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OJ Simpson "Blood Money"


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In two AP telephone interviews this week from his Florida home, Simpson declined to say how much of an advance he received for the book but said it was less than the $3.5 million that had been reported. He said the money has already been spent, including some he used to meet tax obligations.


Simpson said he was convinced the book would have been a best-seller.


"My kids would have been coming into a lot of money," he said, adding he desperately needs the cash because his retirement funds are dwindling.


.... Simpson, 59, said his NFL pension pays only $1,700 a month and the private pension he amassed during the days when he was a TV pitchman and sports commentator is being halved next month because he's had to dip into the principal."



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Maybe he didn't have to dip into the principal if he wouldn't have to spend the money he made paying Johnny Cochran to keep his acquitted ass out of jail.


Well seeing as how he was found not guilty of double murder, and is a free man, I say the money paid to Johnny Cochraine was well spent, weither he did the crime or not.

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I think it's funny how the report of this book/interview being his "confession" has been out for a couple weeks now, yet it's not until they're both cancelled when OJ says, "oh, wait, that wasn't going to be my confession at all!" 0:)


OJ's not stupid....he'll just wait until another avenue to profit off his story opens up and then it'll all of a sudden be referred to his confession once again.

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I think it's funny how the report of this book/interview being his "confession" has been out for a couple weeks now, yet it's not until they're both cancelled when OJ says, "oh, wait, that wasn't going to be my confession at all!"  :devil:


OJ's not stupid....he'll just wait until another avenue to profit off his story opens up and then it'll all of a sudden be referred to his confession once again.



I dont think OJ ever called it his confession. I believe the publisher did that.

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I dont think OJ ever called it his confession. I believe the publisher did that.



I know, I never said that he said it....I said he didn't refute it until the deal was off.

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With me as the publisher and Tom as the editor, I can guarantee there will be pictures. 


Plus there is also talk of a movie...



Who will play Lana and who will play AJ? And of course, how do we get Samuel Jackson in this movie?

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