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Where is Marv


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Hey Guys,


I'm from Windsor so I don't get to listen to postgame unless I'm there for the game, but I haven't heard from Marv in a while and his thoughts on the team. Is he....still kickin along with ralphie or have they gone silent?


I'll be up for the phins game though, it's a tradition. Gotta get away from this fire millen area for a while lol

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marv does a local radio show every week in rochester. my general vibe from him is that this is a rebuilding year. He is looking for the players to work hard through good times and bad. he has mentioned that the teams biggest weakness is its inability to run and stop the run. I think he is cautiously optomistic with losman and the other skill players... and with any luck we will see new trench players added this offseason.

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Check the broadcast link pinned at the top of the Stadium Wall, and see the link to WHAM 1180 for web radio.


Marv does not like to talk about "rebuilding".

In his autobio, he says that (paraphrased) If you say you are in a rebuilding year, you have not completed the sentence. You are rebuilding for the next head coach and general managaer!



Hey Guys,


I'm from Windsor so I don't get to listen to postgame unless I'm there for the game, but I haven't heard from Marv in a while and his thoughts on the team. Is he....still kickin along with ralphie or have they gone silent?


I'll be up for the phins game though, it's a tradition. Gotta get away from this fire millen area for a while lol


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