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Yeah, now that you say that your right black hecklers should be called !@#$ and white hecklers should be called cracker :D


It was nice to see the heckler not drop to that level. :P


When people are truly pissed they say the most hurtful things possible. Would Michael Richards have said anything to this guy if the guy wasn't being a dick? Nope.

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The guy has a real name.  :P



Thank you. It's Cosmo, right?


Anyone see Letterman last night? Apparently Richards apologized, probably the first of many:




Richards: "...You know, I'm really busted up over this and I'm very, very sorry to those people in the audience, the blacks, the Hispanics, whites — everyone that was there that took the brunt of that anger and hate and rage and how it came through, and I'm concerned about more hate and more rage and more anger coming through, not just towards me but towards a black/white conflict. There's a great deal of disturbance in this country and how black feel about what happened in Katrina, and, you know, many of the comics, many of performers are in Las Vegas and New Orleans trying to raise money for what happened there, and for this to happen, for me to be in a comedy club and flip out and say this crap, you know, I'm deeply, deeply sorry. And I'll get to the force field of this hostility, why it's there, why the rage is in any of us, why the trash takes place, whether or not it's between me and a couple of hecklers in the audience or between this country and another nation, the rage—"


The sick thing is that this is an example of "there is no such thing as bad publicity." He'll go into rehab or blame mental illness, appear on late night tv with an apology (whoops, he already did) and he'll claim another 15 minutes of fame. Look, how many times have we mentioned him since the end of Seinfeld? None..and here he is on a pretty long post...getting famous again. Disturbing isn't it? :P


I think his comments were "racial" but not "racist".


When you go to a comedy show you should expect talk you don't expect to hear in normal conversation. Pryor regularly used racial terms, Don Rickles called people "morons", Whoopie and Ted Danson dressed in blackface and did a racial sketch.


IMO, an idiot heckler wouldn't shut the fu#k up and Richards tried to shut him down and tried to be funny at the same time. He didn't succeed and went over the top in his attempt.


He wasn't funny, but I don't think he was racist.

I think his comments were "racial" but not "racist".


Don Rickles called people "morons",


and cheap Jew bastards, and WOPs, and Pollacks etc. etc. etc.


The main difference is that it was part of his act, and people were expecting it. Even he tiptoed around black/white issues. Richards simply went off. His time in the spotlight was over, this will gain him a few more moments.

I think his comments were "racial" but not "racist".


When you go to a comedy show you should expect talk you don't expect to hear in normal conversation.  Pryor regularly used racial terms, Don Rickles called people "morons", Whoopie and Ted Danson dressed in blackface and did a racial sketch.


IMO, an idiot heckler wouldn't shut the fu#k up and Richards tried to shut him down and tried to be funny at the same time.  He didn't succeed and went over the top in his attempt.


He wasn't funny, but I don't think he was racist.



I don't know if he's racist or not, but at least he's not an anti-dentite.


I hate comedy clubs. There's always one comic each night that I call the "insult comic". They have no funny material, their only thing is to make fun of people in the audience. I don't see them as comics, to me they're high school bullies, grown up.


As for Richards, how do we know this is the first time he ever went off on someone talking during his show? This may just be the first black man he went off on, while previously it was all crackers.


(Note: I call myself a cracker, my brothers crackers, all in fun, but will not use the N word when talking/refering to anyone)


fat people are made fun of all the time and it seems that no gives a sh-- about how hurt full it can be . people that do not have that good looks are in the same boat . trailer parks ?


we could get in to all this rap crap . no one seem to care about what is said in rap songs .

fat people are made fun of all the time and it seems that no gives a sh--  about how hurt full it can be . people that do not have that good looks are in the same boat .  trailer parks ?


we could get in to all this rap crap . no one seem to care about what is said in rap songs .


shut yer yap you ugly trailer trash tub of goo

When people are truly pissed they say the most hurtful things possible.


Bingo. I don't he's necessarily a racist because of what happened.


Everyone is aware of racial slurs but almost everyone knows better than to ever use them. But when you're really pissed at someone and (like in this case) you don't know anything about them except what they look like, a racial slur is about the nastiest thing you can say to them.


Watching the video and his apology on Letterman last night, MR looks like he's just burned out. He definitely has some problems. Fame is not good for you.


why do people get bent out of shape about racial slurs..who the F cares..I hear them all of the time...being Native American and not looking like it..I hear nonsense all of the time...

why do people get bent out of shape about racial slurs..who the F cares..I hear them all of the time...being Native American and not looking like it..I hear nonsense all of the time...


Surely you can appreciate the unique power of the N word. There is a lot of history and hatred contained in that word. I don't think there is another word that comes close in terms of explosiveness.


I think that's why Richards used it. Obviously, he was pissed off and he made the terrible mistake of letting all of his rage out at once in the most shocking way he knew how. I think what he did was just plain stupid. Stupid and wrong. He knows it too. I think he surprised himself by how much rage he had. I don't think he's a racist, but he did use racism to vent his anger. That's a dangerous thing. It's not comparable to Don Rickles and it's not comparable to Lenny Bruce. It's much worse.


Having said that, I think people should accept his apology.

Surely you can appreciate the unique power of the N word.



Not even thirty years ago, "!@#$" (what, are we eight-year olds? Type it out...) could be heard on prime-time television.


The "unique power of the N word" is a very recent and manufactured development, and hardly "unique".


There is a huge difference between anger and rage. Anger we are in control , rage we are not. Much like Roberto Alomar years ago when he spit on the Umpire as time went on he made his apologies, in time gained a friendship with umpire. But Alomar's great career will always be stained by his repugnant act of rage. Sadly in light of his great career rightly so. A person does reap what the sow.

Similarly there is no rationalizing that the comments this man made were or are acceptable in any form, such comments are not a person voicing anger but clearly out of control rage.

A Comedian in a comedy club who cannot take hecklers most certainly find other work to do , as hecklers are part of the territory , just the same as fans booing during athletic events.

Its human for such things to make a person angry, but nobody anywhere has right to lose control and spew that sort of crap. Clearly at any event there are event personal to take care of people who are out of line , the participants need just avail themselves of these people.

Hopefully in time this man will do his best with the stage and forum he has to try to build bridges between peoples rather than burn them, and help build trust and compassion for each other. Americans are a forgiving people to some extent is a man does his best in a sincere fashion to make amends, but still he will bare this scar and rightly so.

Not even thirty years ago, "!@#$" (what, are we eight-year olds?  Type it out...) could be heard on prime-time television.


The "unique power of the N word" is a very recent and manufactured development, and hardly "unique".


I say that it is unique. And to use it in the way that Michael Richards did is wrong. He is a real person confronting another real person. It's not a piece of fiction.

It was nice to see the heckler not drop to that level.  :rolleyes:


When people are truly pissed they say the most hurtful things possible.  Would Michael Richards have said anything to this guy if the guy wasn't being a dick?  Nope.



He got called a !@#$ 15 times before that. He was told he would have been lynched if it was 50 years ago. Come on. There's only so much you can take. Kramer should have got his @ss kicked.

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