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Congress to have hearings on Sunday Ticket


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Actually, he doesn't have to. Condo association CAN'T disallow it.




They can limit where the dish it put to an extent, but they can't ban them. If you have a patio, driveway, etc, etc, you can put one up regardless of whether they want it or not. If you own the house, you can even put it on the roof. What usually ends up happening is you put up an ugly dish on your patio (with a big long pole that looks ugly as sin) and all of a sudden they don't mind you putting it up on your roof anymore. :P ).


This all came around because the cable companies, in an effort to stop people from getting dishes, were paying associations and landlords to include "no dish" clauses in the leases and regulations. This was found to be anticompetitive, and therefore the FCC stepped in and made these rules.


So yes, you can get DirecTV if you choose. Next. :lol:



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This all came around because the cable companies, in an effort to stop people from getting dishes, were paying associations and landlords to include "no dish" clauses in the leases and regulations.  This was found to be anticompetitive, and therefore the FCC stepped in and made these rules.


So yes, you can get DirecTV if you choose.  Next. :lol:





Some others who live in condos think that they detract from the appearance of the complex. I'm not sure there is always a conspiracy by the cable companies...

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Some others who live in condos think that they detract from the appearance of the complex.  I'm not sure there is always a conspiracy by the cable companies...


I'm just saying that's how the original ruling came into effect. Not saying that everyone had it in there for that reason.

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Some others who live in condos think that they detract from the appearance of the complex.  I'm not sure there is always a conspiracy by the cable companies...



Drive by a condo with a dish on each balcony and to me that looks like the hood. I would not move into a place like that and a lot of people wouldn't. That's why associations don't allow them.

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Actually, he doesn't have to.  Condo association CAN'T disallow it.




They can limit where the dish it put to an extent, but they can't ban them.  If you have a patio, driveway, etc, etc, you can put one up regardless of whether they want it or not.  If you own the house, you can even put it on the roof.  What usually ends up happening is you put up an ugly dish on your patio (with a big long pole that looks ugly as sin) and all of a sudden they don't mind you putting it up on your roof anymore. :P ).


This all came around because the cable companies, in an effort to stop people from getting dishes, were paying associations and landlords to include "no dish" clauses in the leases and regulations.  This was found to be anticompetitive, and therefore the FCC stepped in and made these rules.


So yes, you can get DirecTV if you choose.  Next. :lol:








Here is the rub:


"The rule does not apply to common areas that are owned by a landlord, a community association, or jointly by condominium or cooperative owners where the antenna user does not have an exclusive use area. Such common areas may include the roof or exterior wall of a multiple dwelling unit. Therefore, restrictions on antennas installed in or on such common areas are enforceable."


In affect, all the law you are referring to says, an apartment dweller can have a satalite dish, as long as its' placement meets the landlords guidlines. Which, for most, just means, "sure, you can have a dish, as long as it isn't visable to the outside world"...which means it isn't going to work. A buddy of mine, a few years back, moved into a complex (after a divorce) specifically, because they told him he could have DTV. Once he moved in, however, DTV was not allowed to install it anywhere that the satallited could pull in reception.

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This is yet another case of congressmen jumping in front of some cheesy parade that pleases the masses.



Yea, next up we have...


1. Make sure Kiss puts out an album a year.

2. Free "We're #1" foam hands to all NASCAR race attendees.

3. Price ceilings on designer jeans.

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