The Tomcat Posted November 15, 2006 Posted November 15, 2006 Is there a way to look at what was typed in AOL instant messenger? My 12 (almost 13) yr old son has been having conversations with some "shady" characters (friends....just not good kids), and I'd like to know what is being typed. Spying...maybe invasion of privacy....maybe looking out for the best interest of your kid...definitely. Can I retrieve that info?
VABills Posted November 15, 2006 Posted November 15, 2006 I believe if you have it setup you can have every conversation emailed to you from AOL. My sister does that with her kids. Tell Foley to stop chatting with your kids.
taterhill Posted November 15, 2006 Posted November 15, 2006
smokinandjokin Posted November 15, 2006 Posted November 15, 2006 My older sister was around 13 and had some of the gals over for a slumber party. My parents' place had a furnished basement, and that's where they were all planning on sleeping. The basement had a pool table, and running along the wall there's a 'bench' were you can watch the billiards game, with storage space underneath with sliding cedar doors. Before the girls went down to the basement, my dad helped stash me (I was 8 years old) in these sliding storage cabinents so that I could hear their gossip and then report back. What a dirtbag. I didn't catch anything good, I remember some talk about french kissing and stuff, and then I passed out. I woke up uncomfortable as hell in the morning and slid the door open. One of the girls yelped and my sister woke up and just about kicked my ass, but then she realized my father was behind it and didn't talk to him for a LONG time. Classic. I wouldn't go snooping on your kid, but that's only my opinion.
SACKMARINO Posted November 15, 2006 Posted November 15, 2006 smokinandjokin said: I wouldn't go snooping on your kid, but that's only my opinion. 837652[/snapback] the only thing id fear is finding out something you really do not want to know. theyre are some things parents shouldn't know.
taterhill Posted November 15, 2006 Posted November 15, 2006 SACKMARINO said: the only thing id fear is finding out something you really do not want to know. theyre are some things parents shouldn't know. 837655[/snapback] yes I agree
kegtapr Posted November 15, 2006 Posted November 15, 2006 Bash you? Hell no. I've never understood this concept that kids have rights. No, they don't. There is a lot to be said for respecting their privacy and giving them space, but if you feel something is wrong with a kid that age it's your job to do whatever you can to find out about it.
Tux of Borg Posted November 15, 2006 Posted November 15, 2006 Edit your hosts file. My stepsister couldn't use AIM for weeks.
VABills Posted November 15, 2006 Posted November 15, 2006 detoxsmurf said: Edit your hosts file. My stepsister couldn't use AIM for weeks. 837667[/snapback] Of course if you have a router you can always just set it to block aim.
dib Posted November 15, 2006 Posted November 15, 2006 SACKMARINO said: the only thing id fear is finding out something you really do not want to know. theyre are some things parents shouldn't know. 837655[/snapback] I am a parent, and I want to know everything that could effect the health, safety and well- being of my children.
RayFinkle Posted November 15, 2006 Posted November 15, 2006 dib said: I am a parent, and I want to know everything that could effect the health, safety and well- being of my children. 837673[/snapback] you do realize that the girl in your AV is somebody's daughter
The Tomcat Posted November 15, 2006 Author Posted November 15, 2006 I'm not going to look at everything that he does, I just want the ability to check in on him if I feel its necessary. I'm a pretty open minded guy and know what kids his age talk about and am fine with it. There were 2 kids in particular that I have issues with.
The Tomcat Posted November 15, 2006 Author Posted November 15, 2006 RayFinkle said: you do realize that the girl in your AV is somebody's daughter 837680[/snapback] Link? I don't believe anything without a link! And thats why I'm glad I have 2 boys....
The Tomcat Posted November 15, 2006 Author Posted November 15, 2006 SACKMARINO said: the only thing id fear is finding out something you really do not want to know. theyre are some things parents shouldn't know. 837655[/snapback] I don't disagree with you either............
mead107 Posted November 15, 2006 Posted November 15, 2006 take the time to look . if the parents of the kids at calumbine high school took more time to see what kids had been doing on line ,others would still be alive
Bungee Jumper Posted November 15, 2006 Posted November 15, 2006 THE TOMCAT said: Is there a way to look at what was typed in AOL instant messenger? My 12 (almost 13) yr old son has been having conversations with some "shady" characters (friends....just not good kids), and I'd like to know what is being typed. Spying...maybe invasion of privacy....maybe looking out for the best interest of your kid...definitely. Can I retrieve that info? 837644[/snapback] Have you talked to your son about these conversations yet?
apuszczalowski Posted November 15, 2006 Posted November 15, 2006 I know that MSN Messenger will actually save all of your conversations if you turn the option on. It saves them all to a teperary folder that you can access after. I don't know anything about AOL (I'm in Canada, No one uses AOL here)
inkman Posted November 15, 2006 Posted November 15, 2006 SACKMARINO said: the only thing id fear is finding out something you really do not want to know. theyre are some things parents shouldn't know. 837655[/snapback] This is a running theme in our family. My brother and sister-in-law have been spying on their 16 year old daughter for years. They were getting pretty high tech and spending a boat load of time trying to monitor her life. They just recently found out she was having sex, shocking for a 16 year I know, and went off the deep end. They pretty much want to have the lock and key to her body and as we all know this is not the way to go about it. Forcing teens to do anything will almost always get you the opposite reaction and I can only imagine how ugly it will get now that their whole spying ordeal is out in the open. I would be shocked if she is still living with them in 18 months. As a parent, I would hope to instill good enough values that would keep my kids out of harms way. Having sex at 16 is not exactly strange behavior.
The Tomcat Posted November 15, 2006 Author Posted November 15, 2006 Bungee Jumper said: Have you talked to your son about these conversations yet? 837694[/snapback] absolutely...I don't him to get sucked in by these kids.....
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