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Happy Birthday Carl


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May I be the first to say "Who's Carl?"


That would be Nobel prize winning biochemist Carl Ferdinand Cori, of course, who would have been 110 years old today. Metabolizing sugar has never been sexier.


I'd also like to shout out a very happy 100th birthday to the Teutonic Terror, Otto Preminger, who not only was an accomplished director, but found himself in front of the camera as Mr. Freeze and still found the time to father a bastard child with Gypsy Rose Lee.


A very happy birthday to all!

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That would be Nobel prize winning biochemist Carl Ferdinand Cori, of course, who would have been 110 years old today.  Metabolizing sugar has never been sexier.


I'd also like to shout out a very happy 100th birthday to the Teutonic Terror, Otto Preminger, who not only was an accomplished director, but found himself in front of the camera as Mr. Freeze and still found the time to father a bastard child with Gypsy Rose Lee.


A very happy birthday to all!


Happy birthday Otto.


Anyone other palindromes have birthdays today?

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