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the Spitzer era


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No politician is perfect, but I believe he will change things from "business as usual"--which is using government to enrich yourself and your cronies.

He's the one democrat I voted for.





Someone must've found this just for me...


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Not to be a smart aleck, but EVERY poltician out there says the same thing about "clamping down on greed and corruption".


Give him a year, then we can judge whether he does anything to reverse the mess left by Rockefeller/Carey/Cuomo/Pataki.



I don't think it's being a smart aleck; you're basing it on experience. As I said, I "believe" he will be different--doesn't make it so.

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Devil is always in the details. Spitzer's biggest challenge will be to how he embraces businesses that properly view him with suspicion. He can call all he wants for more private investment upsate & WNY, but no one will put in a dime until they know that he's changed.

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Pelosi's doing a bang up job of cracking down on corruption so far.


First Alcee Hastings and Murtha and the baggage they brought. And now, lookee who she got to run the Intelligence Committee, Silvestre Reyes! :)




The investigation focuses in part on IMC's employment of the daughter of Rep. Silvestre Reyes (D-Tex.), a former Border Patrol official and key backer of the system of 12,000 sensors and several hundred cameras installed for the Border Patrol between 1998 and last year, officials said.

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Pelosi's doing a bang up job of cracking down on corruption so far.


First Alcee Hastings and Murtha and the baggage they brought. And now, lookee who she got to run the Intelligence Committee, Silvestre Reyes!  :)




The investigation focuses in part on IMC's employment of the daughter of Rep. Silvestre Reyes (D-Tex.), a former Border Patrol official and key backer of the system of 12,000 sensors and several hundred cameras installed for the Border Patrol between 1998 and last year, officials said.




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Pelosi's doing a bang up job of cracking down on corruption so far.


First Alcee Hastings and Murtha and the baggage they brought. And now, lookee who she got to run the Intelligence Committee, Silvestre Reyes!  :D




The investigation focuses in part on IMC's employment of the daughter of Rep. Silvestre Reyes (D-Tex.), a former Border Patrol official and key backer of the system of 12,000 sensors and several hundred cameras installed for the Border Patrol between 1998 and last year, officials said.


Pelosi has ............. to do with Spitzer?

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In my opinion Pataki was a great environmentalist to us here in the Hudson Valley with the Greenway (although a more painful and humiliating cruexifiction should have been done to the bastards at GE). I have interviewed Pataki numerous times and wish him nothing but the best.


Spitzer has nowhere to bring this state but up. Sorry Faso losers!!!

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Devil is always in the details.  Spitzer's biggest challenge will be to how he embraces businesses that properly view him with suspicion.  He can call all he wants for more private investment upsate & WNY, but no one will put in a dime until they know that he's changed.



Does that mean he becomes part of "the club" and no longer goes after fraud and abuse?


If the SEC would've done its job, Spitzer wouldn't need to do half of what he did. Government regulatory agencies have been hijacked by the industries themselves.

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Does that mean he becomes part of "the club" and no longer goes after fraud and abuse? 


Is that why the NYC real estate industry was suffering through all those investigations over the past 8 years?


If the SEC would've done its job, Spitzer wouldn't need to do half of what he did. Government regulatory agencies have been hijacked by the industries themselves.



If there were real crimes committed, SEC would have been on top of it. White collar extortion doesn't count as regulation in civilized societies. Maybe in Moscow.


What's Spitzer's conviction record of the high profile cases that he's announced on TV?

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Is that why the NYC real estate industry was suffering through all those investigations over the past 8 years?

If there were real crimes committed, SEC would have been on top of it.  White collar extortion doesn't count as regulation in civilized societies.  Maybe in Moscow.


What's Spitzer's conviction record of the high profile cases that he's announced on TV?




Shhhh, Eliot's dirty little secret better not get out!

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