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Sit Down???


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I dont care what the others around me are thinking. I paid the same amount as them. I just remember seeing more fans into the game. To be told to site down is absolutely nuts!!


If you are worried about other people blocking your view. Get out of your heated seats or stay home.





you pay to see the game, right ?

people around you also pay to see the game, right ?


you paid the right to see the game inside the stadium, not the right to do anything you want inside it.

what about a 6'3 feet tall standing in the seat in front of you having a big banner and blocking your view for about 75% of the game ? Won't you be annoyed ?

Would he have the right to say "!@#$ you a$$haul i have paid my ticket" ?


i can't stand fuk :beer: ing selfich people like you.

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Always love it when people equate *standing* to being a good fan...what a joke.


I go to a game to cheer my team w/o being an obnoxious ignoramous - and most importantly to *see the game* live.


Standing is fine when at the appropriate moments. But the azzholes who spend more time berating other fans to "Stand Up!" than actually watching the game are ridiculous - they are the opposite of 'good fans'.

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What has happened to the fans? 


Blah, blah, blah...


What's going on?? I can remember back in the day not sitting for the whole game.


Also 10,000 no shows pretty sad!!



I love guys who haven't shown up for a game in 15 years and then think they are "superfan" when they finally decide to show.


Instead of telling people who actually show up and support the team on a regular basis how they should act, or how they should "get out of their heated seats", you should learn a few things from these responses. Maybe some of that California smugness will disappear and you'll remember what it was like to be a real fan from Buffalo.


So grab your blackberry, fly back to your California barber shop, have a latte, and say hello to Rob Johnson for me while you two share a hot-tubber.



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Standing up to cheer on the defense during a big 3rd & 1, 4th & 1, or goalline stand is perfectly acceptable. Rising out of your seat instinctively to celebrate a big play, be it a touchdown, sack, fumble recovery, long pass, etc. is perfectly acceptable.


Standing just to stand is flatout rude. I've had season tickets since the late 80s and have sat in same general area since then (M5, now 312). I can never recall a single game in which everyone stood the whole time.


There were prolonged instances of standing (the Denver game in '90 when we scored three TDs in 75 seconds) but never did anyone stand for the whole game.


I get your point that it's a football game, but that doesn't give you an excuse to obstruct other people's view on 2nd & 8 with 10 minutes left in the second quarter. You have to be reasonable. If people are bringing their kids, and they can't see because you're the only a-hole who insists on standing, that's just wrong dude.


Actually, for years I sat next to an older couple who never stood even when they scored simply because their knees couldn't take it, especially in the cold. So they sat and watched the game and cheered on the Bills. Or is that not okay?

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First of all, I really hope you are talking about standing up when we we're on DEFENSE. Nothing more idiotic than some guy who stands up and starts screaming when our offense is facing a 3rd down. Sure more noise is what our guys need! They don't like hearing the signals... :beer:


So, I'm going to assume you are talking about defense....and further, everyone seems to concede that standing on a 3rd down DEFENSIVE stand is the way to go. So I'm wondering, when were all these 1st and 2nd downs for JAX that you felt this great urge to stand up?

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My 2 cents on this is that there are extremists at both ends and then the majority of folks somewhere in the middle.


At one end you have the guy who wants to stand as much as possible either because he wants to show everyone else that he is "superfan", he is drunk, he is obnoxious or all 3. He also feels that he is the only person in the stadium.


At the other end you have crusty old season ticket holder who only stands up to go to the bathroom or leave the game. He knows more than you do because he has been a season ticket holder for years, therefore, only stand when he does or he is going to let you hear about it.


In the middle(the majority) are fans who like to stand up and cheer on 3rd down, in the middle of a big play(see Lee Evans TD's against Houston) or at other select key points in the game.

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I agree on being able to stand up and jump up and down to celebrate a big play, sack or TD and often catch myself standing up when a big pass is going down field. It's out of instinct and excitement and I shouldn't do that in that situation because being 6'5 I could block out a whole bunch of people.


I think you should check and see who the people are around you and act accordingly.


I do have a problem with people that just sit there and watch the game and don't move. You can do that yes and really there isn't anything wrong with that, but would it kill you to at least clap your hands when the opposing team has the ball?


