Rico Posted November 25, 2006 Posted November 25, 2006 Dan said: Actually, I have had someone sit nude on my face. As well as been mooned and all sorts of other stupid crap. I called it college life. Of course, the guy wasn't a million dollar football player, so I didn't sue him. I just got even with my own prank. I assume (a) you never went to college or (b) you never left the library if you did attend college. I would agree, but you can't compare him to Irvin. Honestly, who can stand up to that comparison? 847455[/snapback] Last time I checked, there's no record of Irvin doing anything as lame as sitting his bare ass on a female trainer's face & farting.... even the Playmaker's got more class than that.
Dan Posted November 25, 2006 Posted November 25, 2006 Rico said: Last time I checked, there's no record of Irvin doing anything as lame as sitting his bare ass on a female trainer's face & farting.... even the Playmaker's got more class than that. 847457[/snapback] I thought Nate Clements was the Playmaker? Now, you're just trying to confuse me.
SACTOBILLSFAN Posted November 25, 2006 Posted November 25, 2006 GuessWhozBack21 said: Ahh so it was Brady who was picking off Mannings passes in those 2 playoff games against the pats. I think Tony Dungy is just as much to blame for the colts recent playoff failures as manning is. 847452[/snapback] Did I say Brady was picking off passes? Nope. All i said was NE made Manning look like an average QB, and Brady managed to get the job done. As much as i hate Marcia i would take him over manning in a heart beat. Manning (like marino) puts up some ridiculous stats but can't git er done in the playoffs. Sure you can put some blame on the coaching staff for being out coached by BB, but remember Peyton is so smart because he calls his own plays, and he should have changed what he was running. Peyton Manning has all the measurables when it comes to being a QB but none of the leadership and the ability to perform in the clutch like Marcia. Leadership - He absolutely threw his o-line under a bus last year after he was bounced yet again from the playoffs, which is pretty classy, especially when he was rarely touched all season long because of their stellar play. I only wish they had had another game so his o-line could have really sent him a message about what is considered pass protection. Clutch - Well 0 for his college career vs. Florida, and any NFL game in January you can pretty much chalk up a loss for Peyton's boys.
Rico Posted November 25, 2006 Posted November 25, 2006 Dan said: I thought Nate Clements was the Playmaker? Now, you're just trying to confuse me. 847462[/snapback] Sorry, I should've typed THE Playmaker.
Dan Posted November 25, 2006 Posted November 25, 2006 Rico said: Sorry, I should've typed THE Playmaker. 847464[/snapback] Exactly. That clarity makes all the difference and completely changes the situation. THE Playmaker clearly exemplified class. OTOH, the Playmaker merely goes to class. And, just to bring this back home, Manning moons the class.
daquixers_is_back Posted November 25, 2006 Posted November 25, 2006 Hollywood Donahoe said: For future reference: Your {...etc} 847450[/snapback] Way to bring in grammar into a football debate ... why dont you get back on topic and start bashing Manning again. WVUFootball29 said: Currently the "your" and "you're" trend is continuing across 3 threads now Daq 847453[/snapback] Yeah haha ... I should have known that my spelling would have a major influence in a football debate.
Hollywood Donahoe Posted November 25, 2006 Posted November 25, 2006 Dan said: Actually, I have had someone sit nude on my face. As well as been mooned and all sorts of other stupid crap. I called it college life. Did you ever have someone shove their ass into your face in a professional setting? That's an important distinction to make. It's all well and good to say that guys do stupid, infantile stuff in college, because they do, but when that behavior begins to bleed into other aspect of one's life outside of college fraternizing, it becomes a significant problem, and is not something to shrug off.
Hollywood Donahoe Posted November 25, 2006 Posted November 25, 2006 daquixers_is_back said: Way to bring in grammar into a football debate ... why dont you get back on topic and start bashing Manning again. is that last sentence a question? It's formed like a question, but the punctuation tells me that it isn't one. I'm so confused. When communicating via the written word, Johnny Five, clarity is important.
Dan Posted November 25, 2006 Posted November 25, 2006 Hollywood Donahoe said: Did you ever have someone shove their ass into your face in a professional setting? That's an important distinction to make. It's all well and good to say that guys do stupid, infantile stuff in college, because they do, but when that behavior begins to bleed into other aspect of one's life outside of college fraternizing, it becomes a significant problem, and is not something to shrug off. 847477[/snapback] You're absolutely right. Peyton is garbage and no one including none of his team mates respect him. And he'll forever be remebered for the ass in face clown that he is. His life is marked by repeated binges of ass sitting incidents after the next. If only we could imprison this guy and others like him, our society would be better. The NFL has truly become a farce when they allow such scum as Peyton to play the game. He should be banned from ever holding a football. I wonder which category of my original post you fall into. I suspect several of them.
