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Overall I think that charlie gibson did a decent job with the handling of the debate. I am in general a charlie gibson fan. i understand that the questions cam from the 140 guests, and that charlie reviewed each of them and then decided which ones would be asked....and when. This is what leads to me the problem that I have with his final question.


The question read:


"President Bush, during the last four years, you have made thousands of decisions that have affected millions of lives. Please give three instances in which you came to realize you had made a wrong decision, and what you did to correct it. Thank you"



Now anyone looking at this question and is the least bit honest has to admit that this is a one sided question. It is asked ONLY to the president, and does not even include kerry or his record. Therefore it was intended to put the president on the spot, and leave the door wide open for kerry to continue his rhetoric and slandor against the president. kerry had no danger in this questions AT ALL!!!


How could a question like this be asked??? Especially as the final question before closing statements? This was wrong, and I think it clearly showed the bias that charlie and ABC has towards the left.


I was very disappointed......any comments?

when i heard that question, i was hoping it was going to be a 2 part question:

bush: 3 mistakes you've made

kerry: 3 accomplishments the president has made



That would have been a FANTASTIC question.

He was just following the ABC memo that came out yesterday.



Good point.


Like I said, I used to have some respect for charlie, but he gets my award for buttmonkey of the week. What a shame.


The question was a good one. As a Kerry supporter, I think Kerry should have taken the high road and told the audience three mistakes he has made in his rebuttal. It was a great opening that Kerry could have exploited by showing some of his own fallabilities in the same light that Bush refused to admit mistakes. That's why Bush's response was not so bad. Kerry did not need to attack in the rebuttal.

The question was a good one.  As a Kerry supporter, I think Kerry should have taken the high road and told the audience three mistakes he has made in his rebuttal.  It was a great opening that Kerry could have exploited by showing some of his own fallabilities in the same light that Bush refused to admit mistakes.  That's why Bush's response was not so bad.  Kerry did not need to attack in the rebuttal.




With all due respect...are you kidding me?????


Look I understand that you are a kerry supporter and I respect that. But if you think that kerry, or anyone was going to simply spew some negitives about himself just because he thought it was the right thing to do, then you must b froma different planet. Please tell me when was the last time this happened? Please don't hurt yourself trying to come up with an answer....there is not one.


How could you say this was a good or fair question? It simply was LOADED and totally one sided. I went back and looked at the transcript and every other question required an answer from both sides. This one was a one sided only question. It allowed for a wide open oppertuntiy for kerry to ponce on the president. Regardless of how the president answered it. And the fact that charlie left this question for last, totaly exposed his bias, because he clearly wanted to leave the ignorant viewer with the impression that president Bush will not admit any mistakes. Again, this was a totally ignorant question that should have never been included.


I have no doubt that whe kerry heard that question, he more then likely wet hinself with joy. He must have thought that he was dreaming.

The question was a good one.  As a Kerry supporter, I think Kerry should have taken the high road and told the audience three mistakes he has made in his rebuttal.  It was a great opening that Kerry could have exploited by showing some of his own fallabilities in the same light that Bush refused to admit mistakes.  That's why Bush's response was not so bad.  Kerry did not need to attack in the rebuttal.



kerry could have really helped himself with this question by taking the high road and not talking about bush's mistakes or his own mistakes. instead of being negative, which voters don't like, he could have turned the question around and discussed what he thought the president has done right

kerry could have really helped himself with this question by taking the high road and not talking about bush's mistakes or his own mistakes.  instead of being negative, which voters don't like, he could have turned the question around and discussed what he thought the president has done right




That would have worked too. Again, I was disappointed in both responses and that's why I think it was a wash.

With all due respect...are you kidding me?????


Look I understand that you are a kerry supporter and I respect that. But if you think that kerry, or anyone was going to simply spew some negitives about himself just because he thought it was the right thing to do, then you must b froma different planet. Please tell me when was the last time this happened? Please don't hurt yourself trying to come up with an answer....there is not one.


How could you say this was a good or fair question? It simply was LOADED and totally one sided. I went back and looked at the transcript and every other question required an answer from both sides. This one was a one sided only question. It allowed for a wide open oppertuntiy for kerry to ponce on the president. Regardless of how the president answered it. And the fact that charlie left this question for last, totaly exposed his bias, because he clearly wanted to leave the ignorant viewer with the impression that president Bush will not admit any mistakes. Again, this was a totally ignorant question that should have never been included.


I have no doubt that whe kerry heard that question, he more then likely wet hinself with joy. He must have thought that he was dreaming.



Good point about candidates never discussing negatives about themselves. As for the question, maybe it could have been worded differently to Bush. The point I think was the viewpoint that he cannot or will not recognize his own mistakes. He is human and has fallibilities. Recognizing and understanding how to correct one's own mistakes is a sign of a good leader. I really think Bush could have knocked that ball out of the park if he started by stating that it is important for a leader to learn from his own mistakes and take action to correct it. Then, he could have at least mentioned one or two.

Overall I think that charlie gibson did a decent job with the handling of the debate. I am in general a charlie gibson fan. i understand that the questions cam from the 140 guests, and that charlie reviewed each of them and then decided which ones would be asked....and when. This is what leads to me the problem that I have with his final question.


The question read:


"President Bush, during the last four years, you have made thousands of decisions that have affected millions of lives. Please give three instances in which you came to realize you had made a wrong decision, and what you did to correct it. Thank you"

Now anyone looking at this question and is the least bit honest has to admit that this is a one sided question. It is asked ONLY to the president, and does not even include kerry or his record. Therefore it was intended to put the president on the spot, and leave the door wide open for kerry to continue his rhetoric and slandor against the president. kerry had no danger in this questions AT ALL!!!


