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Is it painfully slow for anyone else?



It just flat-out isn't working for me. Hmmmmm


I listened to it on Sirius today driving home - interesting to see the video synched with the audio.


A couple thoughts:


- We got super lucky with the int then fumlble recovery, though on the radio they did say JP's hand got hit. Still, can't do that too much and win.


- I had no idea how close Roscoe was to being tackled mid-field on the return. Way to make it happen Roscoe!! Check this out: http://roscoeparrish.com/


- I can't believe we didn't stop Gerard on that 4th down in the fourth; about 3 dudes hit him before the marker. Make the F'n tackle!


- That last catch was just a clutch play by JP and Roscoe! Clutch.


Hopefully these last few weeks are exactly what this team needs - some confidence rolling into the late and off-season! We finally are learning to win and getting some breaks to go our way. Next year things could *really* start to come together.


I know this it sure was a fun one to listen to, I was going nuts in the Jeep when we won. I'm so sad I missed it - if I lived in Buffalo there would be NO WAY I would have missed today's game. How can you pass up the 60 degree weather!? Maybe the fans will start to come back out for the cold weather campaign...

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