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Get home quickly and get home safe. We will do what we can with the Bills while your gone.


I envy your courage! You have my sincerest thanks! I pray for you all! :beer:

I'm deploying to Iraq in a few days, and probably wont see any of the games while I am there. Armed Forces Network plays a handful of games each week, but I have rarely seen any Bills games on their schedule (maybe one or two this year). Anyway, just wondering if anyone is selling DVD copies, as I would be interested in receiving copies of the remainder of the season. I would obviously pay whatever asked including the extra postage.


Thank you




PM Fezmid. I'm sure he'd send them to you free.


My hats off to you and the rest of the military for keeping democracy alive!


The board here too great care of me when I was over there. I received a ton of stuff from the wallers. I'm sure that will continue for another Bills brother over there. Let me know if you need anything.


Good luck and Godspeed.


I see others are going to take care of your dvd request.

That said, Good luck and Godspeed.

You and your brothers efforts are certainly appreciated.

Be alert always.

I'm deploying to Iraq in a few days, and probably wont see any of the games while I am there. Armed Forces Network plays a handful of games each week, but I have rarely seen any Bills games on their schedule (maybe one or two this year). Anyway, just wondering if anyone is selling DVD copies, as I would be interested in receiving copies of the remainder of the season. I would obviously pay whatever asked including the extra postage.


Thank you



God bless you Glen. And thank you for your service to the country.


hey man good luck over there stay safe and make the world a better place. Your a true hero. God Bless!


Try sending an email to the bills about the dvd. Might be a great PR thing for them to send DVDs and stuff to the troops.


No need to worry about Bills games being sent to me, doesn’t sound like I am missing much anyways.


I have a much bigger request for everyone here on the board...helping the Iraqi children. The base I am located at has the largest Trauma 1 hospitals in Iraq. Obviously injured soldiers go through here, many critical, some unfortunately dead. Iraqi children are also brought through this hospital, many with severe injuries, and some having lost their entire family. The hospital here is requesting donations of children’s clothing and toys be sent as they are not equipped the handle this overwhelming issue. If you would like to send something, you can send them to me and I will ensure it makes it to the hospital. Fortunately for me, I am only here for a short period of time, so send it soon (priority takes approx 9 days), the end of this month might be too late.


I will try to work out a thank you letter or something for everyone the sends something.


Thank you, I really appreciate your kind words.


TSgt Glen Flanders

332 AEW, 332 EFS/OPS

APO AE 09315-9997



God bless


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