Hollywood Donahoe Posted November 25, 2006 Posted November 25, 2006 Dan said: You're absolutely right. Peyton is garbage and no one including none of his team mates respect him. And he'll forever be remebered for the ass in face clown that he is. His life is marked by repeated binges of ass sitting incidents after the next. If only we could imprison this guy and others like him, our society would be better. The NFL has truly become a farce when they allow such scum as Peyton to play the game. He should be banned from ever holding a football. Are you the inspiration for this comic?
drnykterstein Posted November 25, 2006 Posted November 25, 2006 He's the best QB I've ever seen play. I'd take him any day on any team ... you know.. if he was not asking for absurd amounts of money.. and the money thing is why I think he doesn't go to the SB.. because he uses up to much cap and his team can't afford a defense.. and contrary to popular belief I think his defense sucked last year.. they just looked good because the other team was always playing catch up.
Alaska Darin Posted November 25, 2006 Posted November 25, 2006 Hollywood Donahoe said: For future reference: Your You're There They're Their 847450[/snapback] Thank you very much.
Fan in San Diego Posted November 26, 2006 Posted November 26, 2006 Got a little too much time on your hands heh ? My only beef with Peyton is that his publicity manager has let him do a few too many commercials. He's got over exposure and now I'm ready to see a little less of him. By the way, he's a great NFL Quarterback.
Dibs Posted November 26, 2006 Posted November 26, 2006 Rico said: Except for that sexual harassment case with the female trainer back at Tennessee that was a lot more involved than a simple "mooning"...... 847311[/snapback] This is certainly a decent reason to not like him. The reasons cited at the start of the thread though were not reasons at all.....simply poorly veiled excuses.
Dibs Posted November 26, 2006 Posted November 26, 2006 Hollywood Donahoe said: Did you ever have someone shove their ass into your face in a professional setting? That's an important distinction to make. It's all well and good to say that guys do stupid, infantile stuff in college, because they do, but when that behavior begins to bleed into other aspect of one's life outside of college fraternizing, it becomes a significant problem, and is not something to shrug off. 847477[/snapback] I don't think it wrong for anyone to dislike Manning because of this one incident. That is anybody's right to do so. This shouldn't reflect on his ability as an NFL QB at all though. They are two totally different arguments. "How good an NFL QB is he?" and "Should he be liked & admired?" IMO one moronic incident is not necessarily indicative of a persons normal(99.999%) behaviour.....nor, when it is conducted by somebody who is young, particularly in an environment where it is generally more acceptable to be moronic, do I think that the offender will stay the same as he matures. I remember several times as a youngster(16-23) doing things which(had I been caught) could have seriously affected peoples perceptions of me. Like I said, call Manning a POS if you like.......just remember about the whole casting the first stone thingy.
daquixers_is_back Posted November 26, 2006 Posted November 26, 2006 Hollywood Donahoe said: is that last sentence a question? It's formed like a question, but the punctuation tells me that it isn't one. I'm so confused. When communicating via the written word, Johnny Five, clarity is important. 847479[/snapback] No it was a sarcastic remark .. not a question.
daquixers_is_back Posted November 26, 2006 Posted November 26, 2006 I love how a thread where the question of whether Manning is a good FOOTBALL player has turned into critisizing posters grammar and arguing his off-the-field incident nearly a decade ago in college.
Hollywood Donahoe Posted November 26, 2006 Posted November 26, 2006 daquixers_is_back said: No it was a sarcastic remark .. not a question. In the future, if you begin a sentence with the word "why," you may want to consider ending it with a question mark. daquixers_is_back said: I love how a thread where the question of whether Manning is a good FOOTBALL player has turned into critisizing posters grammar and arguing his off-the-field incident nearly a decade ago in college. This thread is titled: "Peyton Manning: What is the general feeling about him?" How do you infer from that thread title that the topic at hand is whether or not Manning is a good FOOTBALL player? A "general feeling" could pertain to anything.
daquixers_is_back Posted November 26, 2006 Posted November 26, 2006 Hollywood Donahoe said: In the future, if you begin a sentence with the word "why," you may want to consider ending it with a question mark. Or I could write it however I want, and you could learn to use common sense? Quote This thread is titled: "Peyton Manning: What is the general feeling about him?"How do you infer from that thread title that the topic at hand is whether or not Manning is a good FOOTBALL player? A "general feeling" could pertain to anything. 847612[/snapback] True.
Hollywood Donahoe Posted November 26, 2006 Posted November 26, 2006 daquixers_is_back said: Or I could write it however I want, and you could learn to use common sense? Why should I be forced to compensate for your grammatical deficiencies?
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