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"If that had been Peyton Manning, you'd expect it," he said disgusted. "But it was J.P. Losman. That's embarrassing. I hope he doesn't feel too good, because we just shot ourselves in the foot." -texans cb dunta robinson


Classy response... :doh:


I think that pain in your foot is from the burn when Evans scorched you on those TDs. I also enjoyed how he gave Lee a good 10 yd. cushion after that. I was impressed that he was able to keep from pissing himself on passing plays.


Peyton Manning or not, that doesn't change the fact that the WR you were supposed to be covering flat our ran by you with hardly any move en route to 166 yds on two catches....and then added 9 more for 100 after that.

sorry if anyone already posted but I found it to be pretty funny


"If that had been Peyton Manning, you'd expect it," he said disgusted. "But it was J.P. Losman. That's embarrassing. I hope he doesn't feel too good, because we just shot ourselves in the foot." -texans cb dunta robinson





He sounds like a class guy.


That's pretty classy, considering he got absolutely torched today by that "embarassing" quarterback. His interception was also gift-wrapped.

What's embarrassing is having the name "Dunta".  What the hell does that mean?



Picked it up in grade school when the only thing he answered to teachers questions was 'I dunta know'.

What's embarrassing is having the name "Dunta".  What the hell does that mean?


Sadly, I think it is supposed to be pronounced like "Dante." I think his mom knows Antowain Smith's mom.

Sadly, I think it is supposed to be pronounced like "Dante."  I think his mom know's Antowain Smith's mom.




And or Eric Moulds' 27 wives.

Sadly, I think it is supposed to be pronounced like "Dante."  I think his mom knows Antowain Smith's mom.


Maybe she knows Duante Culpeppers Mom also. Wouldn't that be pronounced Doo-ante?

Is he wrong?



The Bills got the ball with one time out and 1:40 left--the first 20 yards were all secondary receiver plays and improvisation...the play to the fifteen yard line was a bullet; the touchdown pass was also a bullet to his second option and the ball was where noone else could catch it....if it would have been a tipped ball or a hail mary maybe Dunta has a point--but this was a solid drive.


The QB took what the D gave him and drove the ball down the field in the clutch. It has to help with confidence...but noone knows if it will happen again. I sure hope it does.

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