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Red Sox baby!


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I must say that was a good job by the Red Sox, when Vlad hit the Grand Slam, you felt that could be a major monentum shift, but the Sox pen held their ground and Ortiz came up big, I do question Scoscia for bringing in Washburn at that moment, even though its leftie-leftie Id rather take my chances with Rodriguez, but the Sox got it done.

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Isnt going to happen rico sorry. He just signed new contract this year. Georgie Poorgie already tried to get him when he first came to Boston but your GM told him no Georgie we already have a 1st baseman and a DH. SORRY!!

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Isnt going to happen rico sorry. He just signed new contract this year. Georgie Poorgie already tried to get him when he first came to Boston but your GM told him no Georgie we already have a 1st baseman and a DH. SORRY!!


That's too bad, I'd only take him if he was available in 1-2 years

before he becomes damaged goods from all the heartbreaking losses.

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HaHaHa freakin hilarious. Rico we shall see what happens soon enough. To qoute Erstad here...."This team is going to win it all. They are the deepest and most together team ive ever seen" NOW BRING ON THE NEXT VICTIM FOR THE WORLD SERIES BABY!!!!

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I must say that was a good job by the Red Sox, when Vlad hit the Grand Slam, you felt that could be a major monentum shift, but the Sox pen held their ground and Ortiz came up big, I do question Scoscia for bringing in Washburn at that moment, even though its leftie-leftie Id rather take my chances with Rodriguez, but the Sox got it done.




Clemetss, you are right...anyone else wanna weigh in on this, go ahead...


I feel that managers sometimes put too much thought into matchups, as in lefty-lefty, or play the numbers too well...k-rod was tiring, but you've got percival in the pen, and hes been money most of the year so why not go to him...even tho i hate the yanks, thats why i like Torre...last nite, he coulda left (gordon?) in the game in the 9th, but said the hell with it, lets win this, and put in rivera, when a lot of other managers would have not put in rivera until it was 8-5 or 8-6...another thing i heard was someone saying francona took a chance when he didnt pinch run for ortiz in the 8th...its Friggin David Ortiz!...i dont care how slow he is, when you have a guy that can change the game with 1 swing of the bat, you leave him in in there, regardless...

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