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Bush Visits Vietnam

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One could spin a few topics off of this I guess.


Does this prove the war there was wrong? I think you can make that case. It was obviously more a nationalist struggle than a communist revolution, though it was that too. Didn't have to be, but ended up that way.


You can point out that Bush is 30 years too late.


You can also say that the free trade agreements may be hurting some here in US but are really the best anti-poverty program the world has ever seen. Again, debatable


Have a good day

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One could spin a few topics off of this I guess.


Does this prove the war there was wrong? I think you can make that case. It was obviously more a nationalist struggle than a communist revolution, though it was that too. Didn't have to be, but ended up that way.


You can point out that Bush is 30 years too late.


You can also say that the free trade agreements may be hurting some here in US but are really the best anti-poverty program the world has ever seen. Again, debatable


Have a good day



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