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How can I give thanks tomorrow?


Every year I make a big traditional Thanksgiving dinner. After an hour in the kitchen it is always nice to share food with loved ones. For me that was Sammy, but now he is gone. I still hear his evil twin heckling me throughout the mansion from time to time and still hope Sammy is alive but it will be a sad day tomorrow.


I remember, just last year, hand feeding him some of the special dish I make every Thanksgiving. He didn't eat it but the look on his face showed deep appreciation. I had to go give him Silica gel and then his evil twin came and stole everything. Then I built up so much false hope around Lee and her sexiness fooled me into thinking she was so much more than just a very hot woman. I have ruined Thanksgiving.


Does anyone think if I pray that a miracle will happen and Sammy will come back?


The holidays are great for most but please remember those who are missing their hamster.

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How can I give thanks tomorrow?


Every year I make a big traditional Thanksgiving dinner.  After an hour in the kitchen it is always nice to share food with loved ones.  For me that was Sammy, but now he is gone.  I still hear his evil twin heckling me throughout the mansion from time to time and still hope Sammy is alive but it will be a sad day tomorrow.


I remember, just last year, hand feeding him some of the special dish I make every Thanksgiving.  He didn't eat it but the look on his face showed deep appreciation.  I had to go give him Silica gel and then his evil twin came and stole everything.  Then I built up so much false hope around Lee and her sexiness fooled me into thinking she was so much more than just a very hot woman.  I have ruined Thanksgiving. 


Does anyone think if I pray that a miracle will happen and Sammy will come back? 


The holidays are great for most but please remember those who are missing their hamster.


If you pray then you can change Capri Sun into wine.

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How can I give thanks tomorrow?


Every year I make a big traditional Thanksgiving dinner.  After an hour in the kitchen it is always nice to share food with loved ones.  For me that was Sammy, but now he is gone.  I still hear his evil twin heckling me throughout the mansion from time to time and still hope Sammy is alive but it will be a sad day tomorrow.


I remember, just last year, hand feeding him some of the special dish I make every Thanksgiving.  He didn't eat it but the look on his face showed deep appreciation.  I had to go give him Silica gel and then his evil twin came and stole everything.  Then I built up so much false hope around Lee and her sexiness fooled me into thinking she was so much more than just a very hot woman.  I have ruined Thanksgiving. 


Does anyone think if I pray that a miracle will happen and Sammy will come back? 


The holidays are great for most but please remember those who are missing their hamster.


I know where your hamster is!!!! <_<

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