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How much are you paying for your cable right now? It's probably close to $100/month, correct? If so, why are you screaming about $2?


I understand your argument about Adelphia, but how can you gripe that losing the NFL Network is TW's fault when NFLN is trying to force TW to put their network on the basic package? TW would then have a lot of PO'd customers who don't want their fees increased for a channel they don't care about. You & I want this channel, but we're in the minority. The NFL Network isn't worth putting on a basic package for all-year viewing.


The NFL is the one that is to blame right now - it's arguably the most popular sport in the country and they decided to put 8 exclusive games on their own network, which didn't happen to be carried on some of the largest cable providers in the country, forcing said providers to pay up for the rights to carry the network. You tell me where the greed is.

What you're paying for is a package, not a channel. The package (if it's the same in WNY as it is in the Albany area) includes about 9 different channels. If you don't like those channels, then cancel your Sports Tier and get your $2 back. If you're that upset with TW and REALLY need to see every football game, then go out today and get a dish.



THE POINT IS THAT THERE SHOULD NOT BE A CABLE RATE INCREASE JUST FOR ADDING THE NFL NETWORK! WE HAVE ALREADY HAD THAT INCREASE AND WE HAVE NOT BEEN REFUNDED FOR IT! The NFL Network is not forcing any additional costs on TW customers, because TW customers are already paying for it. Until TW moved in and dumped it, we HAD IT ON BASIC CABLE.


Also, if you actually read my other posts, you would know that I can't get a dish, or I would have a long time ago. My apartment complex does not allow dishes and even if I had a patio or balcony of my own, we are facing NORTH, so the dish wouldn't work anyway!!!!!


Stop trying to defend a company that is already charging $10-$15 more per month for LESS CHANNELS!



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THE POINT IS THAT THERE SHOULD NOT BE A CABLE RATE INCREASE JUST FOR ADDING THE NFL NETWORK!  WE HAVE ALREADY HAD THAT INCREASE AND WE HAVE NOT BEEN REFUNDED FOR IT!  The NFL Network is not forcing any additional costs on TW customers, because TW customers are already paying for it.  Until TW moved in and dumped it, we HAD IT ON BASIC CABLE. 


Also, if you actually read my other posts, you would know that I can't get a dish, or I would have a long time ago.  My apartment complex does not allow dishes and even if I had a patio or balcony of my own, we are facing NORTH, so the dish wouldn't work anyway!!!!!


Stop trying to defend a company that is already charging $10-$15 more per month for LESS CHANNELS! 




I agree that there shouldn't be a rate increase to add a channel to the basic lineup, but that's the nature of the business. Companies like TW pay the network to carry it, so it's not like they have money to burn (well, maybe they do, but that's a topic for another thread). Costs like this are frequently passed on to the customer, hence the rate increases.


That said, in your case, when did TW drop the NFL Network? What did they say when you asked them about the rate increase (when Empire was added to basic) that wasn't reduced when they dropped the NFL Network?


Also, I'm not necessarily defending TW. They haven't necessarily been the greatest to me, either. But looking at this particular situation, I think the NFL Network is the one to blame here. I still want someone to tell me why they should tell the cable outlets what package their network should be on. From a *global perspective*, wouldn't TW lose a lot of money if they just put NFLN on basic/standard cable without increasing the rates?

I agree that there shouldn't be a rate increase to add a channel to the basic lineup, but that's the nature of the business. Companies like TW pay the network to carry it, so it's not like they have money to burn (well, maybe they do, but that's a topic for another thread). Costs like this are frequently passed on to the customer, hence the rate increases.


That said, in your case, when did TW drop the NFL Network? What did they say when you asked them about the rate increase (when Empire was added to basic) that wasn't reduced when they dropped the NFL Network?


Also, I'm not necessarily defending TW. They haven't necessarily been the greatest to me, either. But looking at this particular situation, I think the NFL Network is the one to blame here. I still want someone to tell me why they should tell the cable outlets what package their network should be on. From a *global perspective*, wouldn't TW lose a lot of money if they just put NFLN on basic/standard cable without increasing the rates?



