/dev/null Posted December 7, 2006 Posted December 7, 2006 Have you ever handled a sweaty meat helmit? 859164[/snapback] That sounds gay
outsidethebox Posted December 7, 2006 Posted December 7, 2006 That sounds gay 859167[/snapback] Why do you think I quit? Yeah the money was good, but could you tell your friends and family you make meat helmits?
meazza Posted December 7, 2006 Posted December 7, 2006 I sliced rye bread, night shift for a bakery. I used to work way too hard for what I was paid but I guess it got me through school.
JoeFerguson Posted December 7, 2006 Posted December 7, 2006 Dishwasher, Damenti's Restaurant Mountaintop, PA
duey Posted December 7, 2006 Posted December 7, 2006 I once spent a summer in Latvia at a factory making meat helmits. Have you ever handled a sweaty meat helmit? 859164[/snapback] I was going to ask WTF a meat helmet was, but then I found this... http://www.we-make-money-not-art.com/archives/007705.php
aussiew Posted December 7, 2006 Posted December 7, 2006 Worked weekends as a receptionist in a "Massage" place. It only took a couple of days to figure out that the men customers were getting "special" massages. I stayed for a few more weeks because the money was good. But then, when the boss suggested that I "train" to become a masseuse, I quit.
meazza Posted December 7, 2006 Posted December 7, 2006 Worked weekends as a receptionist in a "Massage" place. It only took a couple of days to figure out that the men customers were getting "special" massages. I stayed for a few more weeks because the money was good. But then, when the boss suggested that I "train" to become a masseuse, I quit. 859256[/snapback]
stevewin Posted December 7, 2006 Posted December 7, 2006 Janitor at a movie theatre. started at 4 am so we could be done by the time the theatre opened. 858785[/snapback] When I was in college I had a buddy who signed up to be a weekend janitor for his 'work study' job - I think he had to go in at like 5 in the morning on Sat & Sun - could you pick a worse job in college if you tried? We used to mock him mercilessly while we were out Fri/Sat night - many times he just never went to bed - it actually lasted a couple months before it finally was just too much. I worked at KFC Many years ago I went into a KFC in South Florida and ordered a meal - the girl behind the counter said "I'm sorry - but we have no chicken"
Buffal0 Bill5 Posted December 7, 2006 Posted December 7, 2006 Cleaning the Meat Department at Tops (consistently worst job) Cleaning the grease pit under the sink at McDonalds (smelliest job) Selling Thermalguard windows (shortest job I ever had)
dib Posted December 7, 2006 Posted December 7, 2006 Many years ago I went into a KFC in South Florida and ordered a meal - the girl behind the counter said "I'm sorry - but we have no chicken" 859283[/snapback] I went to a Burger King in South Florida and they told me they had run out of hamburgers.
EZC-Boston Posted December 7, 2006 Posted December 7, 2006 - Removing asbestos for the summer - dime toss at erie county fair - mcdonalds 859155[/snapback] What's so bad about the dime toss?
tennesseeboy Posted December 7, 2006 Posted December 7, 2006 In college I worked at the Courier Express on the press line. Filthy ink in hair, up nostrils, unbelievable noise...most of the printers were missing fingers from replacing sheet breaks. Nice guys and great money, but one unhealthy place to work.
Fan in San Diego Posted December 7, 2006 Posted December 7, 2006 My worst job was a summer job thing in High School. I worked in a mahine shop. They had a machine that made horseshoes. My job was to grab the red hot bar of steel from one part of the machine with tongs and place it in the press which formed the horseshoe from the red hot aluminum. Mind numbingly boring. I lasted a week and quit. Each minute in that job seemed like an hour.
Nervous Guy Posted December 7, 2006 Posted December 7, 2006 Worked at Delta Sonic Car Wash, Walden and Union for a few years...winters were brutal...and friggin busy.
Buford T. Justice Posted December 7, 2006 Posted December 7, 2006 Worked weekends as a receptionist in a "Massage" place. It only took a couple of days to figure out that the men customers were getting "special" massages. I stayed for a few more weeks because the money was good. But then, when the boss suggested that I "train" to become a masseuse, I quit. 859256[/snapback] Pissed he thought you needed training?
plenzmd1 Posted December 7, 2006 Posted December 7, 2006 Went to Luarderdale for spring break back in 85. 7 guys in a bread truck from Western Pa to FLA. Slept on the beach or the truck.I think the guy who left PA with the most money in is pocket had $136.00 Ran out of money, we all had to day labor to get gas money and money for a rebuilt alternator for the way home. Now for the bad part. First day we go to agency, sign up, give ss#s etc. They ask if we want a ride to the job site. Well, the truck ain't running, so we say YES. Work all day at a construction site hauling crap around in the florida heat for 8 hrs at $5.25 an hr. 3.00pm quitting time, we go back to the agency where we get paid like $23. $5 for the ride there and back, agency fee, taxes, etc. Dam 8 hrs work in brutal florida sun and heat, for about $3 bucks an hr. Thought we were going to do two days, we had to do 4. Absolutely brutal!!!!!!
Buftex Posted December 7, 2006 Posted December 7, 2006 When I first moved to Austin, 15 years ago, I had a parttime job in a gorcery store (HEB) photo lab. I can't believe I lasted six months there...
crackur Posted December 7, 2006 Posted December 7, 2006 a fair/carnival yep, they ripped me off and didnt pay me hardly anything, just a cple of bucks so I just let everyone win, heck I just let them buy a try and hand the their toy or stuffed animal lol
IDBillzFan Posted December 7, 2006 Posted December 7, 2006 Went to Luarderdale for spring break back in 85. 7 guys in a bread truck from Western Pa to FLA. Slept on the beach or the truck.I think the guy who left PA with the most money in is pocket had $136.00 Ran out of money, we all had to day labor to get gas money and money for a rebuilt alternator for the way home.859608[/snapback] Holy crap. In '82 six of us went to Daytona for Spring Break in a Jeep Wrangler. We got about halfway home and realized we didn't have enough money for gas to get the rest of the way to Rochester. Just as we were approaching empty, we drove by an elderly couple on the highway whose car was heating up and they looked to be in trouble, so we pulled over and a semi pulled behind us. A fire started under the hood and the trucker got his fire extinguisher and put it out, then drove off. The couple gave us $50, and I'm still not sure why. Hey. Maybe it was God.
plenzmd1 Posted December 7, 2006 Posted December 7, 2006 Holy crap. In '82 six of us went to Daytona for Spring Break in a Jeep Wrangler. We got about halfway home and realized we didn't have enough money for gas to get the rest of the way to Rochester. Just as we were approaching empty, we drove by an elderly couple on the highway whose car was heating up and they looked to be in trouble, so we pulled over and a semi pulled behind us. A fire started under the hood and the trucker got his fire extinguisher and put it out, then drove off. The couple gave us $50, and I'm still not sure why. Hey. Maybe it was God. 859662[/snapback] Maybe, seems a lot of us back in da day had similiar experiences. Pretty sure kids today would just call home and get some money wired. Well my crew, we all pretty much would have gotten the same reponce from our folks"you got your ass down, now get it back up" and stop spending all your money doing this and get your ass working or begging!!!
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