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Michigan and Ohio State are in another league than Florida. Having seen all three schools play this year, Florida would get absolutely demolished in a game against OSU.


I know many don't want to see a Michigan/OSU rematch, but I also don't want to see a nat'l championship laugher.




While I found both the USC/UCLA games and the OSU/Mich games interesting and enjoyable to watch, my major thought regarding the BCS (on this NFL team bulletin board) was that they key here is that they were good GAMES appropriate to what I think college is for, and it is quite silly the debate over whether Florida or Michigan deserves the BUSIBESS opportunity to play in the BCS championship game.


My interest in college football has decreased a lot (actually probably because I am fortunately getting the chance to get older and am almost officially a curmudgeon) because it has become clearer and clearer that college football Division I is little more than a taxpayer subsidized minor league development system for the NFL.


College football used to be better when every league championship was the true goal of teams rather than currently the league series are simply pre-seasons to find a top team in the division is worthy of the subjective designation to play in the BCS championship series.


I love both the professional game and the academic game, However, this hybrid is fairly stupid. The NCAA and college ball should make a decision and either have league championships be truly competitive big deals (right now it becomes fairly clear which two teams are gonna fight it out for a chance at the undefeated season which is necessary to have a shot at #1 pretty early and the league championships- particularly with the larger leagues having two divisions and uneven scheduling- are really diminished in import) or instead make it professional and end the illusion that these players are truly student/athletes.


For me its a choice between watching competitive games or watching pre-season exhibition as the athlete/students really get themselves primed to play in the NFL, CFL or Europe.


It really makes little difference whether Mich or FL plays against OSU.

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