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Those AWESOME Sabres Concept Jersies


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You and the 42 people who agree with you aren't keeping the Sabres from destroying at the cash register.  No. 1 selling merchandise in the NHL.


What really cracks me up about threads concerning the Bills' and Sabres' uniforms is the source of the complaints.  I've seen the fashion sense of Buffalonians, and it ain't pretty.


Very ironical.  :lol:



The logo is a laughingstock, but when you have maybe the best team in the league and are desperate for a winner, some folks don't mind wearing apparel that leaves a snail trail. :D


Personally, the "B" with the sword in it is growing on me as the main logo. It looks very nice compared to the slug. The hat the Sabres wear in the postgame is slugless. That's a nice hat.

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I wouldn't put the Ducks in the "exciting" category.  They're a good team but most of the time they are not fun to watch.


and they are still one of the best teams in the league. If you want to say the Sabres are only selling jerseys because they are winning, why aren't the ducks jerseys selling comparibly?

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and they are still one of the best teams in the league. If you want to say the Sabres are only selling jerseys because they are winning, why aren't the ducks jerseys selling comparibly?


Are they? I have no idea if the Ducks jerseys are selling well or not. The Sabres play a run and gun, reckless style of hockey. This will appeal more to a casual fan than Anaheim's more defensive style.

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and they are still one of the best teams in the league. If you want to say the Sabres are only selling jerseys because they are winning, why aren't the ducks jerseys selling comparibly?


Uh, the Ducks play in Anaheim. It's not a traditional hockey market, nor are their fans at all passionate. To top that off, they aren't starved for a winner like Buffalo is. I'd be shocked if one in every 1000 possible fans there could name 3 players that have EVER played for them


Buffalo fans live the success/failure of their sports teams. LA fans could give a rat's ass. The ultimate bandwagon city - a bunch of guys like Ed. The only time you hear a peep from them is if they're having a lot of success. Hence the reason they don't have a football team.

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and they are still one of the best teams in the league. If you want to say the Sabres are only selling jerseys because they are winning, why aren't the ducks jerseys selling comparibly?


Probably because the Ducks are the no.2 hockey team in a market that could care less about hockey and already has 2 basketball and 2 baseball teams, all of which have been at least moderately successful the past few years. Not to mention that people in that area have great weather and about a million other ways to entertain themselves besides sports.


Buffalo has two sports teams that have been terrible for the better part of the 2000's and basically nothing to do but watch sports and drink (oh, and now gamble). Now one of the teams is ridiculously good. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out.

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I'm sure having the best team in the NHL has nothing to do with that... :doh:


Of course it does; I'm no idiot. But I find all of the hand-wringing over the logo on this board and at SabreSpace hilarious. The logo isn't bad (certainly far from the worst I've seen) and the color scheme is great; together, the uniforms are pretty sharp and a marked improvement over the black/red scheme that came out of nowhere. The problem is that the Celsius guy got everyone worked up with his crusade for the "updated" old logo and when that didn't happen, folks were up in arms.


It's just pretty silly to hear people say "I won't spend a dime on this ugly logo." Spending money on the Sabres and their merchandise does help to keep the team financially viable and ensure they stay in Buffalo -- isn't that what we all want?


If you want to support a cause, how about one that actually means something?

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Of course it does; I'm no idiot.  But I find all of the hand-wringing over the logo on this board and at SabreSpace hilarious.  The logo isn't bad (certainly far from the worst I've seen) and the color scheme is great; together, the uniforms are pretty sharp and a marked improvement over the black/red scheme that came out of nowhere.  The problem is that the Celsius guy got everyone worked up with his crusade for the "updated" old logo and when that didn't happen, folks were up in arms.


It's just pretty silly to hear people say "I won't spend a dime on this ugly logo."  Spending money on the Sabres and their merchandise does help to keep the team financially viable and ensure they stay in Buffalo -- isn't that what we all want?


If you want to support a cause, how about one that actually means something?


IF the Sabres ever start selling the 3rds, I will get one. Until that day, they'll just have to live with my beer purchases (which will probably end up the equivalent of a couple of sweaters by the time the season is through).


