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Willis waiting his turn


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I think he's a piss poor blocker...too stupid to pick up a blitz and falls down at the drop of a hat.



Travis is terrible at picking up the blitz, but in the second quarter on Sunday when both Travis and Willis were in the backfield, I watched Travis pick up one blitzing linebacker and Willis do his impression of a matador. Nonetheless, Willis needs to play to learn to pick up the blitz, Travis is in his 4th year.

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"I thought I was getting used to it," Henry said. "On that play, I went to make a cut and I just slipped."


correct me if i'm wrong but i don't remember him cutting on this play. i thought i saw a huge gap between the right tackle and the right gaurd. i could be wrong though. wasn't it just a straight foward run? anyways, travis has to eventually bite the bullet and start taking himself out of the game when he's tired. and HAS to quit looking over his shoulder for willis. it's a team sport.. learn how to block and pick up a blitz or step aside for willis.

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