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My post trip review

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So you had lunch with Lee Evans and hung with Van Miller on stage ,WTF, you could not stop by my house and say HI or atleast leave a note saying that you where at the BTI. And you real hurt Buddies feelings. I guess all English people look down on surfs.

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So you had lunch with Lee Evans and hung with Van Miller on stage ,WTF, you could not stop by my house and say HI or atleast leave a note saying that you where at the BTI. And you real hurt Buddies feelings. I guess all English people look down on surfs.


Sorry Hammer - next year for sure. My friend I was with was being a baby and started to refuse to go see people I know out there. It was kinda tense for a bit... I didn't get all the things done I really wanted to.


What's the deal with BTI and you? Some guys there said there was an issue between the Hammer and BTI...?

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What's the deal with BTI and you?  Some guys there said there was an issue between the Hammer and BTI...?



Which Guys? Danny's poop boy (Eugene) or the Bartenders? As far as the issue, when the owner swears in front of a group of people, that he will never do something then turns around and does it and it affect me, and after being a customer of the BTI since DAY 1 than yes, there is a issue.



Um, I know I'm just a surf or is it SERF....

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My friend I was with was being a baby and started to refuse to go see people I know out there. It was kinda tense for a bit... I didn't get all the things done I really wanted to.


Nothing more frustrating than traveling with someone who doesn't share your passion for what you're seeing or doing. Perhaps come by yourself next time, give us plenty of notice regarding your plans and I'm sure you'll have a better time with fellow wallers. Try the season opener!

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