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(OT) Is it possible that BF's Yankee bashing

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Well I guess I didn't "plan" it persay, but once I saw how much it got on the nerves of the Yankees fans when I would talk about St. Louis having the best record it kind of grew from there.


Tom are you going to get me a job at the Wendy's you are head clerk at???  Can I put you down as a ref?


You've officially sunk to the bottom, because this is a classic stevestojan reponse when he can't take it anymore. Suggest someone works in a lousy job. What's next? Making fun of people's wives?


Exactly what is it you do for a living that lets you stand in judgement of anyone who works at Wendy's? C'mon. Fess up. What do you do for a living that let's you make fun of people at Wendy's? How much do YOU earn?

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Alright to summarize.


Now for as dense as I get blasted for being, think about this for a minute.


Did any of you ever consider that behind all of this absolutely ABSURD trash talking that I have been doing that maybe I was doing it for a reason.  Last October I sat here every day and watched this board get flooded with Yankees posts (and Red Sox posts) every day all day.  This year I have taken a team I root for and that none of you care about and turned it into an evil empire which many of you now despise.  I have gotten Yankees and Sox fans to consider rooting for EACH OTHER against the ST. LOUIS CARDINALS.  How absurd is that???


Do I think the Cardinals are going to win it all??? You are damn right I do.  Has it been satisfying for me to annoy Yankees fans beyond belief rooting for a team that they probably didn't even know half hte players on before I posted about them???  Yes it has.


Now you know what it's like for the rest of the fans in MLB to listen to you guys for a week or two.


No more Cardinals posts for me.  Mission accomplished.




So are you saying this is all an act??? :D



I think you have a small case of jealousy, not so much in how good the Cardinals are and their successes (they are a great baseball town and a fantastic team this year, noone disputes that) but you are a Cardinals fan on a Yankee/Red/Sox/sometimes Mets and others teams message board and are striving for attention about your team that won 100+ games this year

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I didn't start it, I just made a rebuttle to DC Tom's joke about people who work at Fast food chains.


So Paco please either know the situation or shut the !@#$ up.



Nahnee Nahnee boo boo, your all filled with big doo doo...


Go !@#$ a sheep and go away.

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