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Never, ever play to lose! EVER! Now, it is apparent that the Buffalo Bills will finish 5-11 or 6-10 on merit, so draft somewhere around 8-12 and trade down with a team that "has to have" the next Superstar and take excellent player(s) that make a team whole! That's the plan, and I'm sticking with it.


Note/ disclaimer: IF the Bills run off 5 or 6 wins, I'd love that too!!!

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At what point, if ever, do you start to sand bag and hope for a high draft number for the upcoming draft?


At what point do you start hoping that Miami wins the rest of their games so that not only we get a better pick but they get a worst one?




At what point do you start hoping that some of our better players get injured(but only a little) because they are trying too hard to win?


How could you watch a game if you were hoping we lose?

If we lose a game, I don't mind the thought of "Oh, well at least we get a better pick" attitude but.....how can anyone go into a game hoping we lose?

It baffles me.

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