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I don't know how many of you are familiar with the Child's Play charity:




It was started by the guys who run www.penny-arcade.com in hope of getting video games to sick kids stuck in the Hospital.


Well, they have added Women and Childrens Hospital of Buffalo to the list (I think possibly due in part to an email I sent a while ago [/selfbackpattingoff]).


If you go there it will take you to a "wish list" on Amazon.com where you can make a purchase that will be sent directly to the hospital


So come on Buffalonian's and Gamers, show 'em what you got and make a sick kid forget about his ailment for 10 minutes with a game of NHL 07....!


(Sticky this if possible...)

excellent.  thanks for bringing this to everyone's attention.



No problem.


I was laid up for a while, and games made a huge difference between complete boredom and a little bit of an escape.


If you read the testimonials of former patients or their parents, and see what kind of impact a small donation can DIRECTLY make (without paying the over-inflated salary of some corporate schill working for a charity) you'll want to help.


If I wasn't in college and spending the money on my own selfish video gaming situations, I'd do it.


Pretty cool idea and cause - if I was a sick kid, I know I would appreciate having the entertainment available.

If I wasn't in college and spending the money on my own selfish video gaming situations, I'd do it.


Pretty cool idea and cause - if I was a sick kid, I know I would appreciate having the entertainment available.



No worries... maybe after you have that degree in hand to get you the phat job, you'll remember. ;)


I figured if I got just one person that would be cool. So even replying and bumping the thread is helping BlueFire! :)

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