To answer your questions, what happened was that Adelphia was running the NFL Network on their basic package and then Time Warner bought them out. They kept the NFL Network for a couple of months while they tried to reach an agreement. They couldn't and dropped it.


When I confronted them with the Empire Sports costs and the NFL Network replacement, they told me that while I was right about it, not to expect the refund. Yeah, they admitted to me that I was right about the charge and that the refund won't be issued.


I realize that all of their customers didn't have this initial charge, but it is not the WNY customers fault they don't have any Empire Sports or NFL Network anymore. So, they either need to put the NFL Network back on or give their Adelphia subscribers a break in cost.

the fact that the NFL has made the NFL TICKET a DIRECTV exclusive, freezig cable out on the possibility of carrying the TICKET.

Keep in mind that the NFL put the Ticket up for bid, and that the cable companies didn't want to pay the money that DirecTV did. They had a shot, they didn't want to take it, don't blame DirecTV for anteing up.



Keep in mind that the NFL put the Ticket up for bid, and that the cable companies didn't want to pay the money that DirecTV did.  They had a shot, they didn't want to take it, don't blame DirecTV for anteing up.






I may be wrong on this, but I belive that Time Warner, and other cable outlets were allowed to bid initially on the TICKET, when it was a new service, but never again. If I am not mistaken (you likely know more about this), the cotract has never been open for bidding, it was always renewed to DIRECTV, before the contract expired. The TICKET put DIRECTV on the map, cable companies didn't need it, at the time. It would be a stupid business decision to pay that amount of money for something without a track record, if you didn't have to take that risk.


I remember there being a buzz last time the TICKET was supposed to come open, but DIRECTV stepped in and paid some obscenely large amount to have exclusive rights to it, before anyone else could negotiate.

Actually, from what I have heard, this dispute goes back further than that, and is rooted in the fact that the NFL has made the NFL TICKET a DIRECTV exclusive, freezig cable out on the possibility of carrying the TICKET.  Honestly, I have to side with Time Warner on this.  The NFL wants TW to carry their NFL promotional channel, but doesn't want them to cash in on the benefits of being able to carry the TICKET.  The NFL has added these Thursday night games on, merely as a means of upping the ante (along with an exhautive promo campaign against the cable companies).  In some ways, this is not really all about TIME WARNER vs the NFL, but cable vs satallite.



They gave the NFL Sunday Ticket to the highest bidder This means that DTV wins.


Sorry, but TW doesn't have access to the NFL Sunday Ticket because they weren't willing to pony up the cash.


TW has no right in my book to demand something that they didnt pony up the cash for originally to carry the NFL Network.


They lost and now are trying to find a way to make up for it.

I may be wrong on this, but I belive that Time Warner, and other cable outlets were allowed to bid initially on the TICKET, when it was a new service,  but never again.  If I am not mistaken (you likely know more about this), the cotract has never been open for bidding, it was always renewed to DIRECTV, before the contract expired.  The TICKET put DIRECTV on the map, cable companies didn't need it, at the time.  It would be a stupid business decision to pay that amount of money for something without a track record, if you didn't have to take that risk. 


I remember there being a buzz last time the TICKET was supposed to come open, but DIRECTV stepped in and paid some obscenely large amount to have exclusive rights to it, before anyone else could negotiate.



All of the news stories I remember reading says that Fez is right

I may be wrong on this, but I belive that Time Warner, and other cable outlets were allowed to bid initially on the TICKET, when it was a new service,  but never again.  If I am not mistaken (you likely know more about this), the cotract has never been open for bidding, it was always renewed to DIRECTV, before the contract expired.  The TICKET put DIRECTV on the map, cable companies didn't need it, at the time.  It would be a stupid business decision to pay that amount of money for something without a track record, if you didn't have to take that risk. 


I remember there being a buzz last time the TICKET was supposed to come open, but DIRECTV stepped in and paid some obscenely large amount to have exclusive rights to it, before anyone else could negotiate.


As I said, cable was allowed to bid in 2004, but they didn't want to pony up the money that DirecTV was:




So no crying about cable not having Sunday Ticket. It's just another case of them being cheap in everything but their monthly bill.


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