You may just say one person doesn't make a difference but if 10,000 people do the same thing then that's a lot of potential noise not being used to screw up the timing of the opposing offense and their snap count.


The Ralph sometimes is like a funeral home during games and of course sometimes for good reason....but it's a far cry from what we are all used to.


Wow, I just wrote an essay. :beer:

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The Ralph sometimes is like a funeral home during games and of course sometimes for good reason....but it's a far cry from what we are all used to.



This is how I would have described hockey crowds(specifically the lower bowl) before last season. The quiche eaters who had been there since the early '70's had lost their enthusiasm for the games and you needed a crowbar to get them out of their seats. Now it seems like a new group of fans has taken over the arena and it is like a playoff atmosphere each and every game in both the lower and upper bowls.

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I obviously hit a nerve with a few of you.


My main point was that the fans at the Ralph have changed in some way. I NEVER said anything about standing during the whole game. If I decide to stand up and cheer its for good reason. I would exspect the people around me to do the same.


Of course one should be respectfull of those around you. But I am not going to have that influence wheather I stand or not stand. The game decide that!!


No one is saying anything about being a "superfan" just support the Team and let those that want to cheer, Cheer!!





I love guys who haven't shown up for a game in 15 years and then think they are "superfan" when they finally decide to show.


Instead of telling people who actually show up and support the team on a regular basis how they should act, or how they should "get out of their heated seats", you should learn a few things from these responses. Maybe some of that California smugness will disappear and you'll remember what it was like to be a real fan from Buffalo.


So grab your blackberry, fly back to your California barber shop, have a latte, and say hello to Rob Johnson for me while you two share a hot-tubber.




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Nope not more than normal!!


Also the people in fromt of us left before the kick. Here is what they said: "We can watch the kick inside" I couldn't believe anyone would leave and watch the Kick From a TV.


sounded like you stood way to much in your first post .


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Here's a simple solution: If you want to be an A-hole & stand when everyone else is seated, buy your seats in the last row of the section you sit in and then you can stand as often as you want. Otherwise, please stay home so the rest of us can enjoy the game.


Have you ever tried watching a play through binoculars? One idiot gets up in the middle of the play and all you get in your binoculars is his friggin' back!


Fortunately, my seats are in the 1st row, but with 1st row seats comes the responsibility of NOT standing up at the wrong time. I always look behind me & make sure the people behind me are already standing before I stand for more than a second or two after the play is over.


Also, people don't know how to return to their seats. If you have any brains, you don't go by seated people when a play is taking place. You time your moves: Leave your seat at the end of a play and return at the end of the play. Use the huddle up time for transit to & from your seat. When I'm ready to return to my seat, I crouch down in the isle next to the row of seats & wait for the play to be over-that's the right thing to do!

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Also, people don't know how to return to their seats.  If you have any brains, you don't go by seated people when a play is taking place.  You time your moves:  Leave your seat at the end of a play and return at the end of the play.  Use the huddle up time for transit to & from your seat.  When I'm ready to return to my seat, I crouch down in the isle next to the row of seats & wait for the play to be over-that's the right thing to do!


Absolutely. I think this should be printed in the program.

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Absolutely.  I think this should be printed in the program.


Also, people don't know how to return to their seats. If you have any brains, you don't go by seated people when a play is taking place. You time your moves: Leave your seat at the end of a play and return at the end of the play. Use the huddle up time for transit to & from your seat. When I'm ready to return to my seat, I crouch down in the isle next to the row of seats & wait for the play to be over-that's the right thing to do!



Yea, I should have printed that out to take with me for all the people going in and out, in and out, the entire game in the middle of plays......this is the number 1 change from years ago and they should bring back the roving beer vendors or just stop selling the stuff after kick off until 3-4 minutes to go in the half.....people are constantly running for something to the point that I turned to the guy behind me and asked , does anyone watch the game anymore? Response; I don't think so! This was all before the end of the first qt.


Some of you people reading this, really, just need to park it for 5 minutes......


The best is the group of people with 8-10 seats and the guys in the middle want to go out the other end of the row so as to not make their friends get up and down all day!


By the way, when did they get rid of the roving vendors, I really miss that and never minded passing beer and change to the guy down the row ??? :P

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