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Do YOU believe in God?


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The guy that runs concession here at the base makes it known almost on a daily basis that he does NOT believe in the "man upsatirs". Disgruntled over his life choices from what I gather. Today his quote was that Christianity is a "dieing religion" and to "just look, each year there is less and less christmas decorations at peoples houses". Cant/wont argue with this guy. What would you do?Do you believe? Any suggestions?

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I believe in God, but I think Christmas is a huge pain in the arse. Why adults put themselves through the agony of trying to buy gifts for other adults is beyond me. Let it just be about the kids and relax a bit, already!

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I believe in God, but I think Christmas is a huge pain in the arse. Why adults put themselves through the agony of trying to buy gifts for other adults is beyond me. Let it just be about the kids and relax a bit, already!


Yeah, it's hard buying for other adults! And sometimes awkward! My brother got us gift certs. to Target for 50$..and we got him gift certs to Outback for 30$ :doh: Makes me feel like I need to buy him something else to make up the difference. Oh well!

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This guy sounds like a jerk. Anybody who constantly blabs about his/her religious beliefs is annoying. Personally, I'm agnostic and usually sympathetic to people bad-mouthing organized religion, but it sounds like this guy is just using atheism as an excuse to irritate people. This is the kind of person commonly referred to by develpmental psychologists as a Fu#%ing !@#$.

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This guy sounds like a jerk.  Anybody who constantly blabs about his/her religious beliefs is annoying.  Personally, I'm agnostic and usually sympathetic to people bad-mouthing organized religion, but it sounds like this guy is just using atheism as an excuse to irritate people.  This is the kind of person commonly referred to by develpmental psychologists as a Fu#%ing !@#$.


Yep..and he is also in a position of high public interaction, so I am sure I am not the only one to be offended! :doh:

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Yeah, it's hard buying for other adults! And sometimes awkward! My brother got us gift certs. to Target for 50$..and we got him gift certs to Outback for 30$ :doh: Makes me feel like I need to buy him something else to make up the difference. Oh well!



exactly....adults spend all their time standing in lines, fighting traffic, wondering if they spent enough or too much, whether to get something for this person at all, etc. Even when there are solutions like "secret santa" or whatever, you still have people pissing and moaning about it. They were talking about that on the radio today....their secret santa game allows them to pick a gift from the bag or take someone elses before they open it. In past years I guess there were a lot of issues that sprung up after they saw what each person got, cause some people WOULD have had the better gift if someone else hadn't taken it from them.....what IS this crap?? lol


If we could just stop this sort of madness, we could focus more on the real meaning of Christmas, as USMC suggested. Hell, wouldn't it be more meaningful to spend all that time with family/friends/kids instead of running around like crazy people trying to get everything purchased by the 25th?


I was blessed to have some pretty great Christmas mornings as a kid...and I think that we should focus more on giving that to as many other kids as possible....just my opinion :lol:

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exactly....adults spend all their time standing in lines, fighting traffic, wondering if they spent enough or too much, whether to get something for this person at all, etc. Even when there are solutions like "secret santa" or whatever, you still have people pissing and moaning about it. They were talking about that on the radio today....their secret santa game allows them to pick a gift from the bag or take someone elses before they open it. In past years I guess there were a lot of issues that sprung up after they saw what each person got, cause some people WOULD have had the better gift if someone else hadn't taken it from them.....what IS this crap?? lol


If we could just stop this sort of madness, we could focus more on the real meaning of Christmas, as USMC suggested. Hell, wouldn't it be more meaningful to spend all that time with family/friends/kids instead of running around like crazy people trying to get everything purchased by the 25th?


I was blessed to have some pretty great Christmas mornings as a kid...and I think that we should focus more on giving that to as many other kids as possible....just my opinion :doh:


pipe down grinch

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pipe down grinch





Does that mean you're getting me something? :lol:


And I don't have to know any more about you than I do, to know that Christmas for that beautiful kid of yours is INFINITELY more important than any adult you're buying for this year!

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Does that mean you're getting me something?  :lol:


And I don't have to know any more about you than I do, to know that Christmas for that beautiful kid of yours is INFINITELY more important than any adult you're buying for this year!


yeah he gets spoiled...

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Well, I've had a couple of incidents in my life that definitely afirmed my belief in God and a separate plane of existence.  And I was born and raised as an atheist.



Yep, sometimes things happen where you just know it can't be waved off as mere coincidence.

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It's something I struggle with sometimes as to exactly what I believe. I look at incidents that occur today and wonder if those were perceived to be miracles...or on the other end of the spectrum, the wrath of god...such as the different weather phenomenon and what not 2000 years ago. I want for the life of me to have an unwavering belief in god but it's hard. I've lived a great life thus far with great family and friends so it's not out of spite that I am hesitant...it's just the inquisitive human nature in me. Like I said, I want to whole heartedly believe, it's just hard sometimes.

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I want for the life of me to have an unwavering belief in god but it's hard.



I think it's designed to be that way, actually. The doubt that we have is what often propels us to look harder, think deeper, etc. It is often the fuel for our faith. If we had unwavering belief in God, or flat out knowledge of His existence, then there would be no need for faith. And I believe that it is through faith that God teaches us and helps us to grow into better people.


Of course, I could be wrong about that....

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I believe in God, but not necessarily in a Christ based God. I figure the mountainop has lots of avenues to get there, and Christianity as good a road as any. I think the thing about God is he is not a "man upstairs" and when we think he is (or that he is a "he") we try to make God in our own image. The God that is doesn't operate within the realms of time or space nor does the God that is play by our rules. That is the wonder of God, and the need to have faith as opposed to "proof" that God exists.

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I think it's designed to be that way, actually. The doubt that we have is what often propels us to look harder, think deeper, etc. It is often the fuel for our faith. If we had unwavering belief in God, or flat out knowledge of His existence, then there would be no need for faith. And I believe that it is through faith that God teaches us and helps us to grow into better people.


Of course, I could be wrong about that....



That def puts it into perspective. I guess sometimes you just need to refocus on what the basic truths are in your life for it to come into focus.

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