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60.00 to spend on our baby


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An exceptional Vintage, with outstanding, powerful wines, but unjustly overshadowed by the 1985s and the 1977's before them. As a result these wines are very good value at auction. Declared by most houses.......


Wow, man! Thanks for all of that...guess I have some time to develop my taste yet.

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Flame me all you want.  But the best way to spend that $60 is to leave the baby with Grandma and take your wife out to for a quiet, romantic date. 


One of these days, you'll admit that I was right!  :bag:


Pick the right night and you'll have to be buying another $60.00 gift for a 3 month old NEXT year!!!

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My parents did exactly that for me...have a nice 1983 bottle unopened at the house.  I'm not really feeling port yet (I think it's all right) and I'd love to wait a little bit until I have a serious taste for it so I don't waste it.  Is my window closing?



You have a lifetime. Try some other ports before you open that one and get to know them. I would wait at least until 2013. If you don't care for the stuff at all you might sell it.

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