RuntheDamnBall Posted December 5, 2006 Posted December 5, 2006 Joey Balls said: Who would I want as UN Ambassador? How about Jesse Jackson? Whenever the sh-- flies around the world and one of our people are taken hostage it seems that Jesse is always on a plane to somewhere, gettin' the person safely back home.I haven't seen Bolton do anything like that yet! As matter of fact the only thing remotely memorable about Bolton is his ridiculous mustache, not too disimilar to the soup strainer on Run the damn ball's imposter picture from his profile. 857260[/snapback] Obviously, you're not a golfer.
Joey Balls Posted December 5, 2006 Author Posted December 5, 2006 RuntheDamnBall said: Obviously, you're not a golfer. 857263[/snapback] Big Lebowski. C'mon man originality here, originality!
SilverNRed Posted December 5, 2006 Posted December 5, 2006 Joey Balls said: Bolton was so toxic that even some Republicans (Voinivich...for one) had severe reservations whether this guy was right for the position....and this was back in the day, early 2005, when Bush, fresh from re-election with a self declared mandate could have nominated anyone he wanted to.857180[/snapback] So your proof that Bolton did a poor job at the UN was that "some Republicans" weren't sure if they wanted him at the UN before he ever got the job?
Nixon Posted December 5, 2006 Posted December 5, 2006 Joey Balls said: The hero of the Republican far right neocons has stepped down from his temp position as ambassador of the UN, knowing full well nobody with any common sense would vote to confirm the assclown. Just another black eye for the administration with the worst foreign policy of our lifetimes. 856467[/snapback] Do you think the UN is relevant, today? And if yes, Why?
RkFast Posted December 5, 2006 Posted December 5, 2006 RuntheDamnBall said: Lord knows NYC needs more luxury condos. Chrissake. 857217[/snapback] Building going up across from my buddy on 2nd Ave...1.5 for a one bedroom.
Bungee Jumper Posted December 5, 2006 Posted December 5, 2006 Joey Balls said: Who would I want as UN Ambassador? How about Jesse Jackson? Whenever the sh-- flies around the world and one of our people are taken hostage it seems that Jesse is always on a plane to somewhere, gettin' the person safely back home. 857260[/snapback] You have GOT to be kidding. Jesse Jackson only cares about his photo ops.
Wacka Posted December 5, 2006 Posted December 5, 2006 Bungee Jumper said: You have GOT to be kidding. Jesse Jackson only cares about his photo ops. 857509[/snapback] And shaking down businesses for money. And calling Jews Hymies. On second thought, he fits right in!
SD Jarhead Posted December 6, 2006 Posted December 6, 2006 RunTheBall said: Why don't you answer the simple question Joey so you can demonstrate that you are more than just a complainer without any real grasp of the issues you brought up. 1) Who would you want as UN ambassador instead of Bolton? 2) Why would you pick this person? 3) What would you want him/her to have accomplished in 1 year that Bolton didn't? I'll make it easy: Just answer #3. If you are so Anti-Bolton, what should he have done or what should he not have done during his 1 year as UN Ambassador e? I await your evasive answer (or lack there-of). RTB 857253[/snapback] Exactly...more of the same drivel from Pasta-Blzrul..."I know I don't like him, but I'm not smart enough to know why". I'm suprised he/she didn't include talking points from that Seattle paper the lunatics are always quoting. Ahh, the internet...empowering idiots everywhere!
Joey Balls Posted December 6, 2006 Author Posted December 6, 2006 Nixon said: Do you think the UN is relevant, today? And if yes, Why? 857320[/snapback] Of course the UN is irrelevant tricky Dick. Now what we should really be attacking is the WTO. I've heard those guys have radar!
Joey Balls Posted December 6, 2006 Author Posted December 6, 2006 SD Jarhead said: Exactly...more of the same drivel from Pasta-Blzrul..."I know I don't like him, but I'm not smart enough to know why". I'm suprised he/she didn't include talking points from that Seattle paper the lunatics are always quoting. Ahh, the internet...empowering idiots everywhere! 858195[/snapback] Alright Mr. SD Jarhead, ya wanna play it that way. Our decision to invade a soveriegn nation back in 2003 (actually it was welling up well before 911) was a positive for global peace? Man I wish, I truly wish that somebody had pinned the Abraham Lincoln Mission Accomplished thread here so all you ignorant martha fockers could be exposed for being the nimrods you truly are.
