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Down goes another GOP talking point

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Your post has utterly humiliated me, and I stand in awe of your greater wisdom and insight. Pollution isn't a problem in this country at all. Neither is overcrowding. The idea that people often get stuck in traffic jams out in California, or wait in long lines for emergency care, or suffer from overcrowded schools--I must have imagined all that.



What's the average wait for emergency care in the US?


Define "overcrowding" in schools, and tell me what percentage of classrooms experience "overcrowding".


The traffic flow issue...we'll just ignore that, before you embarrass yourself trying to oversimplify a complex issue again.

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What's the average wait for emergency care in the US?


Define "overcrowding" in schools, and tell me what percentage of classrooms experience "overcrowding".


The traffic flow issue...we'll just ignore that, before you embarrass yourself trying to oversimplify a complex issue again.


The traffic flow issue is easy for you to ignore, considering the percentage of driver time spent in traffic jams has more than doubled since the early 1980s. The national averages you're asking for are less relevant than asking for numbers for areas that have been severely impacted by massive Third World immigration.

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Yeah, I really humbled myself with that amazing "a die has a true value of 3.5" statement...


...oh, wait, that wasn't me...  ;)


I also wrote that giving a person a single, error prone I.Q. test to determine that person's true I.Q. is like rolling a die one time to determine its true average value. Obviously the second technique involves a little more measurement error than the first.

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The traffic flow issue is easy for you to ignore, considering the percentage of driver time spent in traffic jams has more than doubled since the early 1980s. The national averages you're asking for are less relevant than asking for numbers for areas that have been severely impacted by massive Third World immigration.



You !@#$ing moron. YOU'RE the one that said the nation was "polluted, overcrowded, and poor". NOW you're saying "the national averages aren't important".



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You !@#$ing moron.  YOU'RE the one that said the nation was "polluted, overcrowded, and poor".  NOW you're saying "the national averages aren't important".




I wrote that the nation was as polluted, overcrowded, and poor as it ever needed to be. I don't need to measure the exact magnitude of any of these three problems to know I don't want them to get worse.

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I wrote that the nation was as polluted, overcrowded, and poor as it ever needed to be. I don't need to measure the exact magnitude of any of these three problems to know I don't want them to get worse.



So let me get this straight:


You're using national averages, which are influenced highly by individual areas with these problems, to say that in the whole country there is no room for growth?

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I wrote that the nation was as polluted, overcrowded, and poor as it ever needed to be. I don't need to measure the exact magnitude of any of these three problems to know I don't want them to get worse.



You don't even know the magnitude of the problems. Hell, you can't even decide if they're national issues or not.

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Just because it doesn't say "as bad as", or "not as costly as" doesn't mean it's not bad.


Having a multi-billion dollar problem is a problem. Just because it's not as bad as Iraq, or as "bad as previously believed" doesn't mean it's not bad.


You don't judge virtue by vice. You still won't answer the question whether or not the GOP talking point (which was your point) is valid. Talk past me all you want, you have a huge problem. If you want to pretend that even $1.1 billion is not a problem you foot the bill. The overall problem is enormous. When you consider what you've done, which is talk a small portion of a total bill of a demographic and use that as your sticking point against the GOP, you are intellectually dishonest.


Look at YOUR title, look at how you phrased it and own up you tried to minimize the damage of illegal aliens. Before you pretend you didn't, remember the Tooth Fairy is real and is a tool of the GOP to alienate voters.


The title of the thread is "Down goes another GOP talking point: Illegal aliens and Healthcare." In the first post in the thread I link to a talking point suggesting illegal aliens are a drain on the healthcare system, and then link to a report stating that, in fact, they are not a drain on the healthcare system. It's not only not as bad as Iraq, or whatever the hell you're talking about...it's also not as bad as what it costs for healthcare for the same segment of the population that is native-born. So, no, THE TALKING POINT IS NOT FREAKING VALID.


Where the hell is the disconnect, here? Are you not reading any of the posts in the thread? Are you not reading any of the reports that I, and YOU, have linked to? You've not only dismissed the Rand Corp study. You're also cherry-picking from the study you linked to, and have completely ignored GG's analysis of the economic impact.


The problem is that you, and others like you, do not like to be confronted with actual facts. The report (actually both reports in this thread) state that undocumented workers are not the huge drain on the healthcare sytem or social services that you continue to claim that they are. But that doesn't fit into your "analysis" that 45 million families are footing the bill for the raping and pillaging illegal hordes coming over the border and destroying the US of A. Which one of us is being dishonest, here? Hint: It's not me.

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So let me get this straight:


You're using national averages, which are influenced highly by individual areas with these problems, to say that in the whole country there is no room for growth?



Not just that. He's also saying that total productivity is calculated by P = LKT. If you hold capital K and technology T constant, then personal productivity decreases...except that personal productivity is calculated by dividing your total productivity by your labor pool - P/L. From which we then find that personal productivity is determined simply by KT - which is defined as a constant, not declining, according to the equation he says shows it declines.


Genius can't even do simple algebra. ;)

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Not just that.  He's also saying that total productivity is calculated by P = LKT.  If you hold capital K and technology T constant, then personal productivity decreases...except that personal productivity is calculated by dividing your total productivity by your labor pool - P/L.  From which we then find that personal productivity is determined simply by KT - which is defined as a constant, not declining, according to the equation he says shows it declines.


Genius can't even do simple algebra.    ;)



lolz... I hadn't bothered looking at the math stuff yet.

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We pay the rampaging illegal hordes to do it for us.



Just so you hold K and T constant, because then as their personal productivity declines as a result, they'll become more error-prone, and your peer review will eventually determine the correct result as it regresses toward the mean...



It's a very, very strange world, the Holcombiverse. Very odd natural laws...

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I am hoping the undergrads don't catch on or they will be driving the

pickup down to the corner to let term paper writers jump in the back.



It's a real problem. I had to go to Home Depot over lunch; had to fight my way in through the crowds of illegals hanging around out front frantically reviewing Pelosi's speech today...

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