It strikes me as being FAR sillier to buy something I don't want just so I can feel smug about saving the team (or whatever).

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Of course it does; I'm no idiot.  But I find all of the hand-wringing over the logo on this board and at SabreSpace hilarious.  The logo isn't bad (certainly far from the worst I've seen)

Yes it is. And the argument that it isn't the worst is like frosting a steaming turd. It's still a turd, not the cake you wished for.

and the color scheme is great; together, the uniforms are pretty sharp and a marked improvement over the black/red scheme that came out of nowhere.

The color scheme isn't great. It's just marginally better than the previous abortion.

The problem is that the Celsius guy got everyone worked up with his crusade for the "updated" old logo and when that didn't happen, folks were up in arms.

Uh, could that be because his stuff was so much better than what we actually ended up with? Yep, that's actually it. See, you and others like you are willing to settle for mediocre when there are OBVIOUSLY MUCH better choices that were available.


It's funny how now that the team on the ice is really good, a pass can be given to the marketing department (who've been incompetent for a DECADE). Ridiculous.

It's just pretty silly to hear people say "I won't spend a dime on this ugly logo."  Spending money on the Sabres and their merchandise does help to keep the team financially viable and ensure they stay in Buffalo -- isn't that what we all want?

I'm sure the current management appreciates you regurgitating the same ridiculous argument for them. It keeps them from looking stupid and puts that onus on you. At the end of the day, they'd have made a hell of alot more money if they'd done the right thing. I have zero guilt over not owning a single piece of "sluggalo" and if the team has to move because of THAT, I'll sleep just fine. It won't be my fault, it'll be squarely on them. Much like the reason the American carmakers have been losing marketshare.

If you want to support a cause, how about one that actually means something?


You mean like adopting a needy family at Christmas time? Because I'm not sure that tossing more money at people who're ridiculously overpaid already quite fits the bill...

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Which is prob why Sluggo happened in the first place.  I think this guy did some work on the new unis, pissed off the Sabres, he left with the designs (which were technically his).  The Sabres couldn't use this design or any concept of it without paying this guy and hence Sluggo was born. 


Anyone "in the know" think I'm close here?


Basically I hate the Sluggo logo design, new jerseys aren't awful.  If they had a REAL logo with that jersey, I could have lived with it.  As such, neither the Sabres nor this wacko will be getting my cash.



If this guy got an attitude with Larry Quinn, Quinn would have dropped him like yesterdays garbage.


If you challenge Quinn, he has the ability to steam roll right over you. That is what sounds like what happened here, and this guy is now trying to probably recoup some of his financial loss.


Plus if you don't think the NHL won't try and stop this guy, remember nogoal.com...

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I can't wait to go to a game 20 years from now and look up proudly at the SC championship sluggalo banner hanging high above the arena, along with about 5 others while people are still crying cause they didn't get the logo they wanted


It is not the greatest logo I have ever seen, and neither was the original logo, but it far from the worst thing ever or the abomination every one calls it. It could use some tweaking to make it look better. Personnally it isn't going to stop me from buying merchandise or disrupt my life like it seems to have done to alot of the anti slug enthusiasts.

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I can't wait to go to a game 20 years from now and look up proudly at the SC championship sluggalo banner hanging high above the arena, along with about 5 others while people are still crying cause they didn't get the logo they wanted


It is not the greatest logo I have ever seen, and neither was the original logo, but it far from the worst thing ever or the abomination every one calls it. It could use some tweaking to make it look better. Personnally it isn't going to stop me from buying merchandise or disrupt my life like it seems to have done to alot of the anti slug enthusiasts.


Apus, show me ONE poster (other than John Slabyk) that has even IMPLIED that the abominable snot smear has "disrupt(ed)" his life. I truly doubt you can. The extreme rhetoric coming from the slug hater haters goes a long way toward keeping this "debate" running.


Most of us that find the abominable snot smear abominable have spoken our peace long ago. No one is "crying" except maybe the people that hate the slug haters.