Joey Balls Posted December 6, 2006 Author Posted December 6, 2006 SilverNRed said: So your proof that Bolton did a poor job at the UN was that "some Republicans" weren't sure if they wanted him at the UN before he ever got the job? 857306[/snapback] You're missing the Big Picture. Your violent ideogy has been rendered a virtually anyone with a brain. Time to change sides son....many already have.
GG Posted December 6, 2006 Posted December 6, 2006 Joey Balls said: Our decision to invade a soveriegn nation back in 2003 (actually it was welling up well before 911) was a positive for global peace? 858214[/snapback] I could have sworn that the sovereign nation violated the terms of a UN resolution, and another UN resolution approved the use of force, if said sovereign nation violated the terms of the UN resolution.
Joey Balls Posted December 6, 2006 Author Posted December 6, 2006 GG said: I could have sworn that the sovereign nation violated the terms of a UN resolution, and another UN resolution approved the use of force, if said sovereign nation violated the terms of the UN resolution. 858232[/snapback] Happy you could clarify that for me. It makes it worthwhile to be proven wrong. Especially from someone so resolute. So how's the war goin'......
GG Posted December 6, 2006 Posted December 6, 2006 Joey Balls said: So how's the war goin'...... 858234[/snapback] Hell of a lot better than the UN war in Darfur. I guess those brown people matter less to the Turle Bay cocktail set.
Joey Balls Posted December 6, 2006 Author Posted December 6, 2006 GG said: Hell of a lot better than the UN war in Darfur. I guess those brown people matter less t, whether it be Iraq...o the Turle Bay cocktail set. 858240[/snapback] It's hard to light a fire under anyone's ass in America today, whether it be about the shite state of affairs in Iraq...or as you mentioned Darfur. Wonder if anyone combines politics, footbal and laffs like this site does. Always fun coming back here.
GG Posted December 6, 2006 Posted December 6, 2006 Joey Balls said: It's hard to light a fire under anyone's ass in America today, whether it be about the shite state of affairs in Iraq...or as you mentioned Darfur. Wonder if anyone combines politics, footbal and laffs like this site does. Always fun coming back here. 858246[/snapback] By your reasoning, UN's Darfur failure should be America's problem, but not UN's Iraq failure. Riiiiight....
Joey Balls Posted December 6, 2006 Author Posted December 6, 2006 GG said: By your reasoning, UN's Darfur failure should be America's problem, but not UN's Iraq failure. Riiiiight.... 858252[/snapback] Hey what is this?!? Pick on the UN day!?! I'm curious as to why you would say Iraq was a UN failure? If anything the UN in Iraq had to beat a hasty retreat after the war drum beat influenced by neocon policy, spread by the mainstream media, and perpetrated by the Bush administration led us to this divisive disaster to begin with. I don't remember you calling them on it drevil. Don't worry, you're hardly alone here.
Bungee Jumper Posted December 6, 2006 Posted December 6, 2006 Joey Balls said: Hey what is this?!? Pick on the UN day!?! I'm curious as to why you would say Iraq was a UN failure? 858259[/snapback] You have GOT to be kidding. What, the UN's involvement in Iraq began in late 2002?
Joey Balls Posted December 6, 2006 Author Posted December 6, 2006 Bungee Jumper said: You have GOT to be kidding. What, the UN's involvement in Iraq began in late 2002? 858270[/snapback] Ok maybe it was after that photo of Cheney and Rummy shaking hands with Saddam.
SilverNRed Posted December 6, 2006 Posted December 6, 2006 Joey Balls said: Ok maybe it was after that photo of Cheney and Rummy shaking hands with Saddam.858274[/snapback] I'm sure you're equally offended by the pictures of FDR and Stalin hanging out.
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