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When you think of an idiom


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When you hear the word idiom, what do you think of?


Canadians. Of course. You can't help it. It's just the way the brain works.


Of course, idiom means something completely different, but it did get me to thinking. If I substitute the word Canadian into certain idioms, proverbs and sayings, and change them a little bit, can I improve them or at least give them an additional meaning? Here are a few.



Canadians can't be choosers


Nature abhors a Canadian.


The early Canadian catches the road killl


An eye for an eye and a tooth for a Canadian


Canadians breed contempt


A Canadian by any other name would smell as bad


Canadians are stranger than fiction


You can lead a Candian to AA but you can't make him sober up


When the cat's away, the Canadians will have sex with the dog


No Candians is good Canadians


Cleanliness is next to Canadianness......... :) yeah right

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That's the whole premise of the thread.  When you hear "idiom", "idiot" pops into your head.  When you think idiot, you think, "Canadian".


When I think Canadian I think ballet


When I think ballet I think slippers


When I think slippers I think the Wizard of Oz


When I think Wizard of Oz I think flying monkeys


When I think flying monkeys I think Bungee Jumper


When I think Bungee Jumper I think bridges


When I think bridges I think Beau


When I think Beau I think "The Thanksgiving Promise"


When I think The Thanksgiving Promise I think Canada



It's the circle of life.

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Thats funny, I don't think Canada, I think Crayonz


By the way, Canada has Sammy, we let a couple of beavers have their way with him, and then used him as a hockey puck for a couple of games until a polar bear ate him.


Sammy is smart. He would not go to Canada. You killed the wrong hamster.


Sammy's evil twin could not have gotten him to Canada either. It is too far from here.

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Sammy is smart.  He would not go to Canada.  You killed the wrong hamster.


Sammy's evil twin could not have gotten him to Canada either.  It is too far from here.


It wasn't his choice, he was kidnapped by Celine Dion, working a Vegas show was just her cover to go get him.

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It wasn't his choice, he was kidnapped by Celine Dion, working a Vegas show was just her cover to go get him.


I know she is a Canadian sex symbol but let's face it, :wallbash: .


I think Sammy would have run as she approached. Your theory does not hold water.


Let me re-phrase that in Canadian. Your theory does not hold ice.

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When I think Canadian I think ballet


When I think ballet I think slippers


When I think slippers I think the Wizard of Oz


When I think Wizard of Oz I think flying monkeys


When I think flying monkeys I think Bungee Jumper


When I think Bungee Jumper I think bridges


When I think bridges I think Beau


When I think Beau I think "The Thanksgiving Promise"


When I think The Thanksgiving Promise I think Canada

It's the circle of life.


Very creative post. :wallbash:

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Canadians can't be choosers


Nature abhors a Canadian.


The early Canadian catches the road killl


An eye for an eye and a tooth for a Canadian


Canadians breed contempt


A Canadian by any other name would smell as bad


Canadians are stranger than fiction


You can lead a Candian to AA but you can't make him sober up


When the cat's away, the Canadians will have sex with the dog


No Candians is good Canadians


How about:


Canadians make good lovers.



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You've been in the North too long!


Try 5-10 in the South...you pick the spot from Texas to S. California.


How many Canadians do you know that rely on free US: food, medical, legal and educational assistance? And represent 30% of our federal prison population!


Did I say FREE? That's free to them but you will end up paying for it. :wallbash::w00t:

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