I haven't cheered any less for the Sabres simply because they are wearing one of the, if not the, most ridiculous logos in pro sports history. That doesn't change the fact that they are wearing one of the, if not the, most ridiculous logo in pro sports history. It also doesn't change the fact that the Sabres WOULD sell a LOT more merchandise if they would, in fact, sell 3rd jersey merchandise. Nor does it change the fact that the Sabres would have sold a lot more merchandise had the primary sweaters not had an abominable snot smear on it.


There are many reasons why this merchandise is selling. Very few of them include the abominable snot smear NOT being a ridiculous logo that stands for nothing.


I hope they do win the SC this year (and the next, and the next, etc., etc.). Hopefully, when the banner goes up they use the logo they've stated they would wear if given the chance to win it on home ice. (Hint, it isn't the abominable snot smear that you feel just needs some tweaking.)

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It's just pretty silly to hear people say "I won't spend a dime on this ugly logo."  Spending money on the Sabres and their merchandise does help to keep the team financially viable and ensure they stay in Buffalo -- isn't that what we all want?


I won't spend a dime on this ugly logo.


I'll buy stuff with the classic logo or the B with the sword through it but I'm never going to buy or wear banana slug gear.

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I won't spend a dime on this ugly logo.


I'll buy stuff with the classic logo or the B with the sword through it but I'm never going to buy or wear banana slug gear.




I would have to agree. Just as a matter of principal, I cannot in good faith wear something with a logo that ridiculous. I just can't. If others can, fine. But not me...

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Apus, show me ONE poster (other than John Slabyk) that has even IMPLIED that the abominable snot smear has "disrupt(ed)" his life.  I truly doubt you can.  The extreme rhetoric coming from the slug hater haters goes a long way toward keeping this "debate" running.


Most of us that find the abominable snot smear abominable have spoken our peace long ago.  No one is "crying" except maybe the people that hate the slug haters.


I haven't cheered any less for the Sabres simply because they are wearing one of the, if not the, most ridiculous logos in pro sports history.  That doesn't change the fact that they are wearing one of the, if not the, most ridiculous logo in pro sports history.  It also doesn't change the fact that the Sabres WOULD sell a LOT more merchandise if they would, in fact, sell 3rd jersey merchandise.  Nor does it change the fact that the Sabres would have sold a lot more merchandise had the primary sweaters not had an abominable snot smear on it.


There are many reasons why this merchandise is selling.  Very few of them include the abominable snot smear NOT being a ridiculous logo that stands for nothing.


I hope they do win the SC this year (and the next, and the next, etc., etc.).  Hopefully, when the banner goes up they use the logo they've stated they would wear if given the chance to win it on home ice.  (Hint, it isn't the abominable snot smear that you feel just needs some tweaking.)


I find it amusing that you insist you are not worked up over the issue yet make it a point to call the logo an "abominable snot smear" at every opportunity. :doh:

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I would have to agree. Just as a matter of principal, I cannot in good faith wear something with a logo that ridiculous. I just can't. If others can, fine. But not me...


Believe it or not, I've actually walked down the street wearing a t-shirt w/ the "ridiculous" logo and have yet to be laughed at, shunned, or barred entrance to my favorite watering hole. Women haven't screamed, children haven't cried -- it has all been rather normal. I've actually had several folks see my gear and comment on how well the Sabres are playing.


The "stand" you and others are taking against a logo that, quite simply, isn't as bad as you make it out to be, is the truly ridiculous part of the whole thing.

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Believe it or not, I've actually walked down the street wearing a t-shirt w/ the "ridiculous" logo and have yet to be laughed at, shunned, or barred entrance to my favorite watering hole.  Women haven't screamed, children haven't cried -- it has all been rather normal.  I've actually had several folks see my gear and comment on how well the Sabres are playing.


The "stand" you and others are taking against a logo that, quite simply, isn't as bad as you make it out to be, is the truly ridiculous part of the whole thing.


I see people every day wearing ridiculous crap. No one exhibits any of the behaviors you're apparently expecting, which doesn't change the fact that what they're wearing is ridiculous.


The Slug is like parachute pants. 20 years from now you're going to see a picture of yourself wearing that garbage and wonder what the hell you were thinking.

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