How could a question like this be asked??? Especially as the final question before closing statements? This was wrong, and I think it clearly showed the bias that charlie and ABC has towards the left.


I was very disappointed......any comments?



I was on that too. Outragious question, especially in light of how well (fair) the rest of the debate was handled.

kerry could have really helped himself with this question by taking the high road and not talking about bush's mistakes or his own mistakes.  instead of being negative, which voters don't like, he could have turned the question around and discussed what he thought the president has done right



I was thinking something along those lines. I missed the end of the debate (can only take some much). Wouldn't it be great if either of them congratulated the other on something that their opponent did. It takes a man to do that and it appears that it has been a long time since we had a man in the white house. Maybe it is time we elected a woman. :w00t:

Overall I think that charlie gibson did a decent job with the handling of the debate. I am in general a charlie gibson fan. i understand that the questions cam from the 140 guests, and that charlie reviewed each of them and then decided which ones would be asked....and when. This is what leads to me the problem that I have with his final question.


The question read:


"President Bush, during the last four years, you have made thousands of decisions that have affected millions of lives. Please give three instances in which you came to realize you had made a wrong decision, and what you did to correct it. Thank you"

Now anyone looking at this question and is the least bit honest has to admit that this is a one sided question. It is asked ONLY to the president, and does not even include kerry or his record. Therefore it was intended to put the president on the spot, and leave the door wide open for kerry to continue his rhetoric and slandor against the president. kerry had no danger in this questions AT ALL!!!


How could a question like this be asked??? Especially as the final question before closing statements? This was wrong, and I think it clearly showed the bias that charlie and ABC has towards the left.


I was very disappointed......any comments?



He didn't answer the question anyway so why are you whining? Fact is, both of them pretty much ignored the question they were asked and just answered the one they wish the were asked. And you know whose fault that is? Ours. You see, if they actually had a frank discussion, we would make them pay for it by using every word we possibly could to hang them for daring to say anything besides their stump speech.

He didn't answer the question anyway so why are you whining?  Fact is, both of them pretty much ignored the question they were asked and just answered the one they wish the were asked.  And you know whose fault that is?  Ours.  You see, if they actually had a frank discussion, we would make them pay for it by using every word we possibly could to hang them for daring to say anything besides their stump speech.




Excellent point. We The People would rip apart any fool who had the audacity to speak the truth without filter. Viva la spin!


He could have evened the playing field and asked Kerry the three biggest mistakes he made this year as well! It is a no win situation for Bush or any candidate for that matter to answer such a loaded question.


I understand the concern over the last question to Bush, but I think libs could make the same argument about the stem cell and abortion questions asked of Kerry. They were both asked from the opposing point of view. The stem cell person mentioned how all the progress has been with adult and umbillical cells, while none have come from embryonic. The abortion person asked how Kerry could make someone who is opposed to abortions comfortable that their tax money wouldn't be used to fund them. Kerry failed to answer these questions directly and babbled on about his positions on these issues while trying at the same time to appease the questioner, but one would think if the questions were asked differently he would have came across much better. So much for the idea that he thinks so well on his feet...

Good point about candidates never discussing negatives about themselves.  As for the question, maybe it could have been worded differently to Bush.  The point I think was the viewpoint that he cannot or will not recognize his own mistakes.  He is human and has fallibilities.  Recognizing and understanding how to correct one's own mistakes is a sign of a good leader.  I really think Bush could have knocked that ball out of the park if he started by stating that it is important for a leader to learn from his own mistakes and take action to correct it.  Then, he could have at least mentioned one or two.




Come on man be real...only someone as stupid lets say a....dukakis or someone like that would be sooo stupid as to admit a mistake three weeks before an election and give thier opponents free ammo. Get real.

He didn't answer the question anyway so why are you whining?  Fact is, both of them pretty much ignored the question they were asked and just answered the one they wish the were asked.  And you know whose fault that is?  Ours.  You see, if they actually had a frank discussion, we would make them pay for it by using every word we possibly could to hang them for daring to say anything besides their stump speech.




But mickey my point was that the question itself was totally one sided. I would have said the same if such an ignorant one sided question was asked on kerry, that had no real answer, and that gave the opponent a clear free shot to bash and dash.


Can you at least acknowledge that?

kerry could have really helped himself with this question by taking the high road and not talking about bush's mistakes or his own mistakes.  instead of being negative, which voters don't like, he could have turned the question around and discussed what he thought the president has done right




I think this presidential campaign is proof positiive that voters do like negativity, or at least respond to it more than they do positive messages. It steers the polls, and each side does their best to provide it on a daily basis. I know politics have always been a dirty game, but this campaign is the ugliest ever. I suspect that more people will vote


Your second point, about the question, as someone who is absolutely ready for president Bush to be out of office, I think that Kerry has been way too gentlemenly in these debates. He has been far more respectful of Bush, than the other way around. If voters really are that truned off by negativity, Kerry would be ahead by a mile, after these debates. But that is not the case...


It was a fair question because the lady in the red dress (I believe it was red) asked the same question and Bush didn't come close to answering it. It was a fair question because Bush had earlier bullied the moderator, Gibson, and simply ignored him when Gibson was trying to do his job. That little segment was a microcosm of this whole election and administration. Bush just simply ignored what was right, and did whatever he wanted, steamrolling over the person with the moral and legal standing, the moderator. He used his force because he could, and he acted like a streetyard bully. Republicans and Bush supporters found this to be awesome, and tough, and needed to be done and said. Democrats and Kerry supporters thought this was classic crap, ignoring the facts and protocol and right thing to do right in front of you and just shoving your way into places you shouldnt be.

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