralph after he died, I'd just let the chips fall where they may. 


Before then, I'd start dropping hints in the media so other potential owners might contact me to make an offer....



Yep ... sorry. Bad wording on my part.

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The problem I have with this "big market" is that how many more such "big market" cities are there that do not have an NFL team.  When I mean "big market" it has to be a substantial revenue stream....For example the Redskins made about 100M more in revenue than the Bills.  Is there another city that can generate a disparate revenue or even half of that.  I think the answer is no.


The next in line cities other than LA are may be a San Antonio or a Portland. However I don't think any of those cities can provide that kind of revenue stream and are more likely to be in the side where Buffalo belongs.  It is also going to be hard for any team to move to LA considering the # of potential issues to face from lawsuits from Al Davis to building a new stadium, to multiple other franchises wanting to move there (San Diego, Jacksonville).


I think if the Bills were to move they would be on there way to Toronto.I dont see them moving anytime soon,however if the snot nosed punk Dan Synder and Mr Arrogant, Jerry Jones have there ways(which looks to be the case)we can start counting the Days.

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Lets try and not turn this into a "The Bills are moving" thread like every other thread on this board. Lets discuss possible owners for the future, and what plans YOU would make if you were Ralph Wilson before he dies.


Personally if I were running the show, I would try to get Tom Golisano to become a half owner of the Bills right now. Then upon the death of Ralph Wilson, Golisano would take over the full reins of the team.


Who else has a suggestion?



I am not too familiar with the region's tremenously wealthy, outside of golisano, so I don't really have any ideas for future owners. I do have a question however: Does anybody know of / heard of Golisano ever expressing (in public) any level of interest in buying the bills? I only ask because it would seem that he would be an ideal owner for the team as far as keeping them